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Flash 8 Image Uploader

May 26, 2006 by ChihCheng Lee

the "Upload compelete" detect code have some bug.

The code is : if((

but flash is upload the file "async", so, the upload list:

file1, file2, file3, file4

maybe upload with this order: file3 > file1 > file4 >file2

So, If we use this flash to upload file, maybe just upload 1 file

and got an "Upload Compelete" dialog, then keep upload other file..


July 10, 2006 by backowall backowall
Hi Frank Beverdam, I got the source, everything works great now! Sorry about the harsh words before, but i've spend 2 days hammiering out code trying to find the a flash uploader that works. Yours is actual the best!! Thanks
addFiles not as secure as it sounds
September 6, 2006 by Aaron Campbell
The tutorial says: "Notice that you can't select files of other types. Now, is this cool or what?! Try to pull this off in HTML without extensive parsing by the server-side script!" This is not completely accurate. Simply type a * into the File Name box in the browse dialogue and press enter. Now you can see...AND select any file. Keep this in mind when you write your server-side code. You still want to parse these files to at least check types.
Source files doesn't work
June 17, 2007 by Fabio Vedovelli
Hello people from DMXZone. I have just downloaded the source code just to test before write it on my own, but when tryied to upload some JPGs I got this error: undefinedSecurity error occured while uploading undefined. Canyou please tell me about that? I need to see it in action before try to write following your instructions! Thanks a lot! Ved
Only works in IE?
December 17, 2007 by teasso teasso

This uploader works great, but only in IE.  In both firefox and opera I get a message saying that the images uploaded successfully, but they didn't upload at all.

Has anyone else gotten this working in browsers other than IE?

RE: Only works in IE?
December 18, 2007 by Alex July
teasso teasso, this uploader should work in any modern browser. Make sure you have the "write" permission for the directory you are uploading to.
RE: RE: Only works in IE?
December 18, 2007 by teasso teasso

Those folders definitely have write permissions set.  I have other functions writing to those same folders and the flash uploader is working in IE.

doesn't work
April 9, 2008 by mikey dee jones

on the desktop the upload starts then file source error while uploading

online undefinedSecurity error occured while uploading undefined

any ideas

RE: doesn't work
April 9, 2008 by Alex July
Are you testing on a web server (local or remote, doesn't matter) or by simply running the Flash file from your local folder?
Doesn't work
May 31, 2009 by FAVINI sebastien

I have the same problem that Mikey dee jones on the last post:

on the desktop the upload starts then file source error while uploading online undefinedSecurity error occured while uploading undefined any ideas?

Iam testing on my web server and on my local server it's same bug, I have change on to source of fla file at line ""http://localhost", "");" this for my local server and this for my webserver""");"

Can i help me, please?

Sorry for my english Im French :-)