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Why Are You Creating a Blog? Useful Content is Key

A blog requires content, especially if you expect readers and if you want to make money from that readership. In this article, Linda discusses writing issues such as how to find content, how to make a writing plan, and how to maintain a consistent schedule for your writing.

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Features Overview of Universal CSS Transforms: Translate

With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Universal CSS Transforms: Translate and how to use them.

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Creating a Gallery in WordPress without Plugins

In this article, Linda shows how to create a simple gallery within WordPress without plugins...but she also points readers to plugins that really work.

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Features Overview of Universal CSS Transforms: Scale

With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Universal CSS Transforms: Scale and how to use them.

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Validate a Form in ASP and send it via E-mail

With this movie we will show you how to use Universal Form Validator ASP in order to validate a form that sends an e-mail using Smart Mailer ASP.

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Using the Media Library in WordPress

Now that you know the basics behind uploading images and using them to gain SEO traction, you might want to know how to leverage the WordPress image libraries so you don't overload your site.

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Uploading an Image and Validating the Upload form

With this movie we will show you how to upload an image using Pure ASP Upload 3 and how to validate the Upload form with Universal Form Validator ASP

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New Validation Rules for Universal Form Validator

With this movie we will show you some of the validation rules we've recently added to Universal Form Validator PHP/ASP.

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Creating a Flexible and Robust Event Management System with JavaScript

With the power of modern JavaScript libraries like jQuery and the YUI, handling events on the client-side has become a trivial matter that we mostly don’t need to concern ourselves with anymore. However, there may be times when we can’t use a framework to handle things for us. Additionally, for a better understanding of how JavaScript libraries work, it's useful to understand the principles of the underlying raw JavaScript.

In this tutorial we’ll look at how we can create cross-browser solution that will easily let us manage all of our event-handling needs using standard JavaScript; we'll look at how we can easily add and remove event-handlers, and how we can stop events. This tutorial may not be of interest to anyone that isn’t concerned with learning how JavaScript works.

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Using Images in WordPress

If you want to streamline your images for your WordPress (WP) blog, Linda shows how to do this in this tutorial. You'll learn how to upload images as well as how to size them so they fit in your theme.

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Features Overview of Universal CSS Transforms: Skew

With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Universal CSS Transforms: Skew and how to use them.

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