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Making the Most of JSON

When I first heard about JSON I was reluctant to give it a try; I was perfectly happy with the XML method of receiving cross-domain external data from the Internet that I had come to know and love. What was the point, I thought, in yet another method of data interchange? What I failed to grasp initially was just how easy JSON is to use and how little processing it actually requires. Read More

Creating a Login Form with PHP and MySQL Part 3

In this video tutorial Sebastian teaches you how to create a login form using MySQL Administrator, Dreamweaver CS3, PHP,  MySQL and CSS.

In this, third part of the tutorial he shows how to style your login form using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

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Incrementally Loading Data through Ajax in ASP.NET

In this tutorial we will take a simple example of how to populate 2 separate sections of a web page with data automatically after the page loads. Additionally, this data is loaded without affecting the surrounding area of the main page, only the content sections are updated.

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Creating a SiteMap with Navigation Tree in ASP.NET 2.0

In this video tutorial we will look at how we can use the new SiteMap control in ASP.NET 2.0 to map out the pages of a web application, and then automatically bind this hierarchical data into a TreeView menu control for user navigation. We'll also take advantage of Master pages for reusability.

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Creating a currency converter with Web services and Flash CS3

Web services allow organisations to provide information to the public using the Internet. You can use a Web service to find out about the weather, stock quotes and the latest news headlines. Users make a request and the Web service provides information in XML format. We call this process consuming a Web service. Read More

Introducing jQuery Part 5

Thanks for reading the final part in the Introduction to jQuery series, in this part of the tutorial we’ll be looking solely at the suite of AJAX functionality provided by the library. One of the worst (and one of the only) downsides of AJAX is that it is implemented differently by different browsers; notably IE and everyone else. The fact that you have to basically write two different functions to achieve one goal can bloat your code and add to its complexity unnecessarily.

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Creating a Login Form with PHP and MySQL Part 2

In this video tutorial Sebastian teaches you how to create a login form using MySQL Administrator, Dreamweaver CS3, PHP,  MySQL and CSS.

In this, second part of the tutorial he shows how to define a new site and create connection to the database from within Dreamweaver CS3.


Short Summary

  1. Defining a New Site
  2. Creating a folder with .php pages
  3. Creating a Database Connection
  4. Preview

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Dialogs and Theming with jQuery UI

In this article I`ll introduce jQuery UI Dialogs. I'll also introduce one of the premiere features of jQuery UI: themes, and will show how they can be used to make a consistent and attractive web application. As in my last article, Drag-and-Drop Shopping Cart with jQuery UI, I'll assume a basic familiarity with jQuery (the base of jQuery UI). You should be comfortable with jQuery syntax and basic selectors.

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Creating a currency converter with Web services

Web services allow organisations to provide information to the public using the Internet. You can use a Web service to find out about the weather, stock quotes and the latest news headlines. Users make a request and the Web service provides information in XML format. We call this process consuming a Web service. Read More

Creating a Login Form with PHP and MySQL Part 1

In this video tutorial Sebastian teaches you how to create a login form using MySQL Administrator, Dreamweaver CS3, PHP,  MySQL and CSS.

In this, first part of this tutorial he shows how to create database using MySQL Administrator.


Short Summary

  1. Logging in to MySQL Administrator
  2. Creating a Schema
  3. Creating a Schema Table
  4. Defining columns of a Schema Table
  5. Creating database execution

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Introducing jQuery Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of the introductory jQuery series; in the last part we looked at the CSS manipulating tools available to us via the library. In this part we’re going to look at the Effects section; this part of the library can really add visual impact and appeal to your pages.

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How to Create a Glossy Pro Button

In this easy, step-by-step tutorial I’m going to show you how to design a simple, professional & glossy “Download” button. I’m just using download as an example here, it’s really a multi-purpose button. These kind of buttons are also being used a lot on “Web 2.0″ sites lately, so get with the times!


Note: This tutorial has been created with Fireworks CS3 and is valid for lower versions

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