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Configuring UltraDev and PHAkT to use an Access Database on PWS

May 22, 2001 by Tim Cowan

I don't get Access as a choice of databases. Where does the problem lie?


RE: Problem
June 6, 2001 by Tim Green
Make sure that you're using the very latest version (v8.2) of the PHAkT PHP Server Model, Access is one of the many options included on there.
RE: Ok, but, what happend with Mac?
June 13, 2001 by Tim Green

As you can see this tutorial was for Windows users only. Mac support in PHAkT is still buggy, and under development. I would suggest that you keep an eye on for further news regarding PHAkT's Mac support.

RE: Tim, I cant access the reply to my post
June 13, 2001 by Tim Green

Your original post was removed accidentally. This isn't the correct forum for such a question, as this tutorial is specifically for Windows. At the moment PHAkT support for the Macintosh is buggy, and PHAkT have been asking for quite a while for help from the Mac community, as yet to little avail. I would suggest that you keep looking at for more information.

If you haven't done so already, post this question in the TalkZones, as someone there might be able to help you. Failing that subscribe to the UD PHP Developer's Mailing List by visiting!=magicbeat_php_list

Advanced Results
October 3, 2001 by German Marin
My name is Germán: 
In the tutorial of UltraDev they show the values for one it paginates of advanced results for ASP (Request("txtLastName") and Request("mnuDept")), for CFM (#txtLastName# and #mnuDept#), for JSP (request.getParameter("txtLastName") and request.getParameter("mnuDept")). What I need to know is if you know this code applied the PHP. 
Thank you
RE: Advanced Results
October 3, 2001 by Tim Green
This question is OFF TOPIC and bears no relationship to the tutorial at all.
Please post your question in the PHP TalkZone.
Connection of MS-SQL
December 5, 2001 by Tang Tommy

How to config UltraDev and PHAkT to use MS-SQL Database on Windows 2000?

Source Code
December 7, 2001 by Adam Toohey

Hi, I have got this all working well, the database connection is fine, the dsn is fine.  I wander if you know why when I view the page in my browser I am given the source code.  I am using access 2000 and IIS 5.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Adam Toohey

RE: Source Code
December 7, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
Have you installed the PHP module for your webserver? You can download it from
RE: Connection of MS-SQL
December 7, 2001 by Tim Green

This question is OFF-TOPIC.

Please post your query to the PHP Talkzone at

RE: RE: Source Code
December 10, 2001 by Adam Toohey
Hi Waldo, I Installed it and that took care of that problem.  I have no problem with the database connection or the dsn but I am getting this error:

Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\phptest\adodb\ on line 67

This is what is on line 67 - $ADODB_COUNTRECS = true;

I am stumped, any ideas you could give me would be very much appreciated.


RE: RE: Source Code
December 11, 2001 by Adam Toohey
Sorry, this is what is on line 67

  $this->_connectionID = odbc_pconnect($argDSN,$argUsername,$argPassword,$this->curmode);
RE: RE: RE: Source Code
December 11, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
Adam, you'd better use our php TalkZone because I don't know anything about php :)
PHAkT installs ADODB now
January 15, 2002 by Jack McNeely
The tutorial above was very useful for helping to get PHAkT working with Access. By way of an update, please note that Section B of the tutorial -- Installing ADODB -- no longer is necessary, as the PHAkT download file will now install the adodb library for you. It installs an /adodb directory deep in your /Program Files/Macromedia/DreamWeaver heirarchy and then copies /adodb to your Web server's heirarchy not when you first tell Ultradev to use the php server model, but only after you first create a data binding for a page. At that point, after it creates the /adodb directory under your Web heircharchy, you need to exit and restart Dreamweaver for the magic to work. Also note that the bug in the order of the variables in the connection statement, described in Section C of the tutorial, has been fixed. I have not been able to get the Update server behavior to work. It keeps writing out a self- referring php statement that simply reloads the update form when I hit the Submit button. Can anyone verify that the Update server behavior in PHAkT actually works?
RE: PHAkT installs ADODB now
January 15, 2002 by Tim Green

A couple of things... first of all, when a connection has been created and the adodb folder appears in your websites root directory, you do not have to shut down and restart UltraDev. You just need to ensure that the adodb folder is uploaded to your server.

The update behaviour does work in PHAkT. I use it daily. If you have a specific issue then I would suggest you post it in the forums.

Thanks for the rest of the post. You are indeed correct. ADODB no longer needs to be installed separately, and the bug mentioned in the article no longer exists.