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Color and Web Design
I want to add it to my favorites but I can't find a way to do it!

Martha, thanks very much for a great explanation of colour use on the web. I just discovered it and really appreciate the thoroughness and clarity with which all the various topics are covered. I actually took a (paid) online course on colour theory from a graphic design school last year, and its content doesn't hold a candle to yours in terms of actually helping me figure out how to come up with a good colour scheme for a client. Great job.
- Frank Herr, Toronto
On the first page you state "At the heart of basic color theory lie the three Primary colors: red, yellow, and blue:" this is absolutly wrong, you obviously don't understand the meaning of primary colors. Here is the true definition of Primary colors"Primary colors are colors which cannot be obtained by mixing other colors" The pictures you show us of the colored circels are also totaly mad. For the true primary colors you should refer to CMYK for "paint" see this image:
and for the primary colors for "light" you should refer to:
The rest of your piece is a good read but please take out the fist page because it makes no sence at all...