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Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

I get the same error, and I've got Access 2000 and I'm using "Jet OLEDB Provider 4.0":
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'
Is there something I need to tweak in the Access DB before I can retrieve the IDENTITY?
Maybe I'll just try it with SQL 7.0 instead.

After struggling to get this extension to work without success, I finally tried Tom Muck's Insert-RetrieveID extension, part of UltraSuite. It worked like a dream.
According to the documentation, though, Muck's server behavior won't work with SQL Server: it doesn't use @@IDENTITY to retrieve the latest AutoNumber.
With a little tweaking, I was able to get this Microsoft sample to work with Access 2000:
Could you please let me know what did you do with your code to the connection part? I still get the same error message by trying many ways
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/Login/PasswordEdit.asp, line 109
Please help, thanks in advance!

Try these 2 things:
1) Comment out the "As" keywords after the variables are dimensioned (Visual Basic uses them; VBScript doesn't).
2) Add an include to, and make sure you have that file in your site root.
My altered code looks like this (at the top of the page):
<!--#include file="../"-->
Dim cnDatabase 'As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsNewAutoIncrement 'As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConn 'As String
Dim strSQL 'As String
Dim strPathToMDB 'As String
Hope that helps.
I figure out the problem because the Connection only works when using DSNLess Connection
Thank you for your replying
I have downloaded a couple of times the extension "insert with ident" but I always get the following error message:
Server behaviour was not applied. Could not find a valid XML file that refers to teh current server behaviour and the current server model
I am using the Ultradev 4.
Do you have any idea for this fault?
Thank you for your help in advance.
I want to do the same using access 97 or 2000 but getting the same errors as described above - what modifications are needed to the SQL statement to make this work or is there another way of doing this. I have a form which when inserted is inserting aq single row in to the database and am using a uique autonumber field called customerid. I want a confirmatio page to be able to pull the most recently added record using the new record id as a vriable to query the database on the confirmation page. Has anybody got any thoughts on this?

I am at my withs end. I keep getting Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14' , I have reloaded PWS, Windows, Access and dreamweaver a few times to get everything on my machine working again but no joy, I cant seem to see where I am going wrong or what to do. I am using an access 2000 DB whcih I have used lots before with no problem, it is only when I upgraded my extention manager and had to reload my extentions that this seemed to have happened. I am not too tec savy so can you tell me in a simple way as how to get out of this mess.
I work with ACCESS 2000 (as I see in the other FAQ)
and I use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 (my connection string is: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source="C":\Documents and Settings\Amministratore\Documenti\Siti\mondonovo\mdb-database\mondonovo.mdb" ),
but I have this Error:
Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e14'
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
Why? Help me please... Is very Important for me...
Simone Berretti
Hi Simone,
Did you ever get a solution to the JET DB error you posted? I'm getting a similar error:
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
/fusion/asp/cust_detail_location_add_1storedcommand.asp, line 16
Line 16 is my command: insertCustomerID.execute()
I'd be interested to here what you found out.
Ben :
No, i don't find any solution...
and you?
Yes, DWMX had written the SQL statement incorrectly there were two ' ' missing from the code:
insertCustID.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblCustID (cust) VALUES (" + Replace(insertCustID__varCust, "'", "''") + ")"
Should be:
insertCustID.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblCustID (cust) VALUES ('" + Replace(insertCustID__varCust, "'", "''") + "')"
The error message can also be shown if the name of one or more fields in the database is a MS Jet reserved word or includes a reserved sign like '-', ie 'ID-person'. A list of reserved words can be found on microsofts webpage,;EN-US;321266
Best regards,
Dreamweaver MX, I did also get the js error but got the path fixed but no matter what I did I got error messages and IIS 5 error loading the page.
I use a redirect page that gives me the session NewID then go to the form page and have a hidden field for the NewID to insert into the database using the standard MX insert code..
I used this code and they helped with modification and replaced intNewID = rsNewID(0) with this. Session(“NewID”) = rsNewID(0)