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Book review of "Speed Up Your Site" by Andy King (free)

Did you know that, for the majority of users, the average site feels twice as slow as it did seven years ago? Neither did I, and it's just one of the eye-opening statistics quoted in " Speed Up your Site" by Andy King. In this review, Bruce Lawson goes through the book and examines its usefulness, and shares some of the many real-world tips from this ruthlessly practical book.

Click here for more details on the book.

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Macromedia responds to criticisms of DMX 2004

When complaints and criticisms started pouring into the DMXzone Dreamweaver MX 2004 forum we asked the Dreamweaver Product Manager, Jennifer Taylor, to respond to those criticisms. We sent her a representative posting from the forum, and a supplementary question.

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Book review: Molly E Holzschlag "CSS: The Designer's Edge"

An in-depth review of the only CSS book aimed at designers, Molly E Holzschlag's "CSS: The Designer's Edge"

You can find the book here at DMXzone

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Interview with Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow is Macromedia's Senior Director of Product Management, best known amongst Dreamweaver users as the person with the vision and leader of the development team for the DW4 to Dreamweaver MX upgrade.

We caught up with her during the very busy launch week for the MX 2004 family of products for an exclusive interview with

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Dreamweaver MX 2004: First Impressions (free, with forum. No reg. required)

Allan Kent is DMXzone's resident Flash guru and one of our PHP/ Dreamweaver Jedi Masters. Here's his first impressions of MX 2004. Read More

Interview with Bob Regan, Senior PM of Accessibility, Macromedia

Bob Regan is Senior Product Manager of Accessibility at Macromedia, responsible for ensuring compliance with Accessibiliy and Disability legislation in Dreamweaver, Flash and all other Macromedia Products. DMXzone's Bruce Lawson caught up with him in London last night (Sept 4th 2003) and asked him about his job, the forthcoming MX 2004 family of products, and Gollum.

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An interview with Dave Shea, the CSS Zen Gardener

You might not recognize the name, but if you're a serious web professional, you'll know the site: CSS Zen Garden. It's a simple idea; provide the mark-up and allow people to submit various CSS designs to style the page. It immediately mirrored the zeitgeist, and has attracted some top graphic designers and inspired hundreds of web professionals to learn CSS. Why? Now we can see what artists and graphic designers can do with CSS, rather than the early, rather boxy designs that the mark-up freaks were using.

Thus, The ZenGarden is both gallery and manifesto. Dave writes, "There is clearly a need for CSS to be taken seriously by graphic artists. The Zen Garden aims to excite, inspire, and encourage participation." So, who is Dave Shea? DMXzone's Bruce Lawson caught up with him over the weekend..

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Interview with Eric Meyer: Death of Netscape, CSS, Standards and Star Wars

CSS guru and Netscape Standards Evangelist Eric Meyer talks about AOL, Netscape, CSS, Web Standards and Star Wars and answers DMXzone members' questions in this interview conducted immediately before the news that Netscape has been discontinued (and one question asked immediately after the Netscape deathblow).

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Interview with Molly Holzschlag

Molly talks about the dismal Web economy, the Web Standards Project and the role of women in I.T.

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An interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: art, love, web standards and George Clooney

We are delighted to publish an interview with Standards Samurai Jeffrey Zeldman of, AListApart and the Web Standards Project. Zeldman discusses the human aspects of Standards and their adoption (or lack of adoption), why the W3C should listen to the Web Professional community a little more, the difficulties of being constantly mistaken for George Clooney, and gets all romantic. Read More
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