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PD Editor font size 1 doesn't work

Public Domain are close to completion on something far more complete than the PD HTML Editor. It is also very likely that some items within the original PD HTML Editor will also be updated.
I should point out that the PD HTML Editor is Copywritten code, and whilst it is completely satisfactory to make amendmends to this code, you would in fact be in breach of Copyright if you were to distribute that code without prior permission from Public Domain.
Public Domain are amongst the elite of the Extension Development Community, and it must be said that UDZone will not condone any violation of the terms of copyright.
Please remember that whilst you do have the source code in the extension, the code is NOT necessarily available for you to modify and distribute at will.

Absolutely fair enough Bill :-)
For a sneak peak of the latest offering go to (note, this site only works in IE5.5)
I think I'm gonna give up as these guys'n'gals must be living on another planet to produce this type of :)
Can't wait for the release of it :)

Bill thanks for Licking the Ediotor, its unfortunate you like the original editor better, when you have only seen the code that the New Xpad extension inserts into a page.
yep i said that correct the new xpad extension inserted all the code in the xpad site, no hand coding done at all. the new extension is basically more configurable than the PD Online Editor, it uses a series of wizards to select the required features and so you can still create a formated form entry editor .
You start with basic functionality ie toolbars, menus, editor area etc, so you can create something as basic as the existing editor but with image upload support (will be using asp pure upload from George) and better links insertion and also by selecting all elements and options something as advanced as the xpad site, a total online editor,
it supports dynamic form building and data binding and has its own extension api for future add ons, so whilst the old editor is good and basic the new editor is in fact easier to intergrate in any fasion into any site and will get around alot of the support questions we get asked regarding the existing editor.
hope that helps, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me either via UDzone or by direct email

I've been playing with the doFormat command and made a quick Command Selector.
<select name="EditCommands" onChange="MM_callJS(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);this.slectedIndex=0">
<option value="doFormat('BackColor', prompt('BackColor','#RRGGBB or Color name'))">BackColor</option>
<option value="doFormat('Bold')">Bold</option>
<option value="doFormat('Copy')">Copy</option>
<option value="doFormat('CreateBookmark',prompt('CreateBookmark','Bookmark Name'))">CreateBookmark</option>
<option value="doFormat('CreateLink')">CreateLink</option>
<option value="doFormat('Cut')">Cut</option>
<option value="doFormat('Delete')">Delete</option>
<option value="doFormat('FontName',prompt('FontName','AutoValue'))">FontName</option>
<option value="doFormat('FontSize',prompt('FontSize','AutoValue'))">FontSize</option>
<option value="doFormat('ForeColor',prompt('ForeColor','AutoValue'))">ForeColor</option>
<option value="doFormat('FormatBlock',prompt('FormatBlock','AutoValue'))">FormatBlock</option>
<option value="doFormat('Indent')">Indent</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertButton',prompt('InsertButton','ID'))">InsertButton</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertFieldSet',prompt('InsertFieldSet','ID'))">InsertFieldSet</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertHorizontalRule',prompt('InsertHorizontalRule','ID'))">InsertHorizontalRule</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertIFrame',prompt('InsertIFrame','SRC'))">InsertIFrame</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputButton',prompt('InsertInputButton','ID'))">InsertInputButton</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputCheckbox',prompt('InsertInputCheckbox','ID'))">InsertInputCheckbox</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputFileUpload',prompt('InsertInputFileUpload','ID'))">InsertInputFileUpload</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputHidden',prompt('InsertInputHidden','ID'))">InsertInputHidden</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputPassword',prompt('InsertInputPassword','ID'))">InsertInputPassword</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputRadio',prompt('InsertInputRadio','ID'))">InsertInputRadio</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputReset',prompt('InsertInputReset','ID'))">InsertInputReset</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputSubmit',prompt('InsertInputSubmit','ID'))">InsertInputSubmit</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertInputText',prompt('InsertInputText','ID'))">InsertInputText</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertMarquee',prompt('InsertMarquee','ID'))">InsertMarquee</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertOrderedList',prompt('InsertOrderedList','ID'))">InsertOrderedList</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertParagraph',prompt('InsertParagraph','ID'))">InsertParagraph</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertSelectDropdown',prompt('InsertSelectDropdown','ID'))">InsertSelectDropdown</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertSelectListbox',prompt('InsertSelectListbox','ID'))">InsertSelectListbox</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertTextArea',prompt('InsertTextArea','ID'))">InsertTextArea</option>
<option value="doFormat('InsertUnorderedList',prompt('InsertUnorderedList','ID'))">InsertUnorderedList</option>
<option value="doFormat('Italic')">Italic</option>
<option value="doFormat('JustifyCenter')">JustifyCenter</option>
<option value="doFormat('JustifyFull')">JustifyFull</option>
<option value="doFormat('JustifyLeft')">JustifyLeft</option>
<option value="doFormat('JustifyRight')">JustifyRight</option>
<option value="doFormat('Outdent')">Outdent</option>
<option value="doFormat('OverWrite',prompt('OverWrite','true/false'))">OverWrite</option>
<option value="doFormat('Paste')">Paste</option>
<option value="doFormat('PlayImage')">PlayImage</option>
<option value="doFormat('Refresh')">Refresh</option>
<option value="doFormat('RemoveFormat')">RemoveFormat</option>
<option value="doFormat('RemoveParaFormat')">RemoveParaFormat</option>
<option value="doFormat('SelectAll')">SelectAll</option>
<option value="doFormat('StopImage')">StopImage</option>
<option value="doFormat('Underline')">Underline</option>
<option value="doFormat('Unlink')">Unlink</option>
<option value="doFormat('Unselect')">Unselect</option>
Also found a interesting thing here
Can it be modified to work with asp?
I personally think the PD Online Editor is truly god like I have a few gripes with it, namely the insertion of an image you can't set the h / w easily.... but then saying that its so far beyond anything else on the market - I have seen 'techies' speechless when I showed them a solution I was using....
Whens the new thing available ? are you going to be charging ? and finally good luck, and thanks for producing something which enables so many of us to do so much more! Incidentally, I usually use it in conjunction with an 'Include' and save it using FSO - I think its the most efficient way, but enjoy being corrected!
Gerry hang on how come it auto-hyperlinked that ? ..............this is good....

I've received a question about this, and thought it might help you implementing the PD-Edit add-in
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:47 PM
Subject: PD Online editor
> Hi Joris,
> I have looked at your doFormat Command Selector add in for PD Editor. I
> get the menu to appear but the selected item appears to have no effect in
> the editor window.
> Do I need to call these for them to work?
> Also any ideas on making the default font in the editor text window say
> arial size 2 instead of the default setting?
> Any pointers much apreciated.
> Regards
> Phil
I'm no expert, could give you a more detailed
explaination), but here's what i've learnt by looking at the code.
The PD-editor revolves around the MSIE4+ execCommand javascript function. Do
a search for execCommand, an it shoul turn up with fome usefull resources.
Specifically the PD-editor inserted in your edit-page contains a javascript
function (doFormat) that passes it's arguments to a function in the
PD_edit.htm, wich is loaded in the IFRAME, wich in turn cantains a IFRAME
that contains your "editable contents", on wich the doFormat arguments are
executed as an execCommand.
To leave the technicalities for what they are, i believe i've had to change
the forementioned functions a little bit.
At the bottom of this mail i'll paste the functions i got it to work with.
As for your question about setting the default font, you can just change the
select-lists to have an option selected by default, but you'll allso have to
change the style-properties that are set in the javascript in the
PD_edit.htm: = "Verdana" ="9px"
Don't forget that you must allso apply these styles to the output-page
because the text is not formatted automatcally, only when you change the
font-face or font-size select-lists, and only when a selection is made in
the editor.
I hope this was helpfull to you, please don't hesitae to contact me if you
run into any problems.
Joris van Lier
********** inside PD_edit.htm***********
// Execute a command against the editor
// At minimum one argument is required. Some commands
// require a second optional argument:
// eg., ("formatblock","<H1>") to make an H1
function execCommand(command) {
if (format=="HTML") {
var edit = textEdit.document.selection.createRange()
if (arguments[1]==null)
else if (arguments[1]!=null && arguments[2]!=null)
edit.execCommand(command,arguments[1], arguments[2])
edit.execCommand(command,false, arguments[1])
********** inside your "Editor.asp"***********
function doFormat(what) {
var eb = document.all.editbar;
if(what == "FontName"){
if(arguments[1] != 1){
eb._editor.execCommand(what, arguments[1]);
document.all.font.selectedIndex = 0;
} else if(what == "FontSize"){
if(arguments[1] != 1){
eb._editor.execCommand(what, arguments[1]);
else if(arguments[1] != null && arguments[2] != null){
eb._editor.execCommand(what, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
else {
eb._editor.execCommand(what, arguments[1]);
When will the ability image insertion and automatic image uploading be released.
It would save me a lot of time.
I use the editor for a site, which backgroundcolor is darkblue (#000033), and i vould like to change the backgroundcolour of the WYSIWYG editor to this color, so the user will get a more usefull impression of the result.
Has anyone got a idea how to achive this ??.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Waldo.
Thanks for the quick answer, it gave me some good ideas, and i can use your suggestion for some other stuff i want to do.
But it dose´nt really solve my problem. When i apply a style to the tekst in the editorvalue textbox, only the texts backgroundcolor change, (as stated in my stylesheet). The backgroundcolor still comes up white, and the text appear "selected".
I´ve tryed to add document.bgColor = '#000033' to the pd-edit.htm document, but no luck.
What is a guy to do?

I found this link which points to a wysiwyg editor, almost exactly the same as the pd editor, this one works in PHP, which is useful in itself, but this one supports image insertion!!!, and also supports netscrape !!, I dont have the time to decode it and modify the code for use with the PD editor, also a lot of it is in spanish, if anyone finds a way to extract the image insertion code for use with the PD editor, please post it here.

The bad thing is that the software you are referring to is a plugin that needs to be installed. We are currently working on the next version of the editor that supports image upload in combination with the Pure ASP Upload Extension.
Hi George,
I am needing an aid
When I select Add new Item in:
It opens a window, where " Publishing Public domain DHTML " is used.
When click in " Insert Image " a form is opened where you use " Pure
ASP Upload " to send a picture to the server.
I have the following doubts:
1 - How that the archive of the picture is inserted inside of the Database, if at the moment of the Add
recordset still does not exist one daily pay-define?
Vc it is with the form to insert the data still open, therefore the register was not
servant still together to the DataBase.
2 - How is inserted the picture in the body of pd_edit.htm?
Yours truly,
Luiz Barros
I read some of your messages about this editor.
I try to initialize it with an external document, I dont know what to do.
I try a src="xxx.html" to the pd_edit.htm iframe, but the text in the editor can t be
edited ?!
Have you a idea.
thanks a lot.
Interesting would be to add the table insertion and table manipulation in PD Online Editor.
Of course The Editor do a lot of good things allready. This is more like a wish list.
Thank you, Bogdan
Would love to have the editor with all those features.......
Helle :-)
Very good editor for client update areas.
Q.How can i customize fonts to insert a css class?
Q.And how can you make a http link open a new page.
I noticed that this posting section uses an advanced form of PD Editor with a cool image upload module.
Q.When will we be able to get hold of this version?
G'Day im just wondering if there is any way for the PD Editor to generate pure XHTML... could you please let me know if there is any attribute or property that i can change in the code to enable that?
I am trying to attach a stylesheet to pd_edit.htm, bit with no effect, where do you insert the code?
In advance, thanks.