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Search Your Site with JavaScript, XML and CSS part Three

In part two of this series we ended up with having a small box residing at the side of the screen into which search terms could be entered. If results were found, we displayed another small box below the original box that contained links to the pages in which the search term was found. While this was an adequate display of the results, that's all it was – adequate. We can improve the functionality and usability of the search engine by changing it so that the results are displayed on a page of their own. This article will focus on the steps required in order to achieve this.

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Free - The New Pages Feature

You can now do an entire site mock up including pages. No more having to use frames with over lapping slice issues! Each page has it's own web layer.

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WordPress: How to Take Gila to the Next Level III

Over the past two weeks, Linda shared PHP file changes that allow WordPress users to change the three-column Gila theme into a more accessible format. In this last, concluding article, Linda shares the CSS file that pulls the new Gila files together. This new CSS moves the sidebars to the right and the main copy to the left. Get ready to start from scratch!

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Free - Shortcut to Building Web Pages

In this tutorial you'll explore the newest starting point files that ship with Dreamweaver! Discover this gem of a feature and cut your development time!

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Creating your own Flex components

If you've worked with Flex Builder 2, you'll notice that it includes many different built-in components. There are user interface controls such as ComboBoxes and Buttons, containers such as HBoxes and VBoxes, and navigation controls like the Accordion and TabBar. There is even a range of charting components that you can purchase separately.

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Free - From Photoshop to Fireworks

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use your CS2 or CS3 Photoshop web layouts right in Fireworks! Preserve layers, effects, masks and even slicing guides.

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Reading Web.config Values in ASP.NET 2.0

When working with the new .NET 2.0 framework there are a lot of new features, classes, and methodologies available to developers. Some things are brand new, some things are advancements upon existing features in the .NET 1.x framework.

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Free - Get Your Web Pages Up To Speed

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use a new feature in Dreamweaver CS3. It's the "Checker". You can check for browser compatibility as well as Accessibility issues. This new feature is a great way to get your pages up to snuff.

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WordPress: How to Take Gila to the Next Level II

Last week, Linda walked you through the first portion of the PHP files contained within the three-column Gila WordPress theme to create an accessible layout for a blog. This week, she takes you through the header, side column, footer, and comments file and helps you to create a 404.php to add to the mix. The new version that you’ll create works well with recent WordPress updates. After this tutorial, Linda will show you how to alter the Gila CSS file so that you can fit the blog layout colours and text to your liking.

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Flex 2 and ActionScript 3.0 classes

In the article, Loading an RSS feed into Flex using ActionScript 3.0, I introduced you to ActionScript 3.0 and we worked through an application that displayed the content from an RSS 2 feed. We created a simple interface and configured it using ActionScript in a script block at the top of the page. You learned how to add ActionScript to a Flex application and we explored some of the new features in ActionScript 3.0.

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Consuming RSS Feeds in ASP.NET 2.0

One of the biggest, most exciting new developments on the internet in the past few years has been the creation of RSS feeds.

According to Internet Explorer documentation, an RSS feed is defined as:

Feeds, also known as RSS feeds, XML feeds, syndicated content, or web feeds, contain frequently updated content published by a website. They are usually used for news and blog websites, but are also used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio files, or video. Internet Explorer can discover and display feeds as you visit websites. You can also subscribe to feeds to automatically check for and download updates that you can view later.

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WordPress: How to Take Gila to the Next Level (updated)

If you like to blog in WordPress, and if you’ve searched high and low for a three-column layout, you might have come across the “Gila” theme originally created by BloggingPro. While this theme works “out of the box” from the zip file, it’s an older version that spans the entire screen. Linda used this blog in a number of sites, but she altered the PHP and CSS files so that the site is now as accessible as possible. The new version works well with recent WordPress updates. For the next several articles, Linda will lead you step-by-step on a journey that will help you to create new accessible code for a sturdy three-column theme, as well as show you how to alter the CSS to build a theme that is uniquely “you.”

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