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Tackling Facebook Again, Peppered with some Marketing

In this article, Linda goes into depth with some of the new Facebook changes, which may help you promote your business in a more efficient manner in this medium

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Features Overview of Universal CSS Transforms: Rotate

With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Universal CSS Transforms: Rotate and how to use them.

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What's New in Social Media

It's been a few weeks since Linda talked about social media. In this article, she expounds on some of the changes that have occurred at Twitter, Facebook and Ning...and, she introduces a few more sites that may help you network with other designers, future clients and even your geeky neighbour.

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Open Your Calendar Events in a Stylish Lightbox Window

With this movie we will show you how to use Ajax Event Calendar with DMXzone Lightbox in order to enhance the user experience.

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Switch Dates of Ajax Event Calendar using DMXzone Calendar

With this movie we will show you how to switch dates of Ajax Event Calendar using DMXzone Calendar that is placed on another page.

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WordPress and Graphics II

In this tutorial, you can learn how to change your masthead in your WordPress theme. This change may involve working with a CSS file, which Linda also covers here. You will need to use Photoshop or some other graphic program that can create .jpg, .gif and/or .png files.

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Validate a Form in PHP and send it via E-mail

With this movie we will show you how to use Universal Form Validator PHP in order to validate a form that sends an e-mail using Smart Mailer PHP.

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WordPress and Graphics

Are you ready to add images to your WordPress blog? This tutorial can help you with your decisions on how to use images in your blog before you begin to upload images. Linda talks about placement, colour and resources on finding images for your blog.

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Universal CSS Navigation Menu: Advanced CSS Styling

The Universal CSS Navigation Menu comes with multiple great designs that can be used to fit a menu into a website. However some times you need just a bit more CSS Styling to make them fully fit your site.

This tutorial describes the way to add or edit CSS classes to customize the Universal CSS Navigation Menu. Read More

Creating an Inline CSS Menu with List-o-Rama!2

With this movie we will show you how easily it is to create nice CSS inline menus in seconds using List-o-Rama!2.

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Ajusting Events Time Settings in Ajax Event Calendar

With this movie we will show you how to adjust events time setting according each user's local time or use the events default settings from the database.

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Navigating the Ajax Event Calendar through DMXzone Calendar

With this movie we will show you how to combine the Ajax Event Calendar with DMXzone Calendar using behavior connector.

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