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Creating client-side dynamic dependent list boxes
I did get it to work but when viewed in Netscape it doesn't work.
I checked MM's Technote which also does not work with Netscape.
I find it strange nobody is mentioning this...
I've gone through the steps to creat this and in FINAL CHANGES it mentions add the Call JavaScript behavior?
HOW? I read this article 100's of times and still can work out how to Call a JavaScript behavior in the way it says?
I dont have anything called Call JavaScript under Server Behaviors +
I managed to get this working but the values the boxes initially display are those at the top of the array. How do I get this to initially match the value in a database?????????
I also would like to know how this can be achieved.
Hi! I found this code usable but need a little upgrade. I want to give links to items in child menu. It should works like "jump menu".
Anybody knows how?
bye, Sebastiano
it worked like a charm for me!
jacco, there is a small section in the document that contains a fix for netscape browsers that you must add to your select statement.