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Video Streaming with an AJAX Video Gallery Part Three

Welcome to part three of the video streaming tutorial.  In part two we got the JavaScript file including the main AJAX function written and working, and added some CSS to position our player selection buttons and logo's.  This part of the tutorial is going to finish the tutorial with some more CSS to style the AJAX-generated buttons, write the server-side ASP code that returns the list of available files in the chosen format and add a function that plays another video when its button is clicked.  We'll begin with the ASP code.

A Little ASP

As wonderful as our AJAX is, it won’t do anything without the data returned from the server and in order to generate that data, we need some script to run on the server.  ASP provides exactly the functionality we require and can happily run on the server and pass the required data back to the AJAX function.  One simple function in our ASP file will do everything we need.  In a text editor, begin by opening the ASP file and setting the variables the function will need:


  dim fs,fo,x

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Creating a basic application with Flex Builder 2

Welcome back to Flex Builder 2. If you read the first article in the series, I hope I’ve excited you about what Flex can do and that you can’t wait to create your first Flex application. So here it is!

In this article, I’ll create a very simple “Hello World” style of application. The application will display a message and a button. When the user clicks the button, the message will change. We’ll also add an image to the interface with a fade in effect. It’s a very simple application but it will introduce you to some important concepts for working with Flex Builder 2. Hopefully, it will also show you how powerful Flex is as an approach for building applications.

I’ll work through the following steps in the article.

  • Creating the project
  • Creating the user interface
  • Compiling the SWF file
  • Adding an image
  • Adding a fade in effect

You don’t need to have any experience with Flex Builder at all to complete the tutorial. However, you will need to download and install the software from the Adobe site. If you haven’t done this already, you may want to refer to the article, Introduction to Flex Builder 2 for instructions about how to do this.

You can download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the completed files for the article as well as the image that we’ll add to the interface.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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Creative Portfolio: Packaging

When you were young, did you enjoy going to the toy store so that you could look at all those toys in boxes? At the time, you probably didn’t realize that the package was part of what held your fascination. Packaging is both inviting and prohibitive – it invites the consumer to desire its contents, yet it prohibits the consumer from touching the actual product. In this article, Linda defines packaging, and teaches you – the aspiring Creative or Art Director – what packaging entails.

The Portfolio Project: Product Label

PORTFOLIO PROJECT: Packaging for Wine Label Project. Now that you’ve created a wine label and have that product ready for your portfolio, the next step is to create a promotional box, or package, for that wine product. But, you aren’t limited here – the ideas and methods that I’ll cover in this tutorial apply to all packaging projects that you might encounter.

TOOLS: Graphical software – if you own a copy of a 3D graphic program, all the better to render boxes and containers in three dimensions. If you don’t own this type of software, don’t despair. Perhaps the best way to learn about packaging is the down-and-dirty hands-on method, where you actually build the package and photograph the result for your portfolio.

WHAT YOU’LL ACCOMPLISH: This task will invite you to think about how products are packaged for the consumer. Hopefully it will make you more aware of the possibilities, trends, and limitations provided by shelf presence, consumer ability to comprehend provided information, and the importance of colour, shape, and other elements and principles of design that are entailed in packaging projects.

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Display ToolTips on ASP.NET 1.x DataGrids

Presenting data to your users is always an important topic of discussion when it comes to user interface design. Usually a big concern for the GUI developer is how to maximize the available screen space and still maintain a usable interface.

If you try to cram too much information onto one page you will often be left with an interface that requires scrolling, which is a big nuisance for users. With headers and footers, navigation bars, alerts and personalized information taking up valuable screen space the actual amount of usable space on each page is sometimes quite small.

Taking advantage of the space you do have requires some thoughtful design and creativity. A common approach is to display only the most critical information, and if users require more they need to dig deeper. The problem with this approach is that constantly firing post backs to dig down into data can be time consuming for the user.

The purpose of this tutorial is to allow users to view additional information about an item without having to send multiple requests to the server. The term “ToolTip” is probably one you’re familiar with, and is more commonly used in desktop applications, but can also be implemented in web applications with some creativity.

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Video Streaming with an AJAX Video Gallery Part Two

In part one of this series, we created an initial HTML page and some associated CSS that allowed visitors to our site to select a video clip to watch.  We also created three additional pages (one for each clip) that provided a method of selecting which format the visitor  wanted to watch the video in, giving a choice of either; Windows Media Player, Apple Quicktime or Real Player.  In this part we're first going to look at the CSS needed to layout each of the individual video clip pages, and the JavaScript required to show the embedded player of the visitors choice, before moving on to look at a way of using AJAX to generate a list of other video clips in the same format and display a method for viewing these additional videos.

Some Additional CSS

Open up the videocontent.css file in your favourite plain text editor and add the following selectors to layout the section of the page in which the visitor selects the video format they want to watch the video in.  If you remember, when we coded the HTML, the class and id attributes were already defined.  The buttons used to select the desired player, and the logo's linking to download sites for each of the players are held in a containing div element, and then in a columnar layout.  The container div should be styled as follows using a pretty standard ID selector:

#container {









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Free, Fading an image to the Background with Fireworks 8

One of the questions I most frequently get asked is "How do I fade an image into the background?" In this tutorial you'll learn how to fade an image into the background using Fireworks 8. Two different images and several techniques are taught.

The movie is 20 megabytes so it will take a couple of minutes to load.

Watch the movie read more

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Introduction to Flex Builder 2

Welcome to the world of Flex! In this series of articles, I want to introduce you to Flex and the Flex Builder 2 software tool. Flex is an alternative way to using Flash to create SWF files suitable. It targets Flash Player 9 and works with ActionScript 3.0, which is a revision of the ActionScript language.

For developers who are used to creating applications with Flash, Flex provides a different approach – one that takes a bit of getting used to but one that provides great benefits. In fact, Flex Builder is the equivalent of Visual Studio for .NET developers so if you’ve seen or used that approach, you’ll feel right at home with Flex Builder.

In the relatively short time that I’ve been working with Flex Builder (well compared with Flash at any rate), I’ve found it to be a great way to create applications. It speeds up my development process and provides me with lots of built in controls that are easy to configure with ActionScript 3.0. It took a little bit of time to get my head around the changes but now that I have, I am excited by the possibilities that Flex offers.

In this article, I want to start by introducing you to Flex. I’ll show you how to work with Flex Builder 2 and explore the differences between Flex and Flash. In the articles that follow, I’ll show you how to achieve some common tasks in Flex Builder and we’ll create a number of different types of Flex applications.

There is no code download for this article. Rather, it’s going to step you through the process of installing and getting started with Flex Builder. Just a word of warning, if you’ve used earlier versions of Flex, it’s probably best to treat this version as a brand new approach, rather than an extension of those versions.

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Formatting Data in a DataGrid for ASP.NET 1.x

So you’ve built yourself a nice little application, you have some cool design patterns implemented, you’ve normalized your database, you have some pretty good CSS layout classes, maybe even a couple user controls for navigation menus, but there’s just one problem remaining: Data presentation.

The trouble is that your data storage is not directly representative of how your users want to view information. A database isn’t really supposed to be used as the place where you “pretty-up” your data presentation. The goal of the database is to just be your work horse. Let it store the data raw and untouched, and massage the presentation after the fact.

Databases often store data in their own format and for the most part you won’t even have control over how it decides to store it. We’ll use SQL Server in this tutorial as our example database. SQL Server can do all kinds of unwanted things to your data when it stores it. One of the most common things is to append 12:00 AM to your date columns unless you manually trim off the data before insertion.

So what happens when you return the data to the user unformatted? They see big ugly 12:00 AM tied to the end of every date in your DataGrids. It takes up space and is completely useless to the user. Unless your date is supposed to store time as well you need to format the dates correctly for the user.

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Video Streaming with an AJAX Video Gallery Part One

There's no denying that multimedia content enriches websites in both fun and business environments; just look at the recent success of sites like Youtube for example.  Video-enabled websites draw in visitors and help to ensure repeat-visits and an eager consumer base.  Streamed content can improve almost any website; you may have a small blog that your friends use to keep up with your day-to-day activities.  You could stream small videos of a recent snow-boarding trip to your friends without them having to download lots of data.  At the other end of the scale, you may own a DVD rental website.  Providing short trailers of the DVDs means that members don’t have to leave your site (and potentially forget to return) to watch a movie trailer and decide whether or not they want to rent the DVD.  The list of uses is endless, and the benefits are many so maybe it's time to video enable your site.

This tutorial will be the first in a series of articles, with this part discussing a mixed bag of technologies; in previous articles I've focused on three to four complimentary languages, such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS, with occasional XML drop-ins as and when required.  With the subject of streaming media, and AJAX however, there is a lot more that needs to be considered, such as encoding your video files for streaming, delivery of your media, the server-side script that interacts with the web page via AJAX as well as all of the associated HTML, CSS and JavaScript.  What I intend to do is walk through the process of enabling streaming media from scratch, looking at everything I need to do along the way to achieve it.  Some things will be looked at in less detail than others and not everything will be applicable to everybody.

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Creative Portfolio: Wine Label

Why a wine label? Because wine labels are both creative and limited. When you design a wine label, you must consider the shape of the bottle, the colour of the glass and of the wine, and even the texture of the bottle or the label. In addition, you deal with all the elements and principles of design as you meet both marketing problems and government standards. The wine label project will force you to consider type, image, and packaging as you develop both the label and a prototype for your portfolio.

The Portfolio Project: Product Label

PORTFOLIO PROJECT: Wine label. Although this project may seem limited, you might learn that it will allow you to create more product designs for your portfolio as you learn to determine what you need to include and, conversely, what you want to include in your design. Two main issues here focus on legibility and shelf recognition.

TOOLS: Any software that allows you to create and manipulate typefaces through a “character” and “paragraph” option along with image incorporation. Some examples include Photoshop, QuarkXPress, etc.

WHAT YOU’LL ACCOMPLISH: This task will force you to think about typefaces as applied to an object that is both difficult to read from a distance and that must be incorporated within a limited space. Additionally, you will begin to look at all packaging in a different light as you begin to notice how designers used type, images, and materials to represent a product.

There’s so much information to relay to you about packaging in general and about wine labels in particular. So, first I’ll give you information about packaging shelf presence across the board; then, I’ll focus on the wine as I offer information about government regulations and marketing particulars and how to make this wine label fit into your portfolio both visually and conceptually.

Once those topics are covered, I’ll dissect a few wine labels to show you why type and image are so important for this project.

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Ajax WebShop Pattern for ASP.NET 1.1

WebShops and E-commerce online shopping is one of the biggest revenue generating businesses in the world. If you can think of it, chances are you can buy it online. The convenience of being able to purchase anything from a car to a pencil in the comfort of your home without having to travel has made online shopping a massive success.

As a developer you have probably either worked on or been asked to work on a site that has a shopping cart mechanism. Session management is the first thing that comes to mind since you need to persist user selections across multiple requests. Managing this session information in an organized fashion is the first obstacle in shopping cart development.

With ASP.NET 1.1 you also have to deal with the post-back annoyance. Every time a user clicks on a product to add to their cart the entire page needs to be refreshed, and an updated cart total displayed usually somewhere in a top navigation bar.

With Ajax technology now available to ASP.NET 1.1 users through the user of the freely distributable MagicAjax component you can now implement a much more aesthetic version of an online shopping cart without having full page refreshes.

In this tutorial we will be looking at a development pattern, and ‘not’ a complete shopping cart implementation. The goal is to learn the pattern so that you can apply it in different ways to your specific needs.

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Free Video on how to build a CMS with Advanced HTML Editor 2

Richard shows you how to use Advanced HTML Editor 2 to add and edit articles on your website. You can add your own text, images and markup editing your website has never been this easy!

Get the extension read more

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