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ASP Timeout on Large Files or Slow Connection

Maximum Value
March 31, 2001 by Ryan Galloway

I need a session to remain active for 1hour but found I could not use a value above 1450 or there abouts which would translate to only 25mins max.  If i used larger values, the page returns an error when requested from server (iis 5).

Also, a while back when I asked the MM newsgroup how long the value was, I was told session.timeout = "30" ment 30 minutes no 30 seconds. I take it I was mis-informed?

RE: Maximum Value
March 31, 2001 by George Petrov


I think you are confisung two different options here. We are talking about ScriptTimeout and you are talking about Session Timeout.

  • ScriptTimeout is the value in seconds that the current asp page is allowed to run (see the Server.Timeout docs)
  • Session Timeout is the value in minutes that the Session object exists in the whole user session - during the time when he access all asp pages. This is important if you use any Session variables (see the Session Timeout Docs)

The Session Timeout does not effect the upload timeout in any way.

I get the ASP Timout Error when I try to reload/refresh the page
November 1, 2001 by Karthik Rajan
Can some body help?
Users automatically log off after some time while inserting a record
February 18, 2002 by Sander van Aalst

I doon't know if this is the same, but anyway. Users need to log on to my page. But when they insert a record, and if this takes a while (to fill in everything) they will get a message that they are not logged on. So my guess is that there's there must be something somewhere that you can change so that they can stay logged in for unlimited time.. Can someone help me with this?

Sander van Aalst (NED)

RE: Maximum Value
May 2, 2002 by Josh Cooper


You can't set a session timeout to an hour, but you can jimmy-rig it.

If you use a META REFRESH tag in an invisible frame that reloads a page in the invis frame it will reset your session time.

Someone Please help!
September 1, 2004 by George Morales


      I've been trying to upload files to a particular site and at the end of each upload I get this message:

"Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'

Script timed out


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools."

I have Windows XP Home Edition so I don't have IIS and I have NO CLUE whatsoever on how to use the Server.ScriptTimeout property. I've been searching for days on a solution and cant come up with anything. Nobody gives a clear, in depth, step by step process of EXACTLY HOW to extend pass the default time of 90 seconds. Can someone PLEASE help me??? I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!