Smart Image Processor ASP 2 Support Product Page
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SIP error saving file to tmp
Reported 22 Feb 2013 00:26:37
has this problem
22 Feb 2013 00:26:37 Nicolas Jene posted:
I have moved my websites to a Windows 2012 Server (IIS8). Now, SIP is not working properly anymore. Everytime, a picture is beeing scaled down, the following error occurs: (21) An error has occurred while saving the file 'rad24F58.tmp' in folder.Any ideas about that problem? I tried already to set the security on the folders, but nothing works.BTW: I am using AspJPEG for scaling down images. Replies
Replied 22 Feb 2013 12:11:25
22 Feb 2013 12:11:25 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please check if your folder is located inside the parent folder and that it has IUSER write permission.
Please check if your folder is located inside the parent folder and that it has IUSER write permission.
Replied 22 Feb 2013 14:49:24
22 Feb 2013 14:49:24 Nicolas Jene replied:
I have checked this already. I have transferred my pages from a Windows 2008R2 server to a Windows 2012 server. The error occurs on all pages and I am using the same crendentials for all folders.
The structure of the website is something like this:
- cms
- cmsfiles
- pictureupload
- img
- css
- content
In pictureupload I do have page, that is doing the upload and resizing. If am disabling the resizing, it works. But If I am enabling SIP, I get permanently this "tmp" error.
Do you have ever tested your software with Windows Server 2012?
Greets, -Nicolas
The structure of the website is something like this:
- cms
- cmsfiles
- pictureupload
- img
- css
- content
In pictureupload I do have page, that is doing the upload and resizing. If am disabling the resizing, it works. But If I am enabling SIP, I get permanently this "tmp" error.
Do you have ever tested your software with Windows Server 2012?
Greets, -Nicolas
Replied 25 Feb 2013 09:41:06
25 Feb 2013 09:41:06 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Niolas,
Please make sure you have IUSER write permission on the parent folder also: root
Please make sure you have IUSER write permission on the parent folder also: root
Replied 25 Feb 2013 10:04:19
25 Feb 2013 10:04:19 Nicolas Jene replied:
Now, inetpub, wwwroot , localuser and the folder of the website do have IUSR write permission. The same problem occurs ... Seems to be a more specific problem.
Replied 02 May 2013 06:44:42
02 May 2013 06:44:42 Nicolas Jene replied:
Any news concerning this problem? It still does not work. I noticed, that Wordpress has some specialities as well under Windows Server 2012. I think, you really should test this on a plain Windows 2012 server. You cannot compare a Windows 2008R2 server with 2012 ...
Replied 03 May 2013 15:41:38
03 May 2013 15:41:38 Patrick Woldberg replied:
Smart Image Processor doesn't create temp files, not sure if AspJPEG does. I believe the rad24F58.tmp is from Pure ASP Upload 3 and is probably related to some permission that is missing on the folder where the file is being uploaded. For windows 2012 you have to give IIS_USERS write permissions on the folder, seems that Microsoft changes the user/group with every IIS they release

Replied 05 May 2013 21:22:47
05 May 2013 21:22:47 Nicolas Jene replied:
Using only ASP Upload 3 does not create any problems. Only If I am adding the SIP extension. Therefore, I think that the problem must be somewhere in the SIP extensions. Am I the only one who is running this extension on a Windows 2012 server? I nearly tested all possible rights on the folders (including read/write access for the IIS_USERS group) ... nothing works :-(
Replied 06 May 2013 07:26:07
06 May 2013 07:26:07 Patrick Woldberg replied:
Try using the ASP.NET component of the Smart Image Processor, it is included and doesn't need extra components to be installed.
Replied 06 May 2013 07:34:44
06 May 2013 07:34:44 Nicolas Jene replied:
Thanks, I will try again. Problem is, that I never got this component working on any server ;-) But I will give it a try ;-)
Replied 10 May 2013 06:26:43
10 May 2013 06:26:43 Nicolas Jene replied:
Ok, I found the problem. It was AspJPEG who caused the problem. There is a new version (2.7) available that fixes the problem. Thanks Patrick for your idea of testing another image resize component!