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Messing Around With Yahoo! Maps Part One

Yahoo! are renowned for their developer focused offerings that bring easy and quick web site development. They provide some of the best free tools around that are created by web designers for web designers including the Yahoo! User Interface toolkit (YUI), the Pattern Design Library, the Yahoo! Widget Engine/SDK and a wide range of easy to use APIs.

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Using Flex for JavaScript-ActionScript communication

In this tutorial, I want to look at how you can create communication between ActionScript in a Flex application and JavaScript in a Web page. The ExternalInterface or External API in ActionScript 3.0 is what makes it all possible!

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Make the Most Out of Google Analytics

Linda will walk you through the new Google Analytics (GA) interface over the next few weeks to show you how to utilize all the nooks and crannies within this site. If you’re a GA devotee or an SEO expert, you might find this information a bit below your needs. But, if analytics is new to you, or if you’d prefer to learn how to decipher these detailed stats rather than pay someone to do it for you, then you might be interested in what these articles will offer.

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Spry Presentation

Creating even a simple online presentations can be challenging and frustrating, especially if you aren’t a web design “guru”. If Flash is not your cup of tea and Power Point is out of question you may want to consider Dreamweaver CS3 with its new “coolest toy” –Spry.

In this article we will work with two Spry features: Spry widgets (Spry Tabbed Panels to be more specific) and Spry Effects to build a simple online presentation. We will use the first one to create the presentation interface and then, after adding some content, we will take advantage of Spry Effects to add some “sizzle” to each “slide”.

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MultiView Control in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

Welcome to the second and final part of this two part series regarding the new ASP.NET 2.0 MultiView and View controls available in the Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox. During MultiView Control in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 1 we looked at the MultiView and View controls and their documented uses. We created a sample application with 3 themes and applied Skin files to allow our View controls to have a dynamic display without applying formatting to our form controls at all.

During this second part of the series we will implement the code required to tie all the pieces together. The code required will be implemented in a code-beside file for our Default.aspx page that we created during MultiView Control in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 1.

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Free, Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files – Part Two

Some of the most common and dangerous application security vulnerabilities that exist in ASP.NET Web-based applications come not from the C# or VB.NET code that make up its pages and service methods, but instead from the XML code that makes up its Web.config files. Incorrect configurations can open Web sites to application security holes such as session hijacking, Cross-Site Scripting attacks, and even allow the disclosure of private data to attackers. Read More

Webby Awards More Accessible Sites

Webby’s ’07: The Good, the Better, and the Great

Linda reviewed some of the Webby Award winners in 2006 and found that they lacked substance in the accessibility area – even the ones that were chosen for superb functionality. One year later, Linda found that accessibility and usability is prevalent among some winners, a factor that may have been influenced by the Webby Awards’ new standards and Website. But, is this competition worth entering, even with this year’s improvements?

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Creating an XML application using Flex Builder

So far in this series of articles, we've spent a lot of time looking at the different things you can do with Flex 2. We've looked at some of the built-in components you can use to create Flex applications. We've also created custom components and ActionScript classes.

In the next three articles, I want to take you through a case study where you can put together what you've learned so far to create a complete Flex application. We'll use an external XML document to power the application which will show us real estate listings. We'll see a summary of all listings and we'll be able to click to find out more about each listing. The case study will give you good insight into how you might approach building a complete application.

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MultiView Control in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 1

ASP.NET 2.0 has brought a plethora of new user interface controls to developers. Most have been added to facilitate large amounts of duplicate coding that was required in previous versions of .NET. By expanding the ASP.NET toolbox to include several new controls that can accommodate a vast set of commonly used interface design patterns a developer can focus more on the user experience instead of custom writing their own user controls.

One of these new controls is the MultiView control. The premise behind this control is something that has been available to desktop application developers for quite some time. The idea being, to enable multiple views of control, layered on top of each other, and dynamically displayed at run-time.

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Free - The New Pages Feature Part 2

This tutorial picks up after the Exporting from Fireworks tutorial. You'll see what the client comp looks like in the browser and how Fireworks CS3 can used as a comping tool.

This tutorial is brought to you by Joyce J Evans and

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Free - Edit Images in Photoshop and/or Fireworks from Dreamweaver

In this tutorial you'll learn how to edit images in Photoshop and/or Fireworks, right from Dreamweaver!

This tutorial is brought to you by Joyce J Evans and

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Free - Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files – Part One

This article is written by Bryan Sullivan and revised by Brian Cooper together with the DMX/DNzone team.

These days, the biggest threat to an organization's network security comes from its public Web site and the Web-based applications found there. Unlike internal-only network services such as databases—which can be sealed off from the outside via firewalls—a public Web site is generally accessible to anyone who wants to view it, making application security an issue. As networks have become more secure, vulnerabilities in Web applications have inevitably attracted the attention of hackers, both criminal and recreational, who have devised techniques to exploit these holes. In fact, attacks upon the Web application layer now exceed those conducted at the network level, and can have consequences which are just as damaging.

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