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Pure PHP Upload 2
Pure PHP Upload is another great extension from George Petrov of Dynamic Zones, which allows you to easily create upload forms using the Dreamweaver MX PHP Server Model, allowing your site users to upload files or images to your server.
The extension is easy to apply, with a tabbed interface allowing easy access to the many options available within the extension. The extension is very configurable, and has many options allowing you to tailor the code produced so that it matches your exact needs. For example, you can specify the extension of files that are allowed to be uploaded, and for images, the minimum and maximum image sizes that can be used.
If a file with the same name as the one being uploaded is already present on the server, you have a number of options such as overwriting the existing file, displaying an error message, or creating a new unique filename.
One really nice feature is the inclusion of a number of small animated flash movies, from which you can select one to be displayed in a pop up window as the file is being uploaded, giving useful feedback to the end user, and adding a more professional touch to your site.
The main PHP code for the extension is added to your site as an include file, which minimizes the amount of code added to your actual page, and keeps everything neat and tidy.
Congratulations to George for another well thought out extension with a number of nice features, and it makes a great addition to your Dreamweaver MX toolbox.

One of the many reasons that make PHP such an attractive language for me, is the fact that it handles file uploads natively - without the need to install 3rd party software. This has always been fine for people who are comfortable with hand coding PHP, but for those developers who code primarily with Dreamweavers IDE it's a bit tricky.
No more with this excellent extension. I installed it and had a PHP upload form up and running within a minute. The dialogs are self-explanatory and include context-sensitive help if you do get stuck. George has put a lot of thought into the development of this extension and has covered pretty much everything you would want to do in uploading files. The extension comes with built-in validation and integrates neatly with Dreamweavers Insert Record SB, so saving your file upload details to a database is quick and painless.
Of course there will be the rare occasions when the extension does not do something that you want it to, but if you are programming the kind of application that requires that sort of functionality, then you should be able to hand code the necessary bits in.
All in all a very cool extension!

you people realy rule the place!
great extension!
People plz take a look over here and support my related extension request! ;) :)
Not being sure if PHP Upload would do exactly what I wanted I emailed George Petrov directly and asked him. A reply within 12 hours allayed my fears and one further question (answered within the hour) convinced me that the outlay would be worth it.
Having bought the package I found it easy to install and it did exactly what I wanted (to upload a picture to a specified folder and then put the path to the folder into a mysql database)
Well done George and DMX Zone for an excellent extension.

George, your Pure PHP Upload extention absolutely rocks!!! I am a complete newbie at server-side programming, and have so many people requesting admin pages to upload images and files. Your code was so easy to use and best of all, it worked.
Is there a way to modify the scripts so I can enter the form from Flash?
Thanks for all your efforts to help out the non-programmers.
~Law Blank

I realized that the pain for all non-anglican language programmers has been relieved drastically:
since native - English speaking programmers don't care about special characters like é or ö, character sets are setup inconsequently, meddling ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8, leaving out Eastern European character sets and Japanese completely.
With this extension you finally can upload files like "desirée.jpg", "ächz schlück.jpg" or even "???????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???????.pdf"
In the latter case it fills the spaces with undescores and even stores this in the database! like "????????_???_?????????_??????_???????.pdf"
I have not tried it but this would mean that eventually even filenames in trd. Chinese language could be uploaded and stored correctly if the server supports php5 / mysql5