Flash MP3 Player Support Product Page
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Mp3 player restarts after 3 seconds[SOLVED]
Reported 17 Aug 2011 22:20:50
has this problem
17 Aug 2011 22:20:50 Tim miller posted:
Hello,I've got the mp3 player built in to pages throughout my site. Recently we had a bug reported to us. The player begins the mp3, then at about the 3 second mark will start all over again. Below is a url that illustrates the issue. Seems like this is a new issue as things worked file until last week or so. Thanks.
Tim McMahon
American Mathematical Society
Web User Interface Analyst & Designer
Replied 29 Aug 2011 10:54:35
29 Aug 2011 10:54:35 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Tim,
I've checked your page on IE8, FF 5, Safari and Opera latest version and I didn't experienced the issue you are describing.
Please, provide info on the browser used.
I've checked your page on IE8, FF 5, Safari and Opera latest version and I didn't experienced the issue you are describing.
Please, provide info on the browser used.
Replied 30 Aug 2011 15:22:30
30 Aug 2011 15:22:30 Tim miller replied:
It looks to me like this is a Firefox and MP3 player issue. Testing in other browsers is ok. In FF the skip happens in the 3.* browsers, 5.0.1 (maybe other 5.* too, and 6.
On the page I sent, if you click on the *.mp3 link, the skip does not happen. Just when the mp3 plays through the flash player.
On the page I sent, if you click on the *.mp3 link, the skip does not happen. Just when the mp3 plays through the flash player.
Replied 26 Sep 2011 21:50:53
26 Sep 2011 21:50:53 Tim miller replied:
We did finally figure out that the player was being impacted by our use of Google translate. The player loaded sooner than Translate and this is what causes the stutter start in Firefox.
We inserted the following delay into the Player Area and now things work fine.
', 2000);
We inserted the following delay into the Player Area and now things work fine.

Replied 27 Sep 2011 09:48:38
27 Sep 2011 09:48:38 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Tim,
Thank you for this follow up.
Thank you for this follow up.