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Free, Web Application Vulnerability Assessment Essentials: Your First Step to a Highly Secure Web Site

If an organization isn't taking a systematic and proactive approach to web security, and to running a web application vulnerability assessment in particular, then that organization isn't defended against the most rapidly increasing class of attacks. Web-based attacks can lead to lost revenue, the theft of customers' personally identifiable financial information, and falling out of regulatory compliance with a multitude of government and industry mandates: the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) for merchants, HIPAA for health care organizations or Sarbanes-Oxley for publicly traded companies.  In fact, the research firm Gartner estimates that 75 percent of attacks on web security today are aimed straight at the application layer.

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Using the Ajax AutoComplete Control in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

Welcome to the second and final part of the Using the Ajax AutoComplete Control in ASP.NET 2.0. During this second tutorial we will build upon the sample application we created during part 1 and complete a functional AutoComplete textbox which is able to suggest Employee names from a database when the user types in a series of characters.

Check also DMXzone's own Ajax AutoComplete Dreamweaver extension to get field auto completion right out of the box! 

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Learn How to Draw: The Head

Linda offered information on all the basic materials you need to learn how to draw in the previous article. In this tutorial, you’ll put your practice with circles and ovals to good use as you learn to draw the human head. She’ll cover the basics, including the head shape, eyes, mouth, and other features that lend expression to human emotions.

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Using Google's Search API

I recently wrote a tutorial focused on using one of Google's APIs to integrate a map to your web site and making use of some of its more basic features.  In this article we're going to take a look at another of their APIs; this time, instead of a map, we'll implement the AJAX Search API into a web page that will allow visitors to interact with Google's powerful search services. Like the Maps API, the Search API is a class-based collection of objects that expose the methods and properties needed to make requests and receive results from Google different search facilities.  We'll go through some of the basic objects, and their members, as and when we use them in our script.

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Using the Ajax AutoComplete Control in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 1

The new world of Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0 applications has brought developers a plethora of interesting controls that will greatly enhance your applications or even your existing applications. By combining powerful client side scripting techniques with traditional server side patterns you are now able to provide a visually enticing end user experience on your web applications.

Check also DMXzone's own Ajax AutoComplete Dreamweaver extension to get field auto completion right out of the box!

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Getting Started with Google Maps Part 2

Welcome to part two of this tutorial. In part one we looked at just how easy it is to get up and running with an instance of a Google Map using Google's Maps API. We also saw some of the basic methods available to us to be able to customize our map in the ways we wanted it to look. In this part of the tutorial, we're going to take a look at some of the more advanced features of the Maps API and see what other functionality we can incorporate into the existing page. Read More

Using DataKeys on GridViews in ASP.NET 2.0

When working with a complex component suchas the new GridView control provided in ASP.NET 2.0, it’s important to have agood understanding of all the features and functions available to you as adeveloper so that you can provide an efficient experience to your end users.

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Interface Widgets: Dialog boxes Part Two

This is the second article in the series about web application dialog boxes. In the first article we have looked at the Popup object and Modal Window - the ready-to-use tools available for Internet Explorer users only. In this iteration we will expand our viewby exploring the cross-browser solution – the <div> tag.


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Ajax Textbox Watermark Control in ASP.NET 2.0

Microsoft’s new Ajax Extensions 1.0 comes with a few basic controls for performing common Ajax tasks. When it comes to implementing more advanced Ajax techniques and interfaces, a new package named the Ajax Control Toolkit has been released to developers to use freely in their applications.

This Ajax Control Toolkit is a powerful collection of Ajaxcontrols that can greatly enhance the Ajax capabilities of your ASP.NET applications. Best of all most of them are plug n play; you just simply drag them onto your web forms and work with them interactivelyin the Visual Studio designer.

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Learn How to Draw: The Basics

You might be out of the running if that new job requires drawing basics that you’ve never learned outside computer software programs. In this first of a series of tutorials, Linda will introduce drawing basics for the beginner. From this point you’ll learn how to draw the human figure and more so that you’ll have the skills it takes to compete in any design field.

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Flex 2 tips and best practices

Welcome to the last in this series of articles about the Flex 2 framework. If you've been reading the previous articles, you'll have learned about building Flex applications using Flex Builder. We've covered some basics such as styling components as well as more advanced topics like consuming external data and building custom ActionScript classes.

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Interface Widgets: Dialog boxes

Dialog boxes are one element we can't imagine a web application without. They are used for all kinds of tasks from displaying content to user notifications and input. When designed and implemented properly a dialog box can greatly enhance user experience and extend application functionality.

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