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MySQL: Exporting Data to Excel II: Going straight to Excel

Last week Allan introduced us to the notion of pulling information out from our database and making it available as in a CSV type format ready for using in Excel. This week Allan extends this idea by firstly showing us how to save our CSV data and then how to really wow our reporting colleagues by using BiffWriter to throw data straight into an Excel document….


…. and even if the business analysts don't really appreciate it, you can have an inner glow of satisfaction knowing how much more usable your website is!

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CSS: User-customisable Site #2

This is the second part of my three part series about using CSS to create a site that is customisable by the user, being able to change not only the text size used on the site but also the color schemes and layout. I am assuming throughout these tutorials that you are comfortable with the basics of CSS and how to use external CSS stylesheet in your documents.

In the first part of the tutorial we created our XHTML document and a set of default stylesheets that made up the default look and feel of the web site. In this tutorial we will create additional stylesheets that will be eventually be part of the user self selection.


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PHP Back to Basics #9: Working with Objects

In this tutorial, we look at what classes and objects are, and how they can be used to make your code more organized, with the benefit that they can easily be shared between people and projects. We then see how a class is defined, and how to add properties and methods to the class, as well as how to use a constructor function which is run automatically when a new object is created from the class.


Finally, we create an example class that can be used to easily generate HTML tables, so you only have to setup the appearance of the table such as its width, border etc, and the class does the hard work of actually generating the HTML code to create the table.

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MySQL: Exporting Data to Excel

So, your web site is all running nicely, and suddenly your boss wants a report on how many users in the database are aged between 30-35, or live in France, or visited in the last week. Of course, the site spec never had any reporting facility, and you'll be asked to produce custom SQL queries like this every time they have a marketing meeting to discuss leveraging synergies while thinking out of the box.

In this article, Allan shows you how to make the data easily exportable from a MySQL database into Excel, ready for Powerpoint loveliness, and then shows how you can bag up the code as a Dreamweaver Server Behavior for the next time the boss interrupts your game of Quake.

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Using the DMX Layout View

Stepping Stones is a new series building on the recent Cornerstones series. In our first article Molly is looking at the Layout view - a special view that Dreamweaver MX supplies you with as an aid to table design.

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Beginner's SQL: How about a Date?

Today we will uncover the secrets to success using dates in SQL, secrets not at all difficult to understand, once you've seen them. In a way, they're like magic tricks. If you know how the tricks are done, they're not really magic, although they may still be delightful.

This article contains explanations, tips, and examples for several different database systems, but makes no attempt to be exhaustive. There's just not enough space or time. My intent is to give you the confidence to deal with your own date situations, by helping you understand how they all work.

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PHP Basics: Cookies and Sessions

In this tutorial we're going to look at how to use cookies and session variables in PHP, to allow you to save data for the user as they move between pages. This can be used for a number of different uses such as for creating a log-in system to secure your site, or saving data for a user's shopping cart, for example.

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Design: Achieving Unity

Over the past few months we focused on design elements and how to use these elements in our web designs. However, we still need to understand how these elements combine to form design principles. This week, we’ll view several sites to understand these principles, or design rules. By rules, I mean rules that can be broken, but only if we understand how they work in the first place. So, we’ll take these principles step-by-step, because each one is achieved through all the design elements.

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Free! ASP.NET Cookie Login

The article teaches you how to create a user login using the Dreamweaver MX ASP.NET/VB or C# server models. It also shows you how to protect a page and logout a user.
I don't think there is any article online that shows users how to create a login using the ASP.NET server model so enjoy and spread the word!!

This article was originally published on and is copyright Omar Elbaga, reproduced with kind permission.

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MySQL Data Types

While I've been writing my tutorials for DMXzone, I've often been surprised at how many support queries I get from people who have difficulty because they're choosing the wrong datatype for their database columns. That's one of the negatives about Dreamweaver's power: it can insulate you from the nitty gritty of data too much sometimes. So, following several requests, I've put together a tutorial on the different ways to store data in MySQL. Even if you think you're an intermediate DW/ PHP developer, you might learn something ..  

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PHP Basics 7: Connecting to a MySQL Database

Dreamweaver MX contains a number of server behaviors for connecting to a MySQL database and performing database operations, these can be quite limiting and if you want to build a truly powerful website you really need to be able to hand code the database operations yourself. Once you can do this all limits are removed and you're no longer limited in what you can achieve!


 This tutorial covers:

Building a Database 
Creating a table - users 
Adding Data to the Users table 
Working with a MySQL database 
Connecting to the MySQL Server 
Select Database 
Execute MySQL Query 
Close Server Connection 
PHP Commands for Working with the MySQL database 
Connecting to the MySQL Server 
Select Database 
Execute SQL Query 
Close Server Connection
Working Examples 
Reading Records from a Database 
Adding Records to a Database 
Modifying Records in a Database 
Deleting a Record from the Database

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CSS: User-customisable Site #1

This three-part tutorial will take you through the process of building a site that uses CSS to not only allow the user to change the color scheme and font size of the site, but allows them more precise control over the layout and colors used – allowing them to select x color scheme with y layout and z text styling – in any combination that they wish.

In this first part we will plan our layout and create the default stylesheets for the site, splitting the styles into those used for layout, color and font styles. Next time we will create our alternate stylesheets and in the final tutorial will look at ways to allow the user to select which stylesheets they want to use to view the site.

Because we move pretty fast, this tutorial is for those who have a basic understanding of CSS and is therefore not for newbies.

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