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Animating in Flash Professional 8

Flash Professional 8 is a great new tool for working with animations. It includes some extra features that you don’t get with the Basic edition of Flash 8. One of those features is custom easing. In earlier versions of Flash, you could add ease in and ease out effects to your animations. In Flash Professional 8, you get much more precise control over the way easing is applied.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

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CSS: Unified We Stand

In the fall of 2003, when Dreamweaver MX 2004 came out, it was dubbed the “CSS update.  Prior to that point in time, Dreamweaver just didn’t quite “get” CSS and as more and more developers flocked to 3rd party tools to produce their CSS for Dreamweaver sites, Macromedia realized that something had to be done.  The web world was, more and more, emphasizing “separation of content and presentation” and either Dreamweaver had to improve in this area or start to lose valuable market share.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

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Creating a Tool tip Movie Clip

Tool tips are a useful feature of most software applications. They display messages to users for navigation purposes or to indicate functionality. Whenever you use Flash, you’ll see a tool tip when you point at an icon in the Toolbox.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to make a tool tip movie clip that you can reuse in your Flash applications. You’ll be able to change the text and the tool tip background colour. The tool tip will appear when you move your mouse over an instance on the Stage. It will follow the position of the mouse and will disappear when you remove the mouse. You’ll be able to have different tool tips for each instance and the tool tips will automatically resize themselves depending on the text that you assign.

I’ve used ActionScript 1.0 for the code in this tutorial so you’ll need at least Flash MX to complete it. I’ve assumed that you’ve got some experience at working with ActionScript and that you know how to add code in the Actions panel. I’ll cover how you might achieve the same functionality with AS 2.0 classes in a later article.

You can download the resource files from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

We’ll need to create a symbol in the Library and write some ActionScript to generate the tool tip. We’ll get started by creating the Library symbol. It will be a movie clip that includes a text field for the tool tip text.

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Free! - Prevent robots from submitting forms

Ever wanted to protect your forms from spam robots?
This video tutorial from shows you how to do it!

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What is New in ActionScript in Flash 8

What’s New in ActionScript in Flash 8

If you’ve been reading through the first two articles in this series, you’ll have seen the new features and changes to Flash Basic 8 and Flash Professional 8. In this article, I want to show you some of the changes to ActionScript in Flash 8. These include changes to the editor as well as changes to the language itself.

I’m going to cover the following areas:

  • Changes to the ActionScript editor
  • Changes to the Actions panel
  • Changes to the ActionScript language
  • Miscellaneous changes

This article doesn’t include example files but you may want to read it with Flash 8 open so you can familiarise yourself with the new features. If you haven’t yet bought Flash 8, you can download a trial version from the Macromedia web site.

We’ll start by looking at changes to the ActionScript editor panel.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

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Dreamweaver 8 SiteWise

Dreamweaver 8 is packed full of all kind of wonderful additions and terrific tools to make your design and coding experience a “piece of cake”.  When we get into the series on CSS, starting in Article 4, I could go on for weeks, and probably will.  When we get to the XML support in Dreamweaver 8, we’re talking more like a month!

But none of it would be any good without solid Site support.  The site features in Dreamweaver 8 are exciting in their own rite; though they may lack the glamour of CSS or the code coolness of Code Collapse or XML.  But without solid support in the site experience; without accurate FTP, without accessibility, none of the rest would mean anything.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

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An Online Presentation Application With Flash Communication Server MX part 1


I believe most of you guys have attended online presentations with Macromedia Breeze or at least you have heard of Macromedia Breeze earlier and you may have thought, “What an outstanding application! I want to deliver my presentations, but I can’t afford it, what should I do? Can I make an application like this?”  The answer is yes! After reading this article you can make something like macromedia breeze. In this first part of this series, we will learn how to create such an application that lets you deliver your presentations online to your customers/visitors/clients and employees with features like slide-by-slide presentation, voice-over by the presenter, and chat facility b/w presenter and attendees of this presentation. So let’s move forward.

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New in Flash Professional 8

What’s New in Flash Professional 8

Welcome to the second article about the new release, Flash 8. In the first article, I showed you the new features available in all editions of Flash 8. This article will cover at the new features that are only available within the Professional edition of Flash 8.  Flash Professional 8 is aimed at advanced web designers and web developers.  Macromedia recommends that it should be used by people who work with Flash on a regular basis. People who use Flash 8 infrequently should use Flash Basic 8.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

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Dreamweaver 8: Under the Hood

Welcome back to our 15 part tour of Dreamweaver 8.  In the first part, we introduced you to the program and took a look at the changes in Design View.  While it looks basically like Dreamweaver MX 2004 on the surface, there are some big differences and I don’t just mean performance, although it is greased lightning in comparison. 

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8 

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Working with Masks in Flash

Masks allow you to show and hide elements within a Flash movie. You use a shape to determine which parts of the image to show and place it on a mask layer above the layer you want to cover. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how you can create a simple mask using the Flash interface. We’ll then add animation to the mask. I’ll show you how you can use ActionScript to set the mask and make it follow the movement of the mouse. We’ll also draw a shape in ActionScript with the Drawing API and use it to mask a photo. Finally, we’ll create a simple example where you can gradually reveal an image a mask and the mouse – kind of an instant lottery scratch effect.

I’ve used ActionScript 1.0 for the examples in the tutorial so you’ll need at least Flash MX to complete the exercises here. I’ve assumed that you’ve got some experience at working with ActionScript and that you know how to add code in the Actions panel.

You can download the resource files from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... and clicking the Delete Cookies... button on the General tab.

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Free! - What’s new in Flash 8

This article is a sneak preview of the new Flash 8 e-book that will be released this month.

Welcome to the first in a series of articles about the new release, Flash 8. Like Flash MX 2004, Flash 8 comes in two versions - Basic and Professional.  Flash Professional 8 is aimed at advanced web designers and application developers. It includes the same features as Flash 8 Basic but adds some extra tools to help with more complicated animations and video.

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Free! - Introducing Dreamweaver 8

This article is a sneak preview of the new Dreamweaver 8 e-book that will be released this month.


About the e-book

On 8/8/88, oops, 8/8/2005, Macromedia announced the coming of the next generation of their wonderful Studio and in particular, award winning HTML editor, Dreamweaver.  No longer stuck in alphabet soup, this series of 15 articles will detail and teach you how to use the new features of Dreamweaver 8.  There is a whole lot to talk about with this amazing new product and we will not only talk, but we’ll create a site utilizing the power of the program to its fullest extent.  From the Unified CSS panel to the integration of XML to the quick and easy Code Collapse, Dreamweaver 8 is chock full of goodies to make the designer’s life a whole lot easier and web sites a whole lot quicker to create.

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