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Consuming the Adobe developer news with Flash Lite 2.0

Consuming the Adobe developer news with Flash Lite 2.0

In a previous article, I showed you how to work with Flash Lite 2.0 – the latest version of Flash Lite for mobile devices such as cell phones. In this article, I’m going to show you how to consume an XML news feed using Flash Lite 2.0. I’ll create an application that consumes the Adobe developer news and displays one item at a time in a mobile phone. You’ll see how to configure the soft keys for the phone to move to the next and previous items.

In this tutorial, I’ll target the Nokia 6680 mobile phone. I’ll use the Flash Lite 2.0 emulator in Flash 8 to test the content. You will only be able to complete the tutorial if you have Flash 8 with the Flash Lite 2.0 update. You can install this by downloading it from and double-clicking to install.

You can download the resources for this tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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Building Rich Text Editor. Part III


In this article we will continue developing cross-browser compatible Rich Text Editor. In the first and the second articles of the series we have designed the layout for our editor and developed most of the text editing and formatting features.

In this iteration we will add the functionality that would allow user to insert HTML elements both arbitrary (such today’s date) as well as natively supported by the designMode feature (images, links, etc).

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Dynamic Form Display with RadioButtonList

When developing user interfaces it’s often key to remember all the tricks and tools available to you so that you may combine them in creative ways in order to implement more advanced features. Given the sometimes limiting postback mechanism it’s important to make every refresh count, and to provide a unique experience by taking advantage of the postback server processing.

There are 2 particular server components that work together quite nicely to form a creative user interface experience: The RadioButtonList and the floating DIV tag. When combining these components we can create an almost wizard-like interface using some advanced GUI tricks in tandem with the postback events.

In this tutorial we will build an ASP.NET application with 2 dynamic pseudo “forms”, and we will then implement a RadioButtonList to simply flip between the 2 forms dynamically on the page. Although the forms will appear as layered on top of each other we’ll see how we can design the forms side-by-side in the design environment and then layer them together in server code.

By implementing AutoPostBack on the RadioButtonList we’ll show how we can create post backs and dynamically display the selected form to the user, creating a dynamic space in a small amount of screen space allowing for multiple entry screens without using the entire width and height of the page.

Note: This tutorial requires Visual Studio .NET and both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided

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Flash Optimizing, Bettering Your FLA & SWF

Flash performance means everything. With Adobe's name on Flash, there's bound to be floods more inexperienced Flash users publishing animations that aren't bandwidth and CPU friendly. As industry professionals, we have a responsibility to not let Flash backfire on us. You may have experienced this already with a client, refusing a feature because of bad personal encounters. Features are one part of the battle, performance is always part of the battle.

Time for that phrase we all enjoy - production standards. We all need to be responsible with our authoring work. There are some work flow techniques that can be second nature to you when working in Flash. Some may seem simple or common, but do you use them 100% of the time?! I'd hope so. Things like simple asset considerations must be met before importing assets, true, and there are considerations for production when using the assets. Here's where work flow techniques cash in; imagine opening an FLA 6-months later to not know where or what everything is, very unprofessional.

By adopting techniques covered here, you can be assured your published movies and FLA's all well made and maintainable. This article covers techniques I've trained, learned, borrowed, and invented in over 7 years of using Flash.

  • Library & Symbol Commandments - authoring and maintenance standards.
  • Timeline Production Must-do's for Stage & Moveclips.
  • Optimizing Timeline animations and ensuring performance.
  • Movie Frame rate and Filter/Effect recommendations.

A few Flash 8 specific features are covered, but this entire article is for any version higher than Flash 3.

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Design and Accessibility: Part XII

Usability: Navigation & Info Stress

In the previous two design and accessibility articles, Linda displayed how colour-blind Internet users view the Web and how designers might compensate for those viewers. Now she turns to an issue that concerns everyone who uses the Internet – Website navigation. Blog designs, Flash, and other formats used for web design, along with operating system and platform issues all determine how a designer or developer deals with navigation within those programs. You’ve seen the results  –  sites that contain an overload of links or – alternately – a dearth of information and a lack of usable structure. How does a designer or developer create navigation that doesn’t create info stress for viewers?  Read on…

Beyond the Woods and into the Minefield

When I wander around the Web these days, I often feel like Goldilocks with three hairy bears behind me. The navigation choices are overwhelming on some sites, and other Web designers don’t offer a clue on how to get around their pages. Will I make the right choice and find what I need? Or, will I click the wrong link and lose my way? I’m supposed to be somewhat skilled in navigating through these woods, so I shudder when I think about the Web navigation experiences relayed to me by some of my computer-illiterate friends. What they experience is way beyond Goldilocks. For them, navigating through some Websites is more like stepping through a minefield.

I’m not going to offer any “bad” navigation examples for this article, because you all know what those Web pages look like and how they (don’t) work. Instead, I’m going to take a peek at the homepages of two of the latest Webby Award Winners to offer examples on what many Web experts and ordinary viewers consider the “best” in navigation and structure.  In the next article I’ll cover more about what’s inside both of these sites. In this article I’ll ask the following questions about the homepages for two sites:

  1. What’s the criteria for winning a Webby award for the best navigation and structure?
  2. Which Websites won and who designed them?
  3. How did the designers use navigation and structure?
  4. Which programs and code did the designers use to develop their navigation and structure?
  5. How did the winners fail (for me) and why?

Many questions above, many answers below and I hope that something here works for you.

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Building A Rich Text Editor. Part II


In the previous article of the series we have built some of the functionality for an online Rich Text Editor.

Today we will continue with the development and add more features to the application.

Before we dive into the development I would like to mention something rather important:

In the previous article I have stated that the designMode feature is not compatible with Macintosh Safari browser. One of the readers has pointed out to me that the Safari compatibility has been in place for a while now and the compatible editors are somewhere out there.
Yes, the “good news” is that the designMode feature has been built into Safari since version 1.3.
The bad news, however, is that the support for the feature is very limited and buggy. You have to go out of your way to build the most basic editor features which are limited to approximately 10% of what you can do in other browsers. So, in my personal opinion it’s just not worth the efforts (as you can tell I am not a huge Safari fan).
Now, I must also admit that I haven’t had a chance to test the feature with the newest Safari 2 (which by the way can be installed only on Tiger OS), so if you are using one and have found that the support for the designMode has drastically improved that really is a very good news.

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Import/Export Outlook Contacts in ASP.NET

Import/Export Outlook Contacts in ASP.NET

Integration in applications is quite often a requirement when building larger scale applications. With customers and clients using such a variety of productivity applications there is quite often a need to make use of these other applications within your own, which can cause a headache due to the complexity involved.

One of the more popular productivity suites in use is Microsoft Office. Customers more often than not will want a way to merge their productivity between applications such as Outlook, Word and Excel within your application, which is definitely no easy task.

We’ll be using the built in OleDb data classes for database connectivity and some fairly complex DataSet and DataTable manipulations to accomplish our importing from the CSV file.

Note: Microsoft Outlook, Access and Visual Studio .NET are required to fully complete the entire tutorial. However the code provided will also have value alone if you’re interested in CSV importing.

Both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided

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Navigation Bars in Dreamweaver 8

Central and highly important in any web site is the site’s navigation.  It can consist of anything from simple text links to full blown flash navigation bars.  The most important part of navigation is that it be easy to follow, that it makes sense to the site’s visitor and that it’s more than flashy buttons that just “show off”.  In this article, I will show you how to use the Dreamweaver native navigation bar.

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CSS pop-up menus

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a completely functional pop-up menu using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) without knowing how to write any code at all! Below is an example of such a menu;

An example of a CSS menu

This tutorial takes only 25 minutes to complete.

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Getting Started with Flash Lite 2.0

Getting Started with Flash Lite 2.0

In a previous article, Getting Started with Flash Lite, I showed you how to work with Flash Lite 1.1. You learned that Flash Lite works with many types of mobile devices including PDAs, mobile phones and DVD players. You also learned that you have to use ActionScript 4 in Flash Lite 1.1 and that this can be quite limiting.

In this tutorial, I’ll use Flash 8 and Flash Lite 2.0 to create the same application from the earlier tutorial on Flash Lite 1.1. We’ll create a simple standalone application that shows today’s date as well as the number of days until Christmas. Of course, you could change the application slightly if you want to calculate the number of days until your birthday or some other important event!

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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Dreamweaver ASP.NET User Management Systems: Creating Custom Encrypted Authentication Tickets

In the other tutorials in this series we explored the ASP.NET security model and utilizing it to build rich featured User Management Systems using Dreamweaver. We learned how to use the web.config file to configure security on ASP.NET web application. We learned how to authenticate a user using Forms Authentication method. We learned how to create cookie to hold a user’s role and how to create a custom Generic Identity object to maintain the user’s role authorization from one request to another. Finally we learned how use the role information and Generic Identity object to programmatically control our user experience. In this final tutorial in the series, we will build upon prior discussions as we take over the Forms Authentication Ticket creation process to create our own custom authentication ticket and encrypt it using the ASP.NET FormsAuthentication class. That said, this tutorial stands on it’s own in the presentation of the topics covered.

Before you get too involved, let’s see if you’re ready. This tutorial makes assumptions about your skill level--that is, this tutorial is intended for intermediate users. If you’ve never configured a new site in Dreamweaver, never configured a database connection string, or never used the Dreamweaver database connectivity tools, this tutorial is probably not for you as you’ll need to be familiar with these concepts and techniques. If you have done these things but have very little or no experience hand coding, writing SQL statements, using the Dreamweaver advanced Dataset Dialog, don’t worry we’re doing this together and I’ll do my part to bring you along.  

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Using the ASP.NET Calendar Control

When building web applications, at some point during your requirements documentation you’ll probably come across the need for users to enter dates onto a form. Working with dates may seem like a simple task but it can quite easily become very complicated.

The reason date entry becomes complex is because of the validation that needs to be performed. In older languages this validation was provided by the developer. They had to consider all kinds of conditional checks, such as the number of days in the selected month, whether the selected February was in a leap year, as well as all the rules regarding leap years.

Fortunately, ASP.NET has made this style of date programming a thing of the past. The .NET framework has a built-in calendar component which provides all the basic functionality for most development scenarios and it comes pre-programmed with all of the aforementioned validation already in place.

By using this component the developer can focus on other aspects such as presentation and usability functionality instead of worrying about whether February 2028 has 28 or 29 days.

In this tutorial we’ll look at some of the basic functionality provided by the ASP.NET Calendar component and two basic examples of common usage of this component in web applications. We’ll also look at some of the basic formatting methods provided by the Date class.

Note: This tutorial requires Visual Studio .NET and both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided

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