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Learn How to Draw: Advanced Composition

In the previous article, Linda began to show why it’s better to draw from life than from a photograph. When you draw from life, you can feel less restricted in adding your feelings or in becoming committed to translating feelings on paper. In this article, she goes deeper to show how you can use symbols to help send messages, and how to draw such intangibles as weight, sound, and scent.

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Using jQuery to Create Rounded Corners Part 2

Welcome to part two of the jQuery rounded-corners tutorial! In part one we created a light-weight, efficient and scalable method for rounding the corners of any number of specified container elements. In this part, we’re going to extend the solution by adding a method for creating rounded borders on elements with rounded corners. This part of the tutorial will work as desired on IE7 and FireFox, but sadly, IE6 simply cannot handle it and the design breaks completely in this browser.

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Learn How to Draw: Composition

In this article, Linda shows how variety in form and in texture provides your drawings with more interest. She also emphasizes how little texture you really need to draw when you incorporate depth into your pieces. Finally, you’ll learn how to incorporate some ‘style’ into your drawings, or learn how your perception of objects is individual and yours alone.

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Free - 7 Usability Guidelines For Websites On Mobile Devices

More and more mobile phones users are browsing and searching the Internet on their handsets. The UK, for example, has neared saturation for mobile phones and many handset browsers can now handle sites designed for viewing on computers. Indeed 20% of UK mobile phone users now use the Internet on their mobile devices (source:

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Creating a Simple Data-Driven GridView in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial Kevin shows you just how easy it is to create a simple web application that is capable of reading data from a custom created SQL database and present that data in a GridView control.

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Flex and PHP: Building a Message Board – part 2

Welcome to part 2 of this series of two articles on building a simple message board application with Flex. The application uses PHP with a MySQL database. It is a very simple application because the aim is to show you how to use PHP and Flex together rather than how to create a fully functional commercial application.

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Free - Adding an email form with Smart Mailer PHP

In this video tutorial Richard shows you how to use Smart Mailer PHP to quickly and easily add a contact form to a web page. This email form allows your visitors to write their comments on your website and then send them right to your email with a single click.

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Creating a GridView with associated DetailsView in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial Kevin shows you how to implement an application that connects to the sample Northwind SQL database and displays data from a pre-defined view. The sample GridView will let you sort by any column both ascending and descending, you can select a row and view the corresponding product information in the DetailsView control, and you can also page through the records.

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Using jQuery to Create Rounded Corners

These days, there are plenty of ways to add a variety of different rounded-corner effects to various content-containing boxes, usually <div> elements. Most use a combination of one or more images, some CSS and some JavaScript in varying amounts to achieve the desired effect, and each method has its pros and cons. One of the problems with many of the rounded-corner solutions, certainly those that rely heavily on images, is that they only allow you to create a specific style of box. So you can make as many boxes with rounded corners that you want, as long as they are all the same colour, have visually the same style, and all sit on the same coloured background. Read More

Learn How to Draw: Variety in Form & Texture

In this article, Linda shows how variety in form and in texture provides your drawings with more interest. She also emphasizes how little texture you really need to draw when you incorporate depth into your pieces. Finally, you’ll learn how to incorporate some ‘style’ into your drawings, or learn how your perception of objects is individual and yours alone.

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Learn How to Draw: Depth and Composition

In the previous article, Linda showed how everything that you draw can be reduced to forms. She also introduced you to depth, and how that depth can be mimicked through drawing through on the forms rather than drawing outlines or shapes. In this tutorial, she takes you further into depth and also into composition, so you can begin to control your drawings.

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Create a Drag/Drop Expandable Menu with ASP.NET Ajax

How to use the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit library to create a menu that is expandable and collapsible and can be dragged around the page.

The ability to integrate Ajax functionality into web applications has brought about revolutionary changes in the presentation of common user interface elements. Nearly every web application follow the same basic structure and pattern of presentation with navigation menus, an area for content, possibly a footer and various ways of selecting and viewing data.

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