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Smart Image Processor ASP
What a product!
I have always been a little annoyed that I had to create an upload page for thumbs and an upload page for main images but now I have this extension life couldn’t be more pleasurable.
In all of 5 minutes I have my main image uploaded and auto created thumbnails to my dimensions. Can you believe that?!!
What I really like though is the resize functionality - How many times have you handed over a site to a client only for that client to upload an image too large for your design or you may have set image restrictions for upload that confuse the client. Well with this you set the maximum width and height and then if an image is uploaded larger than these dimensions the extension with the help of the COM resizes them and also keeps the right constraints of the image.
Life is now a lot easier :)
Since George foreshadowed this extension mid year I had been eagerly awaiting its release - and it was well worth the wait. Now I can control the size of user uploaded images without getting them to use imaging software and can also generate an other sized (thumbnail) image at the same time. My latest project has volunteers taking digital images of aged care facilities and uploading them, plus titles to a database, so that the thumbnail and full size image can be automatically be added to a photo gallery of the facilities. Using unskilled people like this would have been impossible without SIP. My only caution is to make sure that your webhost has the appropriate ASP facilities or is prepared to register the supplied dll.
I now eagerly await the revision of the add ons to be able to update/delete the main image and thumbnail together.
OK, I registered the COM object that came with the extension and I am able to create thumbnails.
However, is it possible to put the thumbnails in a different directory?
SMART IMAGE PROCESSOR ERROR: Can not detect any Resize Server Components!
Please install at least the supplied server component. Read the online docs for more info
What i must to do??? to work ok???
Thank you...

I was so happy to that the new aspupload allows physical paths. My companies servers would only allow physical paths, but then I tried to use Image Processor with physical paths.... it wouldn't work. I kept getting an error. Did a little research and the new Image Processor does not work with physical paths.
Does anybody have any work arounds? Is there a time frame for it to be updated? I would be happy to pay for an upgrade.

The php version is much better.
Reason, the asp version does not allow prefix's for thumbs:
If you use a "prefix" you can you an image dynamically, all you do it use the "image name" from the recordset and add what ever prefix you specified.
ie image name: snoopy.jpg
your thum prefix is t_
then its t_snoppy.jpg
If you specifiy a "suffix" for a thumbnail there is no way to use it dynamically.
because you saved the thumbnail as snoppy_t.jpg, you can code for this in your page

I have had ASP Upload for a few years and first used the Smart Image Processor extension on a web site for one of the largest youth hockey tournaments in North America in 2005; what a great tool! I love being able to create a thumbnail along with restricting the size of the original image; it allowed me to use more images through my site(s) and decreased the amount of time it took for pages to load. Players can create their own online player cards, teams can upload their logos and I do not need to worry about very large files hogging disk space and bandwidth nor do I worry any longer about the images being uploaded getting overly distorted because they lose their aspect ratio. I saw very significant increases in the number of people that utilized the image utilities they had at their disposal to further customize their profiles. A big 2 thumbs up for my needs!
Andy Lav