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CSS Form Designer

Hi what a great gesture, publishing this extension for free! Will start trying it right now.....
A very nice gesture indeed; this is perfect for "throwing something together" when you have an immediate need. If you don't have time to design something yourself, this will work great.

We really appreciate your feedback! If you experience any problems using CSS Form Designer or any other extension feel free to post here or in the forums.
Froms are the ane of my HTMl life - a godsend, thanks.

I tried to create a form in an editable area of a DW Template, but when I pressed finish, DW said that it would not be saved because it would cause a change to the Template area that was not allowed.
Also, when I selected radio boxes, it inserted radio boxes of all Countries around the world. It would not let me create "yes and no" values and there was no way to delete the radio check boxes from the dialog box.
Been using the extension. It certainly makes the creation of a form a snap.
Unfortunately on my Mac, using DW CS5, the UI overflows. Part the UI is missing. Not much but it makes it "imperfect". A simple re-size corner to enlarge the window would solve the problem.
Thanks for a great extension nonetheless. Easy, effective.
Nice tool, but can't save styles!
Dreamweaver cs5.5 mac