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Producing Excel reports from Flash

Every new version of Flash comes with a train and a little wagon of nice new features.
Despite all the improvements there are still a few things in Flash technology that aren’t just there, and generating professionally looking printable reports is one of them.  Printing dynamic (data-driven) content from Flash has always been a difficult task. No doubt that the PrintJob class that’s been added to the application API in version 7 has been a huge improvement, yet it hasn’t solved all the problems.
While Flash is very good for printing high resolution graphics (because of its native support for vector graphic format) some tasks that are considered basic in browser environment are very difficult to achieve.

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Working with Text in Flash 8 ActionScript

In this article, I’m going to look at some of the new text features that are available using ActionScript in Flash 8. If you have read some of the earlier articles, you’ll have seen that Flash 8 includes some improved text options.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

Flash 8 uses FlashType - a new text rendering engine. It provides high-quality text rendering, especially at small font sizes so that the appearance of text is improved in Flash Player 8. FlashType can’t be used with earlier Flash Players but it is automatically selected when you publish to the Flash 8 player.  Flash 8 also includes other options for working with text including new ActionScript properties for the TextFormat class and new anti-aliasing settings.

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CSS: Just In Case

Welcome to Article 7, our final step in the CSS Journey of Dreamweaver 8.  In our first article, we walked through the vast world of CSS, Dreamweaver 8 style, and there is indeed a lot to talk about with this release of the product!  From the general to the specific, we applied what we had learned in Article 5 by creating a simple page using nothing but the Design Tools of Dreamweaver 8 to produce our CSS.  Then in Article 6, I showed you how I like to do CSS, using a combination of the design tools and coding and I passed along my collection of starter snippets in an extension that you can easily install into your copy of Dreamweaver 8.


This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

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Drawing API enhancements part 2

Enhanced Drawing Features in Flash 8 - part 2

Flash 8 contains many new features within ActionScript that you can use when publishing to Flash Player 8. The Drawing API contains enhancements and, in this article, I’m going to look at the following areas.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

  • Additional options when creating a gradient
  • A new method to create a line with a gradient
  • A new method that allows you fill a movie clip with a bitmap

We’ll work through a series of examples so you can see how these new features work. In the first article, I looked at the changes that have been made to the lineStyle method. You don’t need to have completed that article before reading this one.

You’ll need a copy of Flash 8 to see the features covered in this article. You can download a trial copy from the Macromedia Web site. You should also install Flash Player 8 so you can publish these features. Because they include changes to ActionScript, you can’t publish to Flash Player 7 and earlier. Note that the code samples within this article all use AS2.0.

You can download the sample files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter files you'll need as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

We’ll start by looking at how you can work with gradients.

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CSS: My Way

A while ago, we dissected the Unified CSS panel, took an in-depth look at the CSS rendering changes in Dreamweaver 8 and were duly amazed at the CSS Layout Aids that make it so easy to see the integral parts of the CSS layout at a glance.  Then in Article 5, we tried the whole thing out, making our first page using only the CSS tools available in Dreamweaver 8.  We made extensive use of the Unified CSS Panel, but we also used the traditional CSS dialog to create our initial CSS.  It was then a snap to make changes in the Unified Panel.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

Now that we know how to do that, in this article, I am going to show you a few things about how I like to do CSS.  I have gone the full gamut from creating everything in the design tools of Dreamweaver to handwriting the code for the entire page in code view.  I have created, I have reused code and I have developed a little set of snippets which I am giving to you with this article.  They are by no means the start to every page you will ever make, but they quickly give you a start to much of the design that is standard too much of what I do and I pass them along to you in hopes that you may find them beneficial.

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Creating a tool tip with AS2.0 classes

Creating a tool tip with AS2.0 classes

You see tool tips in most software packages. For example, in Flash you’ll see a tool tip when you move your mouse over an icon in the Toolbox. If you read the last tutorial, you’ll have discovered how to create a tool tip movie clip that you can reuse in your Flash applications using ActionScript 1.0. We used ActionScript to attach a movie clip that we’d created in the Library. To reuse the tool tip, you needed to add the movie clip to the Library of the Flash movie and add ActionScript.

In this tutorial, I’m going to create the same tool tip using AS2.0 classes. The tool tip is created entirely through code with no movie clip to install. The advantage is that all you have to do is place the ActionScript class file within the same folder as the Flash movie. You can also add it with the other classes and refer to it using the package name.

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Google Maps and AJAX: Web 2.0 on Your Web Site

In the last 6 months or so there has been a lot of talk about “Web 2.0”. Some of this is certainly hype, and the desire by some people to put a label on things. In any event, what we do have happening is the emergence of some pretty cool technologies and one of those technologies is called AJAX or Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. If you want the full story on AJAX from one of the chief drivers behind the idea, you can read this article over at Adaptive Path.

You’ll notice he mentions Google Maps, and we’ll get to that in a moment. We do want to first summarize what AJAX is in a nutshell and how JavaScript fits in.

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A Journey with Fireworks 8

The End

We’ll start our journey with Fireworks by covering the new features and highlights of the recent Fireworks 8 release. Equipped with this knowledge we will delve into more specific topics and techniques.

I have been a Fireworks user since its very first release and I have contributed articles and chapters in various Fireworks publications. You may also have used some of the extensions I’ve written for Fireworks either explicitly by downloading them from my site at or implicitly since some of them ship with Fireworks. Also, I was the technical editor of the last of the “Fireworks Bible” series by Joe Lowery, but this is the first time that I sit down to share the knowledge and experience I’ve gained through the users of use of this fine application.

By the end of this series, I hope I will be able to transfer my knowledge to you so you can feel as confident as I am that you will be able to tackle just about any graphics-related tasks with Fireworks successfully.

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Enhanced Drawing Features in Flash 8 - part 1

Flash 8 includes a number of enhancements to the ActionScript language. There are a range of new classes and enhanced functionality for existing features. When you use these new features, you’ll need to publish to Flash Player 8.

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CSS: Taking It Out For A Test Drive

In my previous article, we took an in depth look at the new Unified CSS Panel, the new visual aids for helping to give  the user a clearer picture of what the CSS is doing to a given page, and the rendering improvements in Dreamweaver 8.  I think we all agreed that, once again, we have a whole new CSS ballgame. 

But there is nothing quite like trying out something yourself.  You can believe everything I’m telling you but what I can’t tell you is whether or not it will work for you.  Will this improve workflow for your individual situation?  I really think I can shout a resounding YES! But I don’t blame you for wanting to try some of this yourself. 

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

And so you shall.  In this article, we are going to build a page with the new CSS unified panel and put it through some of its paces.  We will do this from the standpoint of inline CSS “in the head” which makes it easier to see what is going to happen and why.

In the next article we’ll return to the case study and create an external CSS sheet and work with some different ways to work with CSS in Dreamweaver 8.  There are many ways to achieve what you want and we’ll try to show you as many of them as we can.  Enjoy!

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Making RSS More Readable with Dreamweaver 8 and XSLT

One of the nice additions to Dreamweaver 8 is the ability to create XSLT transforms. What are they? XLST allows you to turn your dowdy XML data files into more colourful and manageable forms. In this article we'll look at the basics of doing this client side (in the browser), and how you can use this to make your RSS feeds a bit more easy for the average user to understand.

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What colour to paint the house?

You've probably seen those video consoles in home improvement stores or paint suppliers which allow you to apply different paint colours to a house photograph, to see how the colours go together and what the house will look like when painted.  They work OK, but there's one big problem.  The house they use in the example looks nothing like the one you want to paint.

This exercise shows you how to use Photoshop layer masks and a photograph of your own house to get the same effect.  And who knows, the paint shop proprietor might even pay you to do it as a service to clients!

We'll start off with a bit of photographic tweaking and then use a variety of selection tools to select areas and convert them to adjustment layers.  Then you can change to colours of your house (within limits) to your heart's content (and so minimise wasted paint!).

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