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IntelliCART available at UDzone

February 9, 2002 by Pablo Deeleman

Tim Green keeps pushing the envelope in server behaviours design, and this shopping cart software really worths its price and beats any other cart solution currently existing on market...

... so here goes the question: Do you plan to develop in a short term an ASP version of the cart?

Although everybody agree about how powerful PHP is, we cannot always choose the server model to work with, and an ASP version would be widely welcome by the community.


RE: Excellent!
February 9, 2002 by Tim Green

Thank you for your comments!

I have not ruled out an ASP version of IntelliCART, and this subject has already come up with another developer, so I would guess that in the future you could well expect an ASP version of IntelliCART. Unfortunately I am not an ASP developer, nor do I want to be. So the actual code would have to be done by a 3rd party.

However, this is something that I am looking into at the moment. I would dearly love to say "Yes, there will be an ASP version", but at this moment in time it is too early to make that kind of guarantee. I hope you understand.

Many thanks for the posting Pablo, it's really appreciated.

Mac UDev4 Workable?
March 24, 2002 by John Harwood
I don't see anything to indicate that IntelliCART is not workable with the Mac version of UDev4 but I don't see anything indicating it IS either. I have PHAkt running ... what are any issues I should be aware of?
RE: Mac UDev4 Workable?
March 25, 2002 by Tim Green


There are already a number of customers who use IntelliCART successfully on their MACs. The one thing that you have to do to make the extension work, though, is to properly associate the extension files with the extension manager apparently.

Anyway, this step is apparently very easy to do, and is detailed on the customer support forum.

In all other respects, IntelliCART works equally well on PC's or MAC's.

I hope this helps.

All the best


Really interested in Intellicart, but sme questions
April 8, 2002 by dimitri likissas

Hi, I did not understand if Intellicart alone is good to work with, and /or why we also have to buy Impakt. What is impact for? Maybe a stupid question, but I am new to this. I have Ultra Dev, but now use it only for the dreamweaver part and not really the Dev. part. And I need a shopping cart BAD for my site. To give you an example what I really want to do is this: I want to create something similar for my site:


RE: Really interested in Intellicart, but sme questions
April 8, 2002 by Tim Green

To answer your question. You don't need to purchase ImpAKT if you don't want to. IntelliCART has been designed to work with the GPL (ie: FREE!) PHP Server Model, PHAkT as well as it's Commercial Cousin.

However, I would say (and this applies to ALL shopping carts, not just to IntelliCART), that if you are new to Server Side Scripting then you will have to do a lot of learning, and fast!

Shopping Carts are amongst the most complex of things you can design in ANY scripting language. IntelliCART provides all the tools you need to make this process easier, but you still have to understand what you are doing first.

The main thing is to ensure that you have planned how you want your eCommerce system to work. Once you have done that (and that means planning how the site works, what information you want to store in your database, the structure of your database etc), you can then start using IntelliCART (or any of the other Shopping Cart solutions) to put it all together.

Anyway, I hope that this helps you in some way.

All the best

Dreamweaver MX compatibility
May 6, 2002 by Colin Youngson

Can you tell me if Intellicart will be compatible with MX or will it be necessary to upgrade?


RE: Dreamweaver MX compatibility
May 6, 2002 by Tim Green

It will be necessary to upgrade to IntelliCART MX when it is released. The main reason for this, is that the whole DW architecture has changed significantly due to the standard PHP Support now offered.

This ulitimately means that the whole suite will be redeveloped.

However, this said. From the 1st of June, all purchasers of IntelliCART will be entitled to a FREE upgrade to IntelliCART MX when it is released (no date available for release at this moment).

Existing IntelliCART customers will receive a 75% discount on IntelliCART MX.

All the best


IntelliCART - test version?
June 11, 2002 by Walter Meisterle

I'm very interested in the IntelliCART-solution for ud/php/PHPAkt, but is there no test-version available?

Walter_M (

RE: IntelliCART - test version?
June 11, 2002 by Tim Green

Due to the nature of extensions within Dreamweaver and UltraDev, it is impossible to offer a test/demo version of this suite.