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Static Front Pages and Stores within WordPress

What if you're too busy to run a blog? What if you want to use WordPress as a static site with a store? In this article, Linda will answer both those questions with ways to resolve your goals.

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Creating Dynamic Sliding Panels

With this movie we will show you how to create Sliding Panels that retrieve their content from a database using standard Dreamweaver Recordset and Repeat Regions.

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Creating Simple Sliding Panels

With this movie we will show you the basic features and how to create simple Sliding Panels.

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Themes that are Totally WordPress Compatible

In past articles, Linda mentioned that she uses the Hybrid Theme for WordPress. In this article, she points to other themes that WordPress feels are totally compatible with that blogging platform.

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How to Control Your Users in WordPress

If you're concerned about how to label your users in your WordPress blog, never fear. Linda defines those roles so that you don't allow strangers total access and deny friends the same access.

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Features Overview of Universal CSS Transforms: Flip

With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Universal CSS Transforms: Flip and how to use them.

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WordPress Permalinks, Feeds and Subscriptions

In this article, Linda tackles some issues that can help others notice your blog through the use of Permalinks, feed and subscriptions.

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Adding Mouse Gestures and New Easing effects in Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to simulate iPad/iPhone touchscreen gestures, as well as adding new easing effects in Sliding Billboard.

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Working WordPress to SEO Advantage

One of the final steps to making your blog SEO friendly is to use WordPress tools to push that blog over the edge. In this article, Linda shows you how to get that WordPress SEO advantage.

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Creating Readable SEO Content for Your Blog

If you have trouble building blog content that gets noticed, you might need help with structure and SEO. Structure, along with words that make searches engines happy is what Linda tackles in this article.

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Creating Lightbox Gallery with a Single Thumbnail

With this movie we will show you how to create a Lightbox Gallery with only one thumbnail on your page.

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