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Email Password after user answers a personal question.

Tried to Download Zip file
February 23, 2001 by Dave Baxter
I tried to down load the zip file for this tutorial no luck from this site.
RE: Tried to Download Zip file
February 23, 2001 by Waldo Smeets

I'm aware of the problem Dave. Thansk for letting me know. It's my mistake, not Mike's.

I will upload the zip file in about 3 hours from now (so before 20.00 CET).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

RE: RE: Tried to Download Zip file
February 23, 2001 by Mike T

I have E-mailed Dave the zip.   If anyone else needs it before it is working from here,  just E-mail me and I will send it to you.

Thanks for the help fixing this download problem Waldo


RE: Tried to Download Zip file
February 23, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
The download should be fixed now.
RE: Tried to Download Zip file
April 7, 2001 by gabor bodis
July 9, 2001 by Aaron Jay
There are problems with the code in this tutorial. You can't get Query.String values from a form postin to the same page as post, either you grab them from a method of get, or do a request.form instead. Anyhow, I think the detail of this tutorial needs to be looked at, because I have spent more time trying to correct what it contains, than actually learning something. my 2cw
RE: Problems
July 9, 2001 by Mike T
Thanks for pointing out the typo.   I hadn't noticed it.   However,  if you download the zip file,  it has the page with the FULL working correct code.
e-mail code doesn't work
July 23, 2002 by john pape
no connection file included.It doesn't work at all.Would be great if u set it up with connection file..too
How do I change the 'check answer field' to NOT be case-sensitive?
December 23, 2003 by Charles Crawford

I like this little bit of functionality and have it working nicely on my site.

My one irk, though, is that when the 'answer' field is checked against my DB it compares the values in case-sensitive manner. Is there any way to change this to NOT be case-sensitive?

Is this code different if used in JVScript
January 28, 2004 by Ibrahim Khader

I downloaded the zip file and tried playing with the code on the userremind.asp

I am running an IIS 5.0 server on XP Pro  and all my pages are in asp Java Script type. Is there any change to the code that should happen for this to work. I noticed this code is in vbscript. Please help me, I have been following your instructions for the past two weeks with no success.

Thank you