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Christmas eCard, part I - Composing

Falling behind with your Christmas cards routine? Afraid your cards won’t make it in time through the jam-packed Post Office? No worries! After all it is 21st century – the time of tiny cell phones and electronic mail as our main communication tools.  So why not an eCard? Get creative with your digital camera and put together something fancy in a matter of minutes.

That’s what we’ll build in this two-part series – an eCard card application, and we we’ll do it in Flash.

You will be able to use it for yourself or, to attract more traffic, offer it to your web site visitors as a free service.

A user will be able to pick an e-Card from the available selection, change the text and the color of the greeting and type the message. The recipient will receive an email with the link to the page where this personalized card can be viewed. To accommodate for this features we will build an image browser and a color picker widget.

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Free! - User-centered design

User-centered design (UCD) - 6 methods

User-centered design (UCD) is a project approach that puts the intended users of a site at the centre of its design and development. It does this by talking directly to the user at key points in the project to make sure the site will deliver upon their requirements.

The stages are carried out in an iterative fashion, with the cycle being repeated until the project's usability objectives have been attained. This makes it critical that the participants in these methods accurately reflect the profile of your actual users.

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Uploading and downloading files with Flash 8

One of the great new features of Flash is its ability to let you work with file uploads and downloads. However, let me say right at the beginning of this article that Flash 8 CAN’T upload files on its own - it needs some help from the server. The topic of this article is how we can use Flash to communicate the information about uploaded and downloaded files with the server.

On HTML pages, one of the form controls that is included is an input control with a type of File.

<input type="file" />

This creates a field with a Browse button that looks something like the image shown below.  

You can download the files referred to in the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power
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Dreamweaver 8: Little Known Goodies

During this series, we have learned a lot about Dreamweaver 8.  We have discussed the product in general, we have taken a general look at its features, a comprehensive at its CSS ability and now we are winding up a walk through the application aspect of the program.  This article represents a bit of a departure from the norm.  This article is the culmination of my trips through the menus, the panels, the documentation and general just click, clicking around in the program to see what kinds of little things I could find that I thought was interesting, helpful or just downright different. 

I hope you’ll enjoy learning about some of the little things as much as you have enjoyed the major features.  I can’t say enough about Dreamweaver 8 and how it raises the bar for both the web designer and developer. 

As a look ahead, our final article, Article 15, will focus on Dreamweaver 8 as a part of the Macromedia Studio 8, giving you a look at the total web development process.  Macromedia, more than any other company, has positioned its software solutions to the various pieces of the web development puzzle to work together seamlessly and brilliantly.  You won’t want to miss this informative look at innovation in software design, Macromedia style.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8

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Fireworks for Basic Photo Correction

As a web developer or designer, you'll have no doubt come across this situation. The company has a press release and to go with it there's a photo. They didn't have time for a professional photographer, so one of “the guys” took a picture with a handy digital camera. It looked OK on the tiny screen at the back of the camera, turns out it came through a bit wrong. Unfortunately they really want it on the web site...

This tutorial is a guide to cleaning up just such a photo for the web with Firework's various image filters and effects. I'll introduce the different kinds of filters, then show you some typical problems and how you might want to fix them. It's aimed firmly at somebody who's new to Macromedia Fireworks, old hands will know this already. This tutorial was written with Fireworks MX 2004, but is equally appropriate to older or later versions as the principles remain the same.

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Co-o-old Fusion, Baby!

This article, that is part of the Dreamweaver 8 e-book, continues our walk through the Application realm of Dreamweaver 8 with a look at the integration available in the new upgrade for Macromedia’s own server model, Cold Fusion.   When the fabulous Cold Fusion Server Model 7 was released early this year, it packed a lot of power and gave developers a lot to think about in terms of what they could do, but not necessarily how to do it, unless they wanted to hand code. 

Dreamweaver 8 has taken care of that by integrating a previously semi-satisfactory set of extensions into the core product and making them not only work, but work well.  It has also given us a whole new toolbar for Cold Fusion forms that changes depending on whether the server model is Cold Fusion 6 or Cold Fusion 7. 

And finally, Dreamweaver 8 has so much functionality packed into it for the Cold Fusion developer that there is almost no reason to visit the Cold Fusion Administrator, at least not regularly.  In fact in the preparation of this article, I did not leave the Dreamweaver program to access the Administrator even once.  It’s all right here in Dreamweaver at your fingertips.

Come on .. have a look.  Who knows?  If you don’t do Cold Fusion today, perhaps you will be doing Cold Fusion tomorrow!  I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised!

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Working with Bitmaps in Flash 8 - part 2

If you completed part 1 of this article series, you’ll have learned about the BitmapData class. I showed you how to create a BitmapData object and we worked with it in different ways: displaying it within a movie clip, creating noise and using floodFill. Remember, that the Flash Player doesn’t redraw bitmaps each frame as it does with vector images.

In this article I’ll look at:

  • Working with pixels
  • Using the draw method
  • Applying filters to BitmapData objects

We’ll work with several examples and even create a simple application that samples colours from a photo. You’ll need to have completed part 1 of the article before you tackle part 2 as it explains a lot of the background behind the code we’ll be using here. Note that there are other methods of the BitmapData object that I won’t cover in either of the two articles.

You’ll need a copy of Flash 8 to work through this article. You can download a trial copy from the Macromedia Web site. Note that the code samples within the article all use AS2.0.

You can download the files referred to in the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

We’ll start by looking at how you can work with individual pixels.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

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Creating Panoramas in Fireworks

Panoramic photographs are not new - they've been around since the earliest days of photography.  Recently they've come back into vogue, with computer photo manipulation and digital photography.  There are an increasing number of applications for viewing and displaying panoramas, including a forthcoming viewer from the DMX Zone.  (See references at end). 

The websites about panoramas show examples of dazzling vistas of mountains or exotic beaches.  Really impressive.  But making one of your own can be a frustrating business.  This article is about how to create your own panorama, using Macromedia Fireworks (MX2004).  It applies also to Photoshop, but Photoshop(CS) has additional tools not available in Fireworks, so we'll take the "manual" approach here, and you'll learn more about the nuts and bolts of panorama making.

The exercise doesn't require high level expertise in FW, just the basics of selecting areas, doing a bit of Curves correction work, cropping, and a little bit of gradient masking.  It does, however, require care and attention to detail if you want to create a first class panorama.

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Ajax: Ready States, PHP and Arrays

Last week we built a basic filmstrip application using Ajax. It was neat to see the images and descriptions coming in asynchronously, but it wasn’t a very extendable application of Ajax. What if we wanted to add new images? And what about all the hard coded JavaScript? There ought to be something we can do to make this type of application more robust.


In fact, there are a few things that we can do to toward that end. First of all we can make use of a server side language (we’ll use PHP) to figure out how many images (and what they are) on our server. We can also make generous use of arrays, both in JavaScript and PHP to do some of the data handling. Essentially, we want to think in a more object oriented way.


Lastly, we can make use of the xmlHTTPObject’s ReadyState property to keep the user informed of the progress when loading new elements into their view.

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Free! - Excel Spreadsheet into MySQL

This Tutorial shows you how easy it is to import an Excel sheet into MySQL.

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Dreamweaver 8: Possibilities in Application of XML

In the previous article, we started our journey into the world of applications with Dreamweaver 8.  We talked about PHP5 and the new support built into the product.  Then we turned our attention to the fantastic XML integration built into Dreamweaver 8.  In Dreamweaver MX 2004, we had the ability to import a schema so the custom tags would be available in code hinting and completion and this was pretty cool; certainly sped up work flow.  And we had the ability to create an XML document; as long as you typed it, but of course you had the custom tags if you had imported the schema, so it wasn’t all that bad.

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Working with Bitmaps in Flash 8 - part 1

Flash 8 includes a new class: flash.display.BitmapData that lets you work with bitmap information.  When you work with bitmaps in Flash, the Flash Player doesn’t have to redraw the image each frame so there’s less overhead.

You can create bitmaps using ActionScript, add colours, apply filters and apply many types of manipulations. You can also use a BitmapData object to fill a movie clip. You may have seen this in an earlier example.

This is the first of two articles about the BitmapData class. In this article I’ll look at:

  • creating a BitmapData object
  • attaching a BitmapData object to a movie clip
  • creating noise in a BitmapData object
  • modifying a BitmapData object

In the examples, I’ll show you how to create realistic looking TV static and you’ll also learn how to create repeating patterns in a BitmapData object. Our final example will show you how to fill a movie clip with colour like you would with the in Paint Bucket tool.

Part 2 of this article will show you some more tricks with the BitmapData class including:

  • Working with individual pixels
  • Using the draw method to turn a movie clip into a bitmap
  • Applying filters to BitmapData objects

You’ll need a copy of Flash 8 to work through this article as well as the Flash 8 Player. You can download a trial copy from the Macromedia Web site. Note that the code samples within the article all use AS2.0.

You can download the files referred to in the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Out of my mind: Flash 8 Power

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