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Expanding Content Boxes with jQuery Part One

In this tutorial we're going to look at using jQuery to create content boxes that your visitors can expand or minimise in order to show or hide different types or sections of content. These can be placed anywhere on the page, but would typically reside in a side-bar or dedicated column. The format that we're looking to create is akin to that used by the widgets on your iGoogle page.

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Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET – Part 1

How to integrate the suite of Validation controls in ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0 web applications

When the .NET framework 1.0 was released a few years ago it introduced a revolutionary new way of developing server/client web applications. ASP.NET as a technology now included several key features to ease the development of web applications.

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Learn How to Draw: Fabric and Folds in Action

In the previous tutorial, Linda illustrated seven basic folds that may help simplify drawing clothing for your human figures and draperies for your still life drawings. In this article, she shows those folds on figures in action, and she demonstrates how body movements and certain fabrics create different folds. This article focuses on men’s clothing, and the upcoming article will hone in on women’s apparel.

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Working with Drag and Drop in Flex Builder 2

One of the really cool things in Flex is the built-in support for drag and drop. Flex includes the Drag and Drop Manager which allows you to drag an object and add it to a component. The DataGrid, HorizontalList, List, Menu, PrintDataGrid, TileList and Tree components all include enhanced support for drag and drop so you don't have to write any code. If you want to drag and drop with other components, you'll need to write some ActionScript.

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WebParts for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

How to implement WebParts in ASP.NET using a data-driven sample web application.

Welcome to the second and final part of this two part series regarding building WebParts in ASP.NET 2.0. During WebParts for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 1 we began implementing a sample ASP.NET application that utilized some data driven UI controls to populate WebParts on a web form.

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Free - Reporting XML data using Crystal Reports

Reporting on data sources such as: MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle, is common with Crystal Reports (CR). How about XML as data source? Well, sure, you might be wondering how to do that? Is it even possible? Well, with help of this article I’ll show you how to use the XML data source and report on it using CR.

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WebParts for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 1

How to implement WebParts in ASP.NET using a data-driven sample web application

Microsoft’s .NET 2.0 framework has brought along several obvious and advantageous new features and controls to developers. Some of the new advances however are not quite as obvious or widely used. Perhaps due to their complexity the adoption rate of these new controls will come over time.

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Learn How to Draw: Fabric and Folds

In this tutorial, Linda will show you seven basic folds, tools that will help you to simplify drawing clothing for your human figures and draperies for your still life drawings. Additionally, you’ll see these folds in actual clothing so that they’ll be easier to memorize. Linda also tosses in a little physics education, so you can learn how gravity and points of pressure help to create fabric folds.

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Learn How to Draw: Shading

In the previous article, Linda left you with some links to online articles about shading techniques. In this tutorial, she takes you deeper into those techniques as you begin to shade the human face. Learn how to simplify the shading process so that your faces don’t look like they have rare skin diseases! From here, Linda will take you into shading cloth in preparation for an upcoming article on rendering clothing.

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Storing and Retrieving Data with jQuery, PHP and mySQL part Two

Hi there, if you've just tuned in welcome to part two of the jQuery AJAX tutorial. In part one we set up the testing environment that let's us work with live data and AJAX, a combination of Apache, PHP and mySQL that turns your home computer into a fully fledged web server.

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Themes and Skins for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0

A beginner’s look at how to take advantage of Themes and Skin files in ASP.NET 2.0 projects and how to combine them with classic CSS stylesheets.

Microsoft’s release of the ASP.NET 2.0 framework has brought about a wealth of new features and capabilities. Trying to view web application development from all different perspectives of a development team is not easy, and one of the key goals of web form development within Visual Studio has been to ease the process of creating the user interface and underlying logic for developers.

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Storing and Retrieving Data with jQuery, PHP and mySQL Part One

AJAX is probably one of the most exciting things to happen to web design in recent years, jQuery is another, and there are plenty of methods built right into jQuery which allow you to quickly and easily get started with the XMLHttpRequest object that is fundamental to all AJAX operations.

In this tutorial we're going to look at installing and configuring a web server, installing and configuring PHP and mySQL, and using jQuery to unite your front-end user interface with your back-end server-side logic. We'll look at both adding data supplied by a visitor to our database as well as retrieving it and sending it back to a page. Part one will deal with setting up Apache, PHP and mySQL, while part two will look at writing the PHP and jQuery that will make the page work.

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