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Fixing the "Cant determine Server Date and time" Error in DWMX

DMX cannot determine Server........
March 8, 2003 by Jason Malone

Just a quick note, saying I tried what you mentioned. It didn't work. I have DMX on my xp, and I uploaded to my win2k server running ISA & iis5.

I do notice when it displays that notice, it checks a few files including the connections folder, along with a folder MSFTPSVC129 (yes, in caps). I downloaded that hex editor program, found the xy and made sure both of them where in small caps. I think since I do not have that folder mentioned in the article, I will try it with the MSFTPSVC129 and put that in small caps.

Thanks for the trouble shooting tips!

Take care



Dreamweaver cannot determine the remote server time.
April 10, 2003 by Rick Erazo
This fix didn't work for me either. My local server is Win XP IIS and remote server is Linux Apache accessed via SAMBA over LAN, not FTP. The time issue isn't related to the FTP server. 
it could be the space problem
April 29, 2003 by Pyie Zone

I got this message and found out that if you clear up some space in your FTP server, you can upload your files again. Delete unnecessary files in your server and try to synchronize again.

good luck


RE: Fixing the "Can't Determine Server Date and Time
August 7, 2003 by Mike Norris
The true fix for this is to change permissions on your webserver WEBPUB or WWWROOT folder or what ever folder you use for your Root Directory.  Make sure the "Everyone" user has "Allow Full Control" checked.  That is if you use the LAN option on Remote Info with a Network Map to your HOME directory.  If you have read-only checked the synchronize will not work because it has to write back to that directory.
Fixing the server time problem
August 13, 2003 by Rob Mack

I've noticed that I have much better results with FTP in the morning (before noon). I wonder if this is an issue of time format? 24 hour Vs. 12 hour clocks?

My server doesn't have a problem with uppercase and lower case.

Rob Mack

Fixing the "Can't Determine Server Date and Time
September 19, 2003 by Paul Bennett

I also tried this fix without success.

I was having problems on a RH 6.2 server running wu-ftp. I tried everything to fix it including full file privileges for all users along the directory tree to the site folder. On checking the DW FTPlog I saw that the XYIZNWSK was actually being written and removed. So the issue had to still be with privileges. In the end the only thing that has worked was to set up /etc/ftpaccess to allow realuser and not guestuser.

This may have unintended security issues, though, as the FTP client can now also see the directory tree to their chroot directory. But I may be getting off topic here! :)

However, I would love to hear from anyone else who solved this (or knows anything about the security side)



Time Error in MX 2004
September 24, 2003 by John Duineveld
How can this error be solved in MX 2004 ??? Still exist with FTP-Serv 4.0!
RE: Time Error in MX 2004
October 2, 2003 by Aaron Young

I am having this problem with but I am unable to find the uppercase set in the MX2004 "dreamweaver.exe" file.  Any ideas how to fix this?  Its very annoying. 

I have all the proper permissions on the server so I know that isnt the problem.  It seems to me though that Macromedia could simply make it work for both upper and lowercase and solve this issue but apparently there must not be that many people using Serve_U like this clients host does.  I normally dont have this problem but I do work for a client who uses a hosting company that has serv_U and all the sites I do for him have this issue and its bad because they also use contribute and the date and time is essential for it all to work correctly. 


but not in MX 2004
October 2, 2003 by Aaron Young

I wanted to add that I am able to do this fix in Dreamweaver MX but not in MX 2004 so its bad to the drawing board.


RE: RE: Time Error in MX 2004
October 2, 2003 by Matt Rippy
I guess I don't have much to add, only that I too am having this exact same problem - I also couldn't find XYIZNWSK in MX 2004 (you're not alone Aaron), have played with permissions, etc....  If anybody out there can help, I would be much obliged.
Can't find the string 'XYIZNWSK'
November 4, 2003 by Dave Patrick

I've been having lots of the 'Synchronisation' problems with Dreamweaver MX since I upgraded to MX 2004. It doesn't happen with all of my ISPs, just most of them! Anyway I was really happy to find this article and ran through the instructions with eager anticipation.

After downloading the Hex Editor and going through the 'Dreamweaver.exe' file, I was disappointed to find absolutely no occurrences of the string 'XYIZNWSK'. So, back to the drawing board.

Does anyone happen to know how I can fix this problem as it also means that I can't use Check In/Check Out and more importantly Contribute - which is a real pain in the neck.

Additional: ISP Can't support Dreamweaver MX 2004 FTP
November 4, 2003 by Dave Patrick

My ISP 'Fasthosts' which is one of the biggest hosting companies in the UK has just informed me that Dreamweaver MX 2004 is not compatible with their FTP system. Don't ask me the specifics but apparently Dreamweaver MX is fine.

They advised me to go back to Dreamweaver MX and could make no guarantee as to whether or not they would be able to support MX 2004 in the future. This is a real pain but is something that I am going to have to do as I use Contribute (which I now must also check - v2 may not work either).

I want to know how many other ISPs have the same problem with MX 2004? What's Macromedia's view on this? Anyone have any similar experiences?

RE: Additional: ISP Can't support Dreamweaver MX 2004 FTP
November 4, 2003 by Brad Matthews

This could be a port issue. I have all sorts of problems when trying to register the "ASPUpload" components and other live registration. While I have permissions for the firewall, the port is blocked therby not allowing data to pass through.

You may have to contact MM & see if they use ports other than your standard FTP ports. You may also need to ensure you have full permissions with your host.

Need help
November 14, 2003 by Aaron Cauchi

Thanks for the suggestion. Still have got one big problem. Tried to do as you said, and opened  dreamweavermx2004.exe in the hex editor. One big problem. Cannot find anywhere XYIZNWSK. Tried to make a search but cannot understand how it works. Can you help?. Maybe sending me a modified exe will it work?. Am using MX2004,

Thanks for any support

Aaron Cauchi

still can't synchronize with server time
December 11, 2003 by SP Kolber
I'm using DW MX on my mac G5 with OS 10.3 I've read all the messages and it looks as though no one has solved the problem. A few people suggest downloading a hex editor to change some code. Some say this doesn't work. Regardless, I can't find a hex editor to download for the mac. Any help on this synch problem would be greatly appreciated!
thanks for the site, but can't get the fix to work in 2004
March 17, 2004 by wee willie

Thanks for the trouble you went to in posting this fix on your site

am using mx 2004

was able to find the string and change it, but unfortunately I couldnt get it to work

my site is on


David M Wicker

It might be your default remote server directory setting in Site Manager
October 19, 2005 by Rick Smith

It looks like maybe the "XYIZNWSK" thing worked in MX but not in MX 2004?

I had the "server time" problem with one web host but not with another. Armed with that knowledge, and this article and its replies, and the info at Macromedia's site, I came up with an idea and it did solve the problem (at least for me).

It does have to do with the server's permissions. The connection info your webhost gives you is for your "home" directory on their server, which contains your private folders (cgi-bin, etc.) as well as your actual site's root folder (typically called "www" or "http" or "httpdocs" or "public" etc.). I'll use "www" as the example here. Some hosts restrict access to the main folder, which I think is better security than having it wide open.

When I'm building my web pages, most of the time I only need to access my /www folder, which does have full permissions. So I set up two sites in Dreamweevil's Site Manager for each site - one called "" which connects to "/www" (both locally and remotely of course) and works perfectly; and one called " root" which connects to "/" and can't determine the time. So I can synchronise my files when working on my site's actual content, which is most of the time. The occasions when I have to work from the root directory (such as copying files to my SSL folder, customising my error pages, accessing statistics, etc.), I can't synchronise, but I really don't need to for those tasks.

Hopefully this will work for those of you using Contribute. Maybe you can enable your contributors to update site content by setting them to use the "/www" or equivalent folder, and if they need to update anything else, they can submit it to someone who has permission to access the root (and is careful about keeping things synchronised manually). I dunno; I don't use Contribute, and I'm pretty new to Dreamweevilling and webmastering.