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Free! - HTTP File Downloader Class for .NET

This short article presents the component HttpFileDownloader for .NET. It was designed a few years ago, that is why it is written for .NET 1.1. However it can be used for newer Frameworks and/or recompiled. It shows the estimated time left and the progress. The component can be used with Windows forms application and with console/service apps.

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Free! - Not Just Another Image Gallery

I feel like I’m treading in somewhat unfamiliar waters, writing for FLzone. My name is Nancy Gill and I’m an author, technical editor and Community Expert for Adobe Dreamweaver. So what am I doing writing an article on Flash? My first thought also when I was asked to write something about FLzone’s fabulous new 3D ImageFlow Gallery for Flash. But hey, I like new things so I started playing with this component.. and playing .. and I’m still playing with 10 hours to get this thing finished. Time to write. Read More

Dynamic CSS Using Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we will look at a simple example of how we can dynamically alter the presentation of a web form using CSS and Ajax in ASP.NET.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 4

In this part of the tutorial, we’re going to look at the process by which Air applications can be updated, and investigate related issues such as how your application can determine whether or not an update is required and how the update file can be downloaded. In the next and final part of the tutorial we can then make a new version of dmxCompanion to check that the update process works as intended. Read More

Free! - CompactFormatterPlus: Generic Serializer

The advent of .Net framework is the most significant event in the programming world over the last 10 years and I think it is still underestimated. It is the most solid and comprehensive framework ever. However nothing and nobody is perfect. This article is about .Net framework communication and compact framework communication (serialization) in particular. Read More

How to Create Graphical Ajax Checkboxes in ASP.NET

In this tutorial we'll look at how you can alter a regular checkbox control in ASP.NET and change it into an alternating graphic by using the ToggleButtonControl in the Ajax Control Toolkit.

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Creating An Editable Dropdown


The Web 2.0 era has created popular demand for various interface widgets designed to improve user experience and (sometimes :-)) make developer’s life easier. In this article we will create such a widget - an editable dropdown list, an interface component allowing user to either enter a value directly or pick one from a dropdown. The most common examples of such a component are the address bar menu in your browser, a font picker in the word processor application or the auto-complete feature.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 3

In part two we added the core functionality to our application - the getting and processing of the news feed from DMX Zone. In this part of the tutorial we’re going to finish off the application by adding some additional behaviour, namely wiring up our buttons so that they have hover and selected states and so that they actually do something, and then creating a secondary popup window like an operating system dialog box that will display some information relevant to our application and the resources it uses.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 2

In Part 1 of this tutorial we looked at setting up the Air development environment and created some of the basic pre-requisites for our application such the application descriptor file, a basic stylesheet and the skeleton HTML file. In this part of the tutorial we’re going to add the JavaScript that will power the application and give us the functionality we desire. Read More

jQuery and the Air Platform Part 1(updated)

Adobe’s Air API is the hottest way to get your best web based internet applications on to the desktops of your visitors. The runtime allows you to utilize your existing skills in web design to easily create attractive and highly functional cross-operating system applications. Read More

How to Add an Ajax Calendar to Your ASP.NET Project

In this tutorial we'll demonstrate how to leverage the Ajax Control Toolkit to add an Ajax enabled Calendar control to your web forms. We'll use 3 different Calendar controls to illustrate the different types of functionality available.

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Free - Upload Multiple Files with The Flash Upload Control

We are going to create 3 pages; an intro page which shows an introduction for the user and it generates a unique id that we use to create a unique folder.




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