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Auto Window Print

I was working on our Corporate Intranet today and I had a need for this code. I come on here tonight to reply to a request for help on some code I wrote and BAM, here it is.
Gotta love that! I'll use it tomorrow.

If you mean that you want the page to be loaded first and then initialize the Window Print, just put the script at the very end of your page.
How can I force a browser to print in landscape? The printer dialog box is disabled for security reasons, and I need to create a Print button on a page that can print the page in landscape orientation.
Thanks in advance for any help!

It seems there is no way to just dump something to the printer without going through the print dialogue box.
If you want to print the whole page, putting the script at the bottom is not the ideal way to do it as anything not loaded will not print.
Better is <body onLoad="self.print()"> I think we all know the use of onLoad...
Hi Chris.
I was looking for a script for printing a html page automatickly in landscape.
And My question for u is, do u know the script?
If so, could u please post it here.