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Nested Repeat Region using Data Shaping

Thanks for the tutorial - it's great!
March 2, 2001 by Waldo Smeets

Tom, thanks for this fantastic tutorial. It's written in a very easy to understand language and to be honest: I didn't know anything about datashaping at all. This really cleared things up for me. Keep up the good work.


Great tutorial
September 5, 2001 by Werner BH

Great tutorial >:D

September 5, 2001 by Werner BH
Is there anyway to "ORDER BY" the Section and Catalog records using data shaping?
RE: Question
September 23, 2001 by Luciano Terra
Dim DataShapeSQL
DataShapeSQL = "SHAPE {SELECT * FROM tblSections ORDER BY  columnname}"
DataShapeSQL = DataShapeSQL & "APPEND ({SELECT * FROM tblCatalogue ORDER BY  columnname}"
DataShapeSQL = DataShapeSQL & "RELATE SectionID TO SectionID) AS rsCatalogue_Link"
set rsSections = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsSections.Open DataShapeSQL, MM_connOLEDB_TCubed_STRING
Difference between doing a join?
November 18, 2001 by Matt McNeil
How is this different than a standard SQL join...which you could do without changing any of Ultradev's ASP/HTML code?
Error in SQL String
March 12, 2002 by Luiz Barros

Great Tutorial. 

But my Conection  is SQL Server. 

Mine string of
connection is:

' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_AdminABMN_STRING = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=ABMN;UID=sa;PWD="

When I execute asp the following error appears: 

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e0c'
The text command was not defined for the command object.
/abmn/servicos/clip1998.asp, line 36

Help !

RE: Great tutorial
March 22, 2002 by Alisson Pinel

Complement your string conection

MM_AdminABMN_STRING = "Provider=MSDataShape.1;Data provider="SQLOLEDB;"Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=ABMN;UID=sa;PWD="

Even more sorting...
May 8, 2002 by Nick Thoman

I am using your script to sort out a download files section on my site. I am also yousing pureUPload so people can add files to the list. But the file being uploaded isn't always going to be on my sites server. Some things are updated to often so we are deciding to keep them on a remote site where it is save more often. To connect to this file we will be using a normal HTML link. I have added a field in my table for this link.

Now there will be 2 possible locations for the title of the link. It will ether be linked to a file on the site or an URL. In other words...

CLICK HERE will use the value from the filelink or htmllink fields. Depending on which field has a value in it. (one or the other will be blank). How would I go about doing this?

Show or hide region based on shaping recordsets
October 31, 2002 by Jelle-Jacob de Vries
January 9, 2003 by james puzziferro
I'm wondering why when I look at the table names in the add a recordset box it adds null. to all the table names? I would also like to know if data shaping can be used to add and update related record in more than one table.
September 1, 2003 by Praveen Pinto


This is an excellent tutorial, i had a question.

On the home page i have 5 main buttons. On clicking any of those buttons i go to the inner page, now using your data shaping tutorial im able to get the list of sub buttons to show up under the main button, but what it also does is, it puts the sub buttons of the other main buttons as well.

How do i make it show only the sub buttons of the clicked button.

Help Me!

Thanks in advance.

Display less records on second recordset
January 13, 2004 by Tracy Hughes

This is an excellent tutorail, I just have a lot of records in my sub(second) recordset

is there a way to only display like say 3 instead of all, any ideas would be greatly appreasiated

as always Great JOB.
March 31, 2006 by Dave
Thank you so much i have used your example on some of my projects and never had time to thank you , so here you go thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yooooooooooooooouuuuu.