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Server-side validation with PHP


In the previous article Hacking around with JavaScript we have looked at some techniques that can be used to bypass client-side (JavaScript) validation.  Although beneficial, client-side validation is not that reliable and should be utilized more as a usability rather than security feature. Having one in place does not eliminate the need for the server-side validation.

For the purpose of this article we will set up a simple MySQL table to store user registration data, design a user registration form and write some PHP code to validate user’s input.

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Implementing a Uniform IsNull Pattern

Implementing a Uniform IsNull Pattern

One of the more confusing aspects of the .NET framework is the multiple empty or NULL values an intrinsic object type can contain. To compound the confusion there are also differences between the way VB.NET and C# handle NULL references.

It’s important to understand all of the built-in object types and their initial values upon declaration. For example, Integer and Date types never contain Null values.

Tip: Integer variables will always contain 0 upon declaration; DateTime object types will always contain 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM upon declaration.

In this tutorial we will examine these default types in VB.NET and implement an object oriented Utilities class to handle the data types and their default values, allowing for a much more clean error checking pattern in your code-behind classes or class libraries.

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Free! - How to list your Coppermine Photo Albums on your webpage

This video tutorial shows you how to list your Coppermine Photo Albums on your webpage with Dreamweaver MX 2004. Read More

Free! - Configure your Flash application using XML

Configure your Flash application using XML

If you’re anything like me, you don’t particularly enjoy having to launch Flash for a quick little fix, export again and deploy it on a website.

Well using the power of XML you can make your life a lot easier. What I’ll be discussing in this article is the concept of a configuration XML file and how to use it most efficiently for your Flash projects.

Getting started

What exactly is a configuration XML file I hear you saying? It’s not difficult at all; in simple terms what it does is define some properties and corresponding values that overwrite the default values in your Flash application.


Let’s look at an example of such an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


  <param id="companyName" value="DMXzone" />

  <param id="companyLink" value="" />


The XML file above shows a typical configuration XML file that allows you to change the companyName and companyLink variables without having to recompile the Flash application.

This XML document is saved as config.xml and placed in the root folder of your Flash application. Of course that’s not enough to get it to work; we need a little bit of code in the Flash application to load in the XML and get hold of the configuration parameters which we’ll look at next.

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Creating a Flash Portfolio movie – part 1

A few weeks ago, a reader asked how to create a portfolio movie in Flash. Because this is a common request, and the reader had a specific layout in mind, the team at DMXZone thought it might make a good subject for a tutorial. We’ll build a portfolio web site that has the layout shown below.


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Hacking around with JavaScript


Quite often when building web pages we tend to rely on certain techniques trying to make the users “play by the rules” and utilize the web pages in a predictable way. In fact, we rely on them so much that sometimes we forget that their power can be turned against our purpose.
Indeed, JavaScript, “the great and the mighty” can become a dangerous weapon in skillful hands and used not to our advantage.

Once you realize how easy it is for a “total stranger” to “beat up” your web page you may decide to review your good techniques and utilize other tools to strengthen the “line of defense”.

Most of the tricks described in this article are pretty basic and can be put to use by a novice programmer.
After reading the article you will learn a few tricks which may help you with the following:

  • Debugging your own web applications
  • Bypassing bugs and glitches when using web sites built by someone else
  • Minimizing chances for someone trying to use some of those techniques on your web pages.
  • Staying informed of the various possibilities and being prepared to take corresponding actions.
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Masking in Fireworks

Introduction to Masks

Masks are one of the most useful tools in Fireworks. They make it easy to cut out or hide away parts of your work, without having to destroy the original image. This saves you on those Undo commands and means that it's easier to tweak at a later date, when your boss inevitably asks for an alteration...

This tutorial is a beginners introduction to the use of Masks in Macromedia Fireworks MX (and later). It assumes no prior knowledge of Masks (though maybe a little familiarity with Fireworks) and take you through from first principles.

Throughout this tutorial we'll be using the photo of the Meerkat to demonstrate a few of the ways you can use Masking techniques:

I've included him here un-altered, so that you can follow along with the examples more easily.

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Free! - Dynamic XML for Active Slideshow Pro

This tutorial shows you how to create dynamic XML that contains filenames stored in a database. The tutorial creates a dynamic XML file for Active Slideshow Pro and enables you to add images from a database.

Note: the generic method used here for creating Dynamic XML files with Dreamweaver apply actually for most database driven xml files. So you can use it not only for the Active Slideshow Pro but also for other xml driven applications like Flash Album Generator and Active Slideshow Basic.

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An Online Presentation Application With Flash Communication Server MX – part 2


This is 2nd part of this series of articles targeting the steps required to create an online presentation application with Adobe’s (formerly Macromedia Inc.) Flash Communication server 1.5. In the last episode, we learnt how to make a simple presentation application that enabled the presenter to show Jpeg slides to, deliver speech/information about the slides and the users could interact through a text chat.

The general rule in such applications is the greater the number of users, the greater the load on the server and if the application are flooded by un-invited users, then the application may suffer performance issues. In order to avoid this problem, we will learn how to avoid non-invited users by giving access to a select group of users.

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Constructing a website banner - a case study

Anyone who designs websites for a living, or who has built their own website, has faced the need to design and build a banner for the homepage (and for the rest of the site, usually). Banners can play a vital role in the success of the website.

There are two stages to the process, the design and the construction.  This article is about using Fireworks MX (or later) to accomplish the task.  It focuses more on the technical aspects than the aesthetic.  It uses a real-world client project as the basis for the design.

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Working with blends

In the previous article, I showed you how to work with the new Filters feature in Flash Professional 8. They allow you to create some amazing effects on your movie clips, buttons and text fields. In this article, I’ll cover the Blend Modes that you can find in Flash Professional 8. As with the filters, you may have seen blends in software packages like Fireworks and Photoshop. Flash doesn’t offer the same range that you’d find in PhotoShop, but you’ll be surprised at the great effects that you can achieve with the blend modes that are available.

Blends allow you to combine the colours in overlapping objects to achieve different visual effects. Flash Professional 8 includes the following blend modes: Normal, Layer, Darken, Multiply, Lighten, Screen, Overlay, Hard light, Add, Subtract, Difference, Invert, Alpha and Erase. I’ll look at each of these blend modes and show you some examples at the end of the article.

You’ll need a copy of Flash Professional 8 to see the filters covered in this article. You can download a trial copy from the Macromedia Web site.

Download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter files you'll need as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

Let’s get started with an introduction to each of the blend modes.

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Printing in Flash

Printing in Flash

In earlier versions of Flash, printing out your movies was really hard work. Flash MX 2004 introduced the PrintJob class which gave us much more control over printing. It also made the process a whole lot easier.

You can use the PrintJob class to print the Stage from your Flash movie or you can set up movies made especially for printing. These special print movies don’t need to be visible within your main Flash document and they can even be located on a different frame. It’s also possible to create the print movie clip and load the content entirely in ActionScript, before you print it out.

In this tutorial, I want to show you how to get started with the PrintJob class. We’ll look at how you can use it to print the Stage from your Flash movie and then we’ll print out a movie clip that isn’t visible in the published SWF file.

Because the PrintJob class was introduced in Flash Player 7, you’ll need to have at least Flash MX 2004 to complete this tutorial and you’ll have to target Flash Player 7 and above when publishing. You can download the resource files for this tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.  The zip file includes the starter Flash file, a text file that we’ll load and my completed file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

We’ll start off by looking at the PrintJob class.

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