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MX Javascript error
Driving me nuts.
It creates a new folder called 'asp' in configuration/serverbehaviours/
Driving me crazy
I originally used this fix in a windiws 2000 environment however I took the screen shot from a different machine. I believe you have to fix the file which is located in C:\Documents and Settings\Username\applicationData\Macromedia\DreamweaverMX\Configuration\serverBehaviors\
And within the previously named folder you will need to go down on emore level but it will depend on your programming language, like for me I would have to change the InsertRecordWithIdent.htm which is in the ASP_vbs folder because that is my testing server but for you it maybe the one in the ASP folder or the one in the ASP_js folder.
Good Luck
I spent an hour with trying to fix the code in the InsertRecordWithIdent.htm but problem was that I couldn't have found that file Even if I tryed to FIND For files and folders in WIN XP. That folder was displayed as a 'hidden' !!! if you are trying to locate it, go to FIND at start/find and check 'search in hidden folders' Then you shoudl find it really quick! Lukas