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PD editor insert-image
I've used your method to add images...Thanks for the help. How would I go about enhancing this to be able to insert the align="left" or "right" tag? The same goes for adding a border around the image.
Uploading Images was the only thing I thought was missing from the HTML Editor...I thought I was going to have to do it myself!
Thanks for your effort in this; its much appreciated.
I was having trouble with the preview button so instead of adding an extra html file I just added this to the preview button:
<input type="button" name="viewimage" value="Pre-view" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('../img/<%=(RsImages.Fields.Item("FileName").Value)%>','Preview','resizable=yes,width=100,height=100')">
The <%=(RsImages.Fields.Item("FileName").Value)%> is the name of my recordset and the field with my file.
Thanks, great enhancement...but if i close the preview window then i get a error message if i try to make a preview again !?
thanks for that notice
Does anyone know how to add the image alignment feature to the PD editor? ???
Sample code for alignment in the editor can be viewed at:
I'm just a beginner but hope this helps. Insert another pull-down menu named eg. 'imgalign' (values 'left', 'right', 'default'), then another one called 'border' (values '0', '1', ect). Let's say that 'imagebank' is the name of the images menu.
Then the 'Insert Image' button:
<input type="button" name="insertimage" value="Insert Image" onClick="document.frames('myEditor').document.frames('textEdit').document.write('<img align='+imgalign.value+' border='+border.value+' src='+image.value+'>');" >
Tell me what you think of that!