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Programming links and info

Forum post with a large compilation of various coding languages tutorials/reference link from C to PHP to JAVA, etc.

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Content Management System (CMS)

OpenSourceCMS - try before you install

This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.

The administrator username and password is given for every system and each system is deleted and re-installed every two hours. This allows you to to add and delete content, change the way things look, basically be the admin of any system here without fear of breaking anything.

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Unix command cheat sheet - common commands for the unix command line (telnet)

Here's a command reference card for some regularly used unix commands, tested on linux but should hopefully work on most unix command shells. Any additional (non-obscure) commands you think should be added,or corrections please email me. The Windows 2000 command pocket reference (O'Reilly) is a good book to get if you want to learn the equivalent commands for Windows - and most of the below are possible in windows, although the resource kit is usually required.

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Content Management System (CMS)

Content Management, A Community of Practice

[Content Management] is still different things to different people. Everybody talks about it, but despite several years of research and development, content management remains largely elusive. Few people can master all aspects of what's involved.

An increasingly complex landscape, tool proliferation, technologies and standards evolving, an incredibly competitive markeplace, cut-throat sales environment, make content management one of the most interesting and diverse sectors to be in.

There is a great need for higher understanding, more education and research.

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Using PDF to create interactive prototypes

End-users are the ultimate arbiters of a site or application's success. No matter how skillful or gifted the design and development team, neglecting user perspectives puts our projects in great peril.

Instead, through extensive analysis, usability testing and personas, I seek to understand user needs and goals in such a way that I can advocate for them.

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UI Patterns and Techniques

If you've done any Web or UI design, or even thought about it much, you should say, "Oh, right, I know what that is" to most of these patterns. But a few of them might be new to you, and some of the familiar ones may not be part of your usual design repertoire.

Each of these patterns (which are more general) and techniques (more specific) are intended to help you solve design problems. They're common problems, and there's no point in reinventing the wheel every time you need, say, a sortable table -- plenty of folks have already done it, and learned how to do it well. Some of that knowledge is written up here, in an easily-digestible format.

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MySQL Cheat Sheet

The MySQL cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing useful information about MySQL. It includes a list of the available functions in MySQL, as well as data types. It also includes a list of MySQL functions available in PHP, and a list of useful sample queries to select data from a database. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size MySQL cheat sheet.

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Apache mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet

The mod_rewrite cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing useful information about mod_rewrite. It includes a list of flags for the RewriteRule and RewriteCond directives, list of server variables, a regular expression guide and several examples of common rules. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size mod_rewrite cheat sheet

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Web Browsers

Browser Shots

This project is concerned with a favorite problem of web designers: websites look different in other browsers. Testing a new site in many browsers can be quite time-consuming. Not everybody has a farm of legacy machines with older OSes and browsers.

There are online services that offer screenshots of websites in different browsers for considerable fees. For the hobbyist and for open source projects, these fees may be prohibitive.

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Government Security

GovernmentSecurity.org is not a "Black Hat" or "White Hat" web site. Yes, [we] are a security related web site but, [we] consider this site to hold a "Library" Status. The information here can be used in both positive and in negative manners. [Our] justification for carrying certain "fringe" information is our organization follows the following motto: "Know thy Enemy..."

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