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Advanced HTML Editor

Overall, I give it a 4/5 rating. When it works on Netscape, I will give it 5/5.
Thanks Grorge! You did it again!

well there are quite a few differences from the PD editor:
- the Adv HTML Editor has image upload possibilities, fully visual available, contains much more functions like Word cleaner, format cleaner, table insert, fully customizable toolbars, many supplied cool skins
- Fully visual integration in Dreamweaver - now fully integrates within the design mode of DW and has its own visual inspector
- Produces very clean XHTML compliant code
- Multiple language support - tooltips can be in many different languages
- Full CSS support - allows the users to select styles from predefined CSS styles
- and much much more ...
It works fine, much better than the RTE Editor. Thought I saw an update somewhere to this extension on the DMX pages, but can't seem to find it?
Helle :-)
Hope the next version will have an option to select images from a folder
This is a short, and premature comment on the ability to cut and past text from a word processor or spread sheet. Short because I have only done it a few times. And premature because even though I have only scratched the surface I am blown away by what it did and this makes it worth its weight in gold (at least for me). If you're evaluating the product don't get hung up on the WYSIWYG web editor it provides. Try a little cut and pasting form Word or Excel or who knows what else.
I had tried the Word cut and paste importing and was very impressed by what it did as far as tables are concerened. Borders, margins, formatting, and such all carried over into AdvHTMLEditor without a hitch. We're talking select all, copy all, past all. No optimizing for web or saving for web or anything different.
So just for grins I tried an Excel file. It worked! So for some more grins I tried an Exel file I get from a user monthly to post on his site. It's an assignment roster for the month for 55 people in about 6 areas for each Sunday. Some different colored rows, a little bit of formatting and whatever. Not too hard in Excel.
I use the Excel convert to web page function and then spend 45 minutes to an hour cleaning up the code that MS adds and then adding his colors and formatting so it looks like what he wanted. I hate doing it.
Long story short. I cut and pasted one into AdvHTMLEditor and within 5 minutes I had something that was usable on his site. Another 5 minutes and I could have spruced it up. Changes were a snap because I just went back to Excel.
Forget empowering the user. I just found a great Word/Excel/Html conversion program. And I haven't even scratched the surface.

There are lots of "online HTML editors" out there - and I think I've probably tried them all. But apart from this one, none that I've found include decent support for uploading and inserting images. That is the first of the two main advantages with this editor.
The second advantage is the ease of use. On a site I'm building at the moment, there are about 20 instances of the HTLM editor. With other editors, there's a lot of hand coding going on in dreamweaver just to insert the editor. I've saved so much time by just click insert -> HTML editor! Easy as that. Then just click Update recordset, and voila, page created! It takes no longer to insert this extension than a standard text box.
I've yet to encounter a problem with it, and quotes from my clients who use the extension to update their own sites have been along the lines of "Wow", "That's Amazing" and "How did you make that" ;)
Great product - Worth every penny
I've just noticed a small bug
If you have other javascript within the same tag as the BaseURL it creeps back one space on each save. Eventually overrighting your existing javascript!
PS . Does anyone know a good redirect for browers that it dosen't support?

I consider myself a Beginner and had no trouble installing and getting the Advanced HTML Editor working inside 5 minutes. I use it to Update rich text to a Memo field in an Access database. So I can create text that's in different colors, underlined or in bold or italics. I can include a hyperlink to another website.
I can then submit all this rich text to my Access database and pull it back out of the database for editing later on if I want to. There are other features available within the editor but the above ones are those that I use.
I think the editor is good value for money. I was happy to pay the asking price and got everything I hoped the editor would be (and more).
I just installed the HTML editor on and my customers love it. Now their artist pages come to LIFE.
Thanks George Petrov!
Paul Scaturro
President -
I've been using the editor for about 6 months now in many different and varied applications. The programming and tweaking time it saves you is unbelievable. I have been able to take people from many different walks of life and in minutes train them to admin their own website. Single click install, seamless integration with DW and SQL, total control over features, it's everything we needed. My hat's off to you George!