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Building Rich Text Editor. Part IV


This is the forth article in the series on creating a cross-browser online Rich Text Editor. In Part I, Part II and Part III we have created the application layout as well as built most of the functionality. In this iteration we will style the editor interface so that by look and behavior it resembles an Office application. In addition we will further modify the toolbar so that it reflects the selection by flipping corresponding interface buttons to “on” state if the formatting has been applied to the selection.

Office Style

First of all let’s make the look of our application toolbar a little more believable.

My choice was the Microsoft Office look. You are of course by no means limited to that.
As always, once you understand the principle you will be able to make up your own “skin” for the toolbar.
At this point all we have to do is modify the CSS declarations on the page to immediately change the toolbar’s appearance.
The new declarations are marked below in bold.

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Free - Reporting on Hierarchical Recursive data using MS Reporting Services

I will start with a question here.  How many of you had chance to interact with Employee table from sample database Northwind?  There you go… I can imagine countless hands in air, and why not it is one of the standard databases comes with both Access and SQL server.  All right, are we going to discuses Northwind database here? NO. Is Employee table is something special? I would say YES to this.  Why special? Well, if you pay a close attention, it is just like any other standard table, however, two fields from the table, “EmployeeID” and “ReportsTo” are related to each other in an interesting way! Yes, you got it right; I am talking about Hierarchical relationship which we also call commonly as Recursive data.  I am trying to shade some light on reporting of data which is recursive in nature.




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Using the .NET DataView Object

Using the .NET DataView Object

When building database driven web applications, presentation of data becomes a key component in your web forms. The common problem that arises is that no two users want to view their data the same way. One user wants to see only certain data; another user wants the data sorted by date ascending while another may only want to see data from the past week. The possibilities are literally endless.

As a developer, how do you cover all the scenarios? The answer is you really can’t, what you can do however is offer enough flexibility in data filtering to allow the user to customize their presentation themselves. And depending on what components you are implementing in your application, the DataView object is a good solution to provide this type of filtering.

In this tutorial we’ll look at a basic ASP.NET application that implements data column filtering as well as row state filtering. We’ll use a DataGrid component to search a column for data that matches a search pattern, thus filtering the user’s view. And we’ll also see how we can use the DataView to show only newly added rows; a pattern which can also be applied to edited or deleted rows easily.

We’ll need a sample database to work with so we’ll use the Northwind database which comes with all versions of SQL server, including MSDE. If you do not have access to SQL server you can simply link the tutorial example to any database of your choice and skip the database configuration section.

Note: Visual Studio .NET running ASP.NET 1.1 is required for this tutorial. Both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided.

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Creating a Flash Video Player

Creating a Flash Video Player

The tutorial will cover the following topics:
  • Creating a video object and using it to load a FLV file
  • Controlling playback with buttons
  • Displaying the elapsed time
  • Loading a list of videos from an XML document
  • Loading a video dynamically from a drop down list

You’ll learn how to create a video object and how to connect it so that you can stream content from an external file. You’ll also learn how to load content from an XML document that populates a ComboBox component.

You can download the resources for this tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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Design and Accessibility: Part XV

Website Accessibility Policies

In the previous article, Linda reviewed the legalities and recommendations involved with the standards included in the Section 508, W3C, and the PAS 78. This week, she focuses on the PAS 78 and its recommendation for Website commissioners to include accessibility policies in their Websites. What does this mean for Web designers and developers? What’s included in these policies, when should Websites have these policies in place, and which countries are affected by this recommendation? All these questions are answered here (without copyright infringement on the PAS 78), as Linda talks about the possibilities with examples from sites that already have accessibility policies in place.

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The Other Navigation Bar

In my last article, I took you through the creation of a Dreamweaver 8 Navigation Bar and how to use it to create a usable navigation bar with this built in feature of Dreamweaver.  The Navigation Bar has greatly improved in the current version of Dreamweaver; nevertheless, it is not my tool of choice for navigation for a couple of reasons.  First, it requires images for the buttons; therefore, those images all have to preload or the navigation bar will be slower than molasses.  There was a time when 99% of all rollovers involved images and that is fine.  However, today, there is a much better way to create navigation that loads quickly and still looks professional and that involves the use of CSS for navigation and rollovers. 


Because all states of every button are just text, there is nothing out there that can load more smoothly or faster.  Once you get a handle on CSS, you can create a navigation bar quickly that is flexible and can serve more than one purpose.  If you read my previous article, you saw how I created images for the buttons in a panel and then sliced it in Fireworks.  It worked great on the vertical navigation, but if you tried to apply those buttons to the horizontal view, it looked awful.  I will admit that was partly due to the way that I quickly created and sliced the Fireworks PNG .. had I made the buttons all even height-wise, it would have looked much better.  My bad! 


HOWEVER. When you create your navigation in text and use CSS to style it, you can create a vertical navigation bar that can quickly be converted to a horizontal one with the click of a style rule.  There is no guesswork involved; no need to worry about uniform size.  Since the font is uniform, the style rules put everything in place for you .. just like that!

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Free - Adding Dynamic Data to Your Pages > Making the search results more user friendly

Adding Dynamic Data to Your Pages > Making the search results more user friendly


Size: 4.39 [view]

Date Created: 2008-08-05

Tutorial # 35   What happens if the search yields no results? Rather than just saying: "Here are your results - 0 records"   We should provide a more user friendly notice. I.E. Sorry, your search did not have any results, please try another search.

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Securely Locking Down ASP.NET Web Services

Securely Locking Down ASP.NET Web Services

During this tutorial we will build 2 separate ASP.NET applications: One to implement the Web Service itself, and one to implement the consumer application which uses the Web Service. By having 2 applications we can effectively simulate the service/consumer pattern which would be found in a real world application, even though in our case both applications will be running on the same machine.

The demonstration Web Service will simply provide several test services which we can call from the consumer. The purpose behind these methods is not their functionality but rather to simply have something to execute. The focus of this tutorial is how to secure the service once it’s built.

We’ll then implement a consumer ASP.NET application and show how we can gain access to the Web Service even thought it’s been completely secured and locked down.

Note: Visual Studio .NET with ASP.NET 1.1 is required for this tutorial. Both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided

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Design and Accessibility: Part XIV

W3C, Section 508, & PAS 78: Web Legalities and Standards

Over the past few months, Linda reviewed several points that are included in accessibility standards set forth by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the U.S. Section 508, and the new PAS 78 (Publicly Available Standard) as she covered various accessibility and usability Website problems. In this article, Linda will touch on all three documents, and you’ll learn what each document is about, what it addresses, who is affected by their legislations or recommendations, and the document’s reach outside any particular agency or country. You’ll also learn whether your Website design and/or development – and you by association – are free from any legal claim against an inaccessible site.

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ASP.NET DataSet Tips & Tricks

Technically part of the ADO.NET object library, the DataSet is one of the most fundamental and widely used data objects in the .NET framework. Used as an in-memory representation of database/XML data, it supports a plethora of handy methods, properties and contains various other object references for working with tables, rows, columns, relationships and more.

Because the DataSet supports so many features and contains so many references to other objects in the ADO.NET library, it can take quite some time to figure out just what is available to you as a developer when working with this object.

The DataSet object is also directly bindable as a data source on the various GUI components that support data binding. It works very nicely with the ASP.NET DataGrid object since both objects were designed to contain data in a similar tabular format.

In this tutorial we’ll focus on 3 key examples to explore some of the lesser known features of the DataSet object. The first example will be manual construction of a DataSet object from scratch. This example will get you familiar with the various object types that compose the DataSet object itself. By constructing the object from scratch you’ll have an idea of what happens when a DataSet is constructed from a database source.

The second example we’ll explore a handy object in ADO.NET that allows you to sort data in the DataSet object by using simple SQL like commands. We’ll build an example that sorts one of the columns of our DataSet from ascending to descending through auto-detection.

In the final example we’ll see how we can index our DataSet by creating a primary key, which then allows us to search through our DataSet for specific rows matching the values on the index we created.

Note: This example requires Visual Studio .NET with ASP.NET 1.1 capability. Both VB.NET and C# code samples will be provided

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Free: Creating a Sortable table Behavior (PHP or ASP)

Building Database Applications; Creating a Sortable Behavior



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Tutorial #15 Today we'll add the sortable columns behavior to our master records page, this also know as creating a sortable datagrid.   This is our first step with making our master records page more user friendly.

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Design and Accessibility: Part XIII

Usability: Navigation & Info Stress II

In the previous Design and Accessibility article, Linda explored how Flickr and The Book of Cool used navigation on their home pages through compatible screen resolution, readability, visibility, content, and link structure. These two sites were chosen as they had won the 2006 Webby Awards for Navigation/Structure; however, Linda discovered that both sites neglected to use some usability and accessibility standards in their applications, omissions that could create navigation problems and info stress for some viewers. Now she goes past the homepages in both sites to explain what tools you can use to improve your site’s navigation and how you can avoid the use of what is known as “mystery meat navigation,” (MMN) or the “Where am I?” syndrome in your site construction.

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