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Deconstructing Ajax!

The Web 2.0 movement is a new approach to building Web applications that are more responsive and user-centric. You can think of it as a second generation or second wave of Web applications. One of the main differences is that users don’t have to click and wait while using a Web application. Instead, updates and changes can happen in the background while the user does something else.

One of the most common approaches to building Web 2.0 applications is something called Ajax. The term Ajax doesn’t describe a technology. Instead, it refers to a collection of existing technologies and the way that they work together to build Web 2.0 applications.

Ajax-style applications use the following technologies:

  • XHTML and CSS to describe the interface
  • DOM to locate and manipulate different parts of the interface and the data source
  • XML and XSLT to describe and transform data for the application
  • XMLHttpRequest object to request and load external data
  • JavaScript to bind the other technologies together

In this article, I’ll explain a bit more about the role that each technology plays. Let’s start by looking at how the Ajax technologies react together.

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Databases for Beginners with ASP.NET 1.x

Databases for Beginners with ASP.NET 1.x

As a software developer, there will be very few times where you’ll find yourself building an application that does not involve the utilization of a database. The database is the backbone of your application, the root, the foundation, and the place of storage for all meaningful data contained in your software.

A database plus an application go hand in hand, when you speak of an application, it’s just implicitly taken for granted that the database is the core. There are of course many different options when it comes to which database to use for your application.

Years ago, flat files as they are known where commonly found. They were usually quite fast at processing but extremely inflexible, un-scalable, and completely proprietary. If you selected this style of database you were pretty much locked in for life as upgrading was simply not an option.

Oracle, SQL server, dBase, MS Access, MySQL are all commonly found today and are flexible enough to meet most applications needs. The database selected is normally chosen with the operating system in mind. Typically Java and Linux/Unix deployments will select Oracle, and .NET Windows deployments favour SQL server. Both are excellent high-end database servers which can facilitate some of the most complex, large scale applications in the world.

Cost is another factor of deployment. MySQL is a popular choice due to the fact that it’s free, but lacks the enterprise level sparkle found in Oracle and SQL server. MS Access is another cost effective choice and provides a very nice and easy to use feature set for developers.

Whichever database you deploy there are quite a few common components when it comes to developing your application. The first of course is connection, the second is database design fundamentals, and the third is database to application mapping.

The purpose of this tutorial is to explore some of these common concepts at a beginner level, and shed some insight into how to connect to and design your database driven applications.

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Introduction to Flash and Flex

Introduction to Flash and Flex

One of the key features of Web 2.0 applications is that they provide a separation between the data within an application and the interface. In some cases, these applications can consume data from a different domain entirely. This is possible because of web standards and standard approaches like RSS and Atom.

When consuming an RSS feed, the specification details how the information will be delivered. Developers can use this knowledge to construct the application interface. Information provided through Web services is available through a publicized API. You can see examples of this in Google and Amazon.

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Choosing Between Ajax and Flash

Web 2.0 describes a new approach to creating and structuring Web applications. One of the aims is to increase responsiveness so that Web applications operate in a similar manner to their desktop cousins. Two of the approaches to creating Web 2.0 applications include Ajax and Flash/Flex.

In this article, I want to compare and contrast these two approaches. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and show you what to consider when choosing between the two. I’ll finish by introducing a process that might help you to make your decision!

This article isn’t trying to explore which is the BETTER of the two approaches. Both have their merits and uses. Instead, I’m trying to help you decide whether Ajax or Flash/Flex will suit you better, given the circumstances of your Web application.

Don’t forget that an alternative to using either Ajax or Flash/Flex is to stick with a Web 1.0 approach using XHTML and CSS. If you don’t need to create a complex interface, you’re not loading large amounts of external data and you don’t have a requirement to include multimedia, a simple XHTML interface may suffice. Creating a Web 1.0 application that adheres to Web standards can make it easier to distribute the application to a range of browsers and operating systems. It can also improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

I want to start by looking at Ajax and examining its advantages and disadvantages.

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Photoshop CS2: Creating Spot Colour Channels

Photoshop CS2: Creating Spot Colour Channels

In this article, Linda creates a graphic design problem to show how to create artwork for iron-on transfers, including a means to create a spot colour and how to save that colour in a spot colour channel. She also uses a rough logo and artwork that must merged, and shows how to convert those two images into one in ten easy steps, including how to layout that artwork for the transfer sheet. Tools used in this process include scaling and layout options covered in previous articles, the Unsharp Filter, the Warp tool, Create Outlines filter, and the use of Pantone Colour swatches, among many others.

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Photoshop CS2: Extraction, Smudge, Heal, and More

Photoshop CS2: Extraction, Smudge, Heal, and More

Although Photoshop CS2 offers a few perks more than Photoshop 7, some of the same tools to retouch photos are unchanged. The Extraction tool, which helps to eliminate a background, is found as early as Photoshop 6. Healing, Patch, Smudge and Blur tools are also found in earlier Photoshop versions. In this tutorial, Linda illustrates when and how to use all these tools and more as a means to either retouch or to alter photographs.

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Photoshop CS2: Altering Images

Photoshop CS2: Retouching in Channels

In the last tutorial, Linda explained how you could alter your images with levels and curves through adjustment layers. In this article, she shows how you can retouch your colour images through colour channels. This option allows users to change values, tones, and colour through channel modifications. An added bonus is that artefacts, or blemishes, can be reduced through the colour channel option as well. And, when that option doesn’t work, you can use colour channels to pick the best option for a black and white photo…

Colour Channels: The Hidden Realm

Many photographs might call for simple adjustments to the overall picture, such as a simple tonal and value alteration in photograph below:

The image at left was a little too dark in the shadows and the owner wanted to emphasize the filly a bit more. I brought up the mid-tones and reduce the shadows with the simple addition of a new adjustment layer for levels. Now the horse is more vivid and the details are more solid in the horse (more about adjustment layers and levels in the previous article).

But, other photographs – like the 1960’s era photograph below – call for more detailed work, and a simple adjustment layer just doesn’t cut the cake. The image below, for example, was altered with the same method that I used above with the following results:

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Free, an interview with Jesse James Garrett, the man behind AJAX held a special interview with Jesse James Garrett the man behind AJAX. Jesse James thought of the term AJAX  to describe a technological approach that seemed promising without having an idea how popular it would ultimately become.

In the interview we we learn more about Jesse, his company and his thought on usability, AJAX and related technologies. Jesse explains how he thinks developers should use AJAX and he gives his view on how to prevent usability mistakes.

Read on for an extract of the interview, you can read the complete interview in the October 2006 e-Magazine.

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Building a Logging Framework in ASP.NET 1.x – Part 2

Welcome to the second and final part of this tutorial regarding building a custom logging framework for ASP.NET applications. The purpose of this 2 part tutorial is to create an easy, customized and scalable way to log messages in your application, specifically exception messages and debugging messages.

During Building a Logging Framework in ASP.NET 1.x Part 1 we implemented the foundation structure of the logging framework. We created a singleton class which was able to initialize itself and read in several customization parameters required for logging. The customization aspect of the framework allows for real-time changes to logging parameters without recompiling your application.

In part 2 of this tutorial we will expand on our foundation and implement the code which will actually perform the logging functionality itself, writing the messages to the file system in the log file. We will also implement 3 different example logging shortcut methods which can log 3 different types of information.

Once the logging framework is complete we will implement some simple code-behind logic to test our logging methods and run through the 3 different scenarios for logging information using the debugger.

Note: Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003 running ASP.NET 1.x is required to implement this tutorial. Both C# and VB.NET code samples will be provided

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Photoshop CS2: Jewel Case Cover Art

In this article, Linda illustrates how to merge images and type to create a jewel case insert for an imaginary client. In a step-by-step process she includes information about how to create paths with the pen tool, how to use these paths for text, and shows how to create a burned edge effect around an image by creating, saving and loading a selected area. Along the way she includes tips on how to make your workflow proceed faster as you begin to create this project or other projects that include type and images.

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Five star rating system Part 1


Everyone likes to feel that his opinion counts and often finds enjoyment expressing it to others. In that sense Internet has certainly come as a handy invention. Various forums, chat rooms, guestbooks, blogs and finally, for those with unapplied acting talents, podcasts – all for a chance to say (or type) something we feel absolutely MUST be said (or typed J).

Apparently, to encourage us exercise our freedoms more often many web sites, including DMXzone, are giving us opportunity to rate their content, products or services. With this great feature we can both send our feedback and learn from the experience of our peers on a particular item.

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