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Dreamweaver Audio and Video Tutorials Tips And Tricks
Well I read this post and while I do not need tutorials on these items I thought I would check it out to send to some friends that could use them.
What a say "I have put together a series of videos that you can download onto your computer for Dreamweaver users. Ideally I would like to upload them here but as they are a few MBs, it probably isnt realistic.They arent text tutorials either."
What you forgot to say is you are selling access to these tutorials. Do not make it sound like you are offering free tutorials when you are not.
If they are anything like the "reference" flash movies then you have a lot to learn about making and e-Learning product and these are not worth the $29 you charge.
Nice try....don't be a sucker..if you want e-Learning training go to a good vendor and buy it or get a book.
do you actually expect people to take your design stuff seriously? i did a 180 when i saw your flash intro. it was the worst i've seen. really!
Never read a manual again. 7,800 people have already designed their own web site by watching and listening to these dreamweaver tutorial videos online , why don't you join them.
End Quote:
Well there must be 7,800 really desperate people out there. The whole point of this site and the forums is help for free, and Tutorials are FREE.
Insider tricks? Are you certified in anything at all? Wouldn't think so personally, your so called Flash Intro looked nothing more than some crap text effects thrown together in Swish or similiar naff program.
Oh and did you ever read the manual yourself :)