Pure ASP Upload 3 Support Product Page
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Http:500 (again!) - Solved
Reported 13 Jul 2010 14:11:12
has this problem
13 Jul 2010 14:11:12 Steven Singer posted:
Hi,I have gone through all previous correspondence and forum posts over the http:500 issue to identify a solution without luck.
I have checked the IIS logs and see that there is an ASP 0207:80004005 error when using the multiflash upload - I have 3.08 Pure Upload 3 installed. The http:500 error message appears within the Upload box but the files do get uploaded.
The issue I have is that I only get the http:500 ASP error when the user is uploading with Internet Explorer 7+. I have tried Firefox and Safari without issues on the same PC.
Why? What could I do to solve this issue?
Has anyone else had this issue and cracked it?
Any advice gratefully received []
Replied 15 Jul 2010 10:32:44
15 Jul 2010 10:32:44 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Steven,
Do you have anywhere a Request.Form on your page ?
Do you have anywhere a Request.Form on your page ?
Replied 15 Jul 2010 12:02:54
15 Jul 2010 12:02:54 Jon Upton replied:
In IE turn off friendly messages this will give you a proper error message rather than the 500 server error.
Edited by - Jon Upton on 15 Jul 2010 12:03:53
Replied 15 Jul 2010 14:22:03
15 Jul 2010 14:22:03 Steven Singer replied:
Hi Miroslav / Jon,
Very embarrased [v]! Despite looking over the code over and over - I still missed the only Request.Form I hadn't changed.
Of course - problem solved!
Thanks for the support.
Kind regards
Very embarrased [v]! Despite looking over the code over and over - I still missed the only Request.Form I hadn't changed.
Of course - problem solved!
Thanks for the support.
Kind regards
Replied 16 Jul 2010 09:50:04
16 Jul 2010 09:50:04 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Steven,
You are welcome.
You are welcome.