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Night of the Image Map

In this free tutorial, Stuart Robertson shows how to make an old-school image map for navigation, using CSS and XHTML:

"When the other designer sent me his concept for the site, I began to despair. He wanted the page to look like an old weathered book, with rough edges and grungy textures. The menu items were scattered about the page. How could I turn a well-structured document into something that looked so organic? I thought about image maps.

They were horribly outdated, but an image map would make things so much easier than chopping the background image into dozens of pieces and trying to use CSS to stitch it back together. It might have been crazy to think about using them again, but the old ways seemed to hold the answer. I decided to go back into the laboratory and see if I could .."


This article was originally published by A List Apart, and is reproduced by kind permission.

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Free: Using Advanced HTML Editor to Create a Content Management System

In this free, 20 page tutorial, Matt Machell shows you how to use Dreamweaver server behaviours and the DMXzone Advanced HTML Editor extension to build a password-protected Content Management Solution for a web site, that allows normal users to read news or text or whatever you choose to put on your site, while users with the correct password can add or amend the text using an intuitive word processor-like administration system - so your clients can maintain their own web sites without having to know HTML and without risking breaking the look and feel of the site!

Because Matt's using the extension and built-in server behaviours, there's no handcoding involved, so matt shows you how to use it using both ASP and PHP.

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Minding Your <table> Manners

Beginners often mistakenly believe that tables in web pages are evil. But they're not; for tabular data, they are the perfect structure - and those tasked with updating or maintaining legacy sites, knowing how to use tables in Dreamweaver is a vital skill. Here, Molly takes the newcomer to Dreamweaver on a tour around Dreamweaver's table-handling functions, and explains what's good, what's bad - and what's just plain ugly. Read More

PHP: Site Registration and Confirmation Completed

Over the last two tutorials, we have been building up a user registration and validation system using as much of Dreamweaver's built in functionality as possible. We have built our database and created a form with validation for capturing the users' details, and then sent the user a confirmation email and written a script that tests for a human user and validates them against the database. We also wrote a small script that lets us test our system without having to send emails all over the place. This week we'll finish off our system by creating a small addition to our users.php script, add some functionality for the user to reset their password if they have forgotten it and then create a set of login pages that works with the database structure that we created in the first tutorial.


All the code for a full PHP log-in and confirmation suite is included with this tutorial!


Please note that this article forms part of a chapter in the DMXzone e-book PHP Web Applications for Dreamweaver: Juicy Solutions for the Busy Developer.

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JavaScript: Disabling and Enabling Form Fields Dynamically

Sometimes you have a form that has dependencies. By this I mean that one (or more) field's values depend on another field's values. For example, you may not want the user to fill in field B until the user has filled in field A.

One way to solve this is to dynamically hide and show form fields, which we have talked about in the past. Some people don’t like parts of their form disappearing and reappearing on them, however. If that is the case what you can do is disable and enable them instead.

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SQL Server Stored Procedures: the Whys and the Hows

In this tutorial, for intermediate ASP/ SQL developers, Rob looks at Stored Procedures, free utilities for developing them, how they can help prevent SQL Injection attacks by seperating ASP and SQL code and speed up processing by allowing pre-compiled code on the SQL Server. Read More

Creating a site map from styled lists

In this tutorial we will look at how to lay out a site map using nested lists and CSS, discussing why nested lists are the most appropriate way to lay out a site map and how we can use CSS to style the site map to show the different sections within a site in a clear way. This tutorial also demonstrates some key concepts in CSS usage – showing how CSS styles 'cascade' and are inherited by elements within a parent element, a fact that we use to our advantage in this tutorial.

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Working with Images

Images are used on the web as everything from navigation buttons to photo galleries. They can be used as decorative bullets in lists or for animations and advertisements.  Images can be placed in the background of any page element when using CSS, allowing for numerous interesting visual techniques and contemporary design. Images can also have behaviors applied to them, and with the effects available in the graphics applications and in Dreamweaver, images can provide your site visitors with a rich visual and interactive experience.


Molly show some of the basics of adding  images to your HTML pages, using Dreamweaver as your development tool.

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PHP Basics - conditions and loops

In this tutorial we look at conditional processing and the different commands available in PHP to perform this. Conditional processing allows you to choose which parts of your code are run depending on certain conditions, such as data entered by a user or results from a database.


In the second part of this tutorial, we move on to look at loops in PHP. We first look at the PHP for loop, which enables you to repeat a section of code a certain number of times, to perform calculations or to display rows of dynamic output.  We then look at the other types of loop such as the do loop and do … while loop which come in useful in a range of different situations.


Finally, we look at nested loops, which are loops within a loop. These are extremely useful for creating HTML tables, and have a number of different uses such as laying out photos in an online photo gallery.

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JavaScript Basics in Dreamweaver MX

If you want to present anything more than static images and text on your Web page, you will need to script it. Scripting allows you to add code to tell the Web page when to perform an action in reaction to an event. With scripts, you have the power to sense events that happen on the screen, such as the mouse pointer passing over a graphic, and then have the Web page perform a particular action (or reaction really), for example, change the graphic just rolled over.


In this tutorial, Jason shows you how to add JavaScript to your page using Dreamweaver MX or MS 2004 using the <script> container; how to ensure that users without JavaScript can see content with the <noscript> container, and also how to link to external .js files using DMX and MX 2004

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PHP: Site registration and confirmation with a Validation code Image

In the second part of this series on building a registration and confirmation suite in PHP, Allan builds a testing script so that you can test the pages without being logged on or using a SMTP server, and builds a Validation Code Image display and checker, similar to the one illustrated, so that you can be sure that it's a real person registering, and not an automated script.


Please note that this article forms part of a chapter in the DMXzone e-book PHP Web Applications for Dreamweaver: Juicy Solutions for the Busy Developer.

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Colour Schemes 1

We all know that colour is important, because we respond to colours, including their shades and tints, and colour saturation. Since we use a minimum of two different colours in our sites (one for background, one for text), what colours do we choose? How do we make numerous colours work together? This week, we’ll look at a few colour schemes used by graphic artists, fine artists, and interior designers that will help us decide which colours to use for our specific products and services.


The colour schemes that work well together are called "Harmonies", and today's tutorial looks at how you can use three different types, monochromatic, analogous and complementary harmonies, to create a visually pleasing colour scheme for your site.


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