
E-magazines contain the best web development and design articles, inspiring graphics, interviews from the world's leading experts, the latest news, events and much more.

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Free! - Special Edition; 5 years DMXzone

DMXzone celebrates 5 Years of Web Development

DMXzone exists 5 years! To celebrate this momentous event we’ve made this special edition of the e-Magazine.

We have gathered the best of our e-magazines and put them in this special edition. From Photoshop and Flash to scripting, we collected the best articles and combined them in one package.

We also included the interviews of major guru’s like Craig Swann, Rob Chiu and Sas Jacobs.

And last but not least we’ve drawn up the highlights of 5 years at DMXzone and webdevelopment in general. From the birth of DMXzone’s predecessor UDzone to the latest hypes in web development, we took a good look on the past five years and we’ve placed the most momentous events.

We hope you enjoy reading this special edition!

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February 2006 issue

In these cold winter months we looked around for what's hot in the world of the web developer and we lined up the most popular topics for this month’s edition.

We’ll show you how to create menus for your websites and applications. We start of with an article on how to create a simple DHTML Flyout menu. Then we move on to drop down menus with standards where we show you how to create efficient code using the DOM and CSS.

After that we’ll move on to Flash and show you how to create a menu bar in Flash. And we’ll take you through the gentle art of creating popup menus in Flash. We’ll not only look at how you can build static menus for your common tasks, but how to build the menu dynamically from an XML document. Both articles use the components in Flash to provide a quick and easy way to add your navigation.

Our second theme gets you started with ColdFusion. First we explain how to install ColdFusion and give you advice on basic testing by creating a sample page with basic tags and functions. After that we’re going to show you how to setup up a database for and how to query that database to display data. 

Next to a treasure of tutorials and information we have a great interview with interactive motion Guru Craig Swann.

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January 2006 issue

This edition focuses on scripting and databases. Learn to master databases and programming so you can make those great websites and applications you always wanted.

But first things first; we start of by concluding our “create a Flash MP3 player” and “an online radio station” articles with a final second part so you can entertain your audience with great music or sound effects.

So let's start programming, we start with an article about Adding Dynamic Data with PHP and MySQL to your site. This article shows how to add database connectivity. That's not all. We'll build a website with Restrictive Access (part one and two) and we'll show how to create a MySQL search function.

Next to a treasure of tutorials and information we have a great interview with DMXzone writer and Flash Guru Sas Jacobs.

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December 2005 issue

Showtime for Xmas

This edition is a special Xmas edition. It's showtime for Xmas, learn how to create a lovely Flash Photo Gallery. And that's not all we'll show you how to create a Flash MP3 player, and an online radio station to enjoy your audience with great music or sound effects. Chris Charlton shows you things you should know about Fireworks so you can style your content. Next to the topics that where announced in last months e-Magazine there are two bonus articles! They are all about AJAX, an exiting technology that is rapidly gaining popularity.

Next to a treasure of tutorials and information we have a great interview with JavaScript Guru and designer; Tom Dell'Aringa.

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November 2005 issue

Navigation, CSS and Graphics       

What is the world of web development without proper navigation, CSS and graphics editors such as Fireworks and Photoshop? In this e-Magazine professional writers show you how to work with CSS and how to use Fireworks and Photoshop using QuickTime videos, high quality graphics and text.

This week we have an interview with a major graphics and motion guru; The Ronin.

We hope to inspire you

This edition offers usable content about CSS, graphics and navigation that will improve your skills. We hope the articles with their beautiful graphics, animations and interactive content will inspire you.

Tell us what you think and fill out the survey

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October 2005 issue

Interactive and fun!

DMXzone's e-Magazine is not a boring PDF but an interactive e-Magazine with video, Flash and other quality content.

Useful as a book but more amusing like a movie and full of interesting content, the new DMXzone Magazine makes web development fun.

To celebrate this new service we are giving the premier edition away for free!

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