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Triggering an UpdatePanel CSS Change from a DropDown in ASP.NET 2.0

In this video tutorial we'll explore how we can trigger CSS changes on a server control contained inside an
UpdatePanel from a DropDownList control

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Free - Usability & security: Unlikely bedfellows?

With an ever increasing online population - 41 million users in the UK alone (source: Internet World Stats) - computer security and user authentication have never been more vital. Unusable security is expensive as well as ineffective. According to Password research, two-thirds of users had to reset their passwords/PINs three or more times in the last 2 years. With each password reset estimated at £35 in help desk costs (source: Mandylion research labs) it's easy to see how expensive an affair this can be.

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Creating Summary Rows in GridViews in ASP.NET 2.0

In this video tutorial we'll explore how you can override the GridView control's
HTML output and append a total or summary row to the end of the table.

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Using Cookies in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we will look at an example of using cookies to bypass database lookups when a user goes to a
fictitious company website. We'll simulate a login and then see how we can remember information about a user when they return to the page through cookies.

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Free - Have Some Pie!

A couple of weeks ago, I continued writing about the DMXzone charting extension by extending what is already there in the extension to create charts using dynamic data.  In the first part, I showed you how to extend the line and sparkline charts to feed from a database and today, I’m going to continue that with pie charts and show you how to create either a 2d or 3d pie chart from dynamic data.

The DMXzone already creates fantastic pie charts using either a visual editor or a datagrid editor  where one can enter values and quickly create the chart from those values.  Further, the user can export that chart for use in their applications.  With dynamic data, however, the chart needs to remain “live” so that changing data can be reflected in the visualization.  Since Google charts are created “on the fly” (at runtime) anyway, this Is easily accomplished by simply hooking the code created by the extension up to the database.  I gave you an example database in the first part of this article and we can use the same data for the pie chart.

NOTE:  This installment was written using the Dreamweaver CS4 beta (available at so screenshots may vary a little from Dreamweaver CS3.  The DMX Zone Charting extension works in both versions so the user should find very little or no variance in either version of the program.
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Using the YUI Color Picker Control

The YUI is constantly growing and evolving, and new utilities, tolls and controls are rapidly being developed and added. One of these controls is the Color Picker, used to add a compact and easy-to-use interface for selecting colours. The format of the control is intuitive and is similar to what you’d find in an imaging application such as Photoshop. During the course of this tutorial we’ll be looking at just how easy it is to add colour-picker functionality to your web pages.

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Creating an Ajax Slideshow in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we'll take a look at the Ajax Control Toolkit SlideShowExtender control which is capable
of extending a basic Image control in ASP.NET and leveraging it as a slideshow control with basic
play/stop/previous/next controls.

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Customer Ticket System Part 3

In this, third part of the Customer Ticket System Sebastian Sulinski will show you how to create an Edit Customer page using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.

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Formatting Data in a DetailsView Control in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we'll explore how to custom format specific fields of data according to different business rules,
allowing you to visually indicate to your users the differences between certain rows of data in your database.

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Using Ajax Masked Edit Controls in ASP.NET 2.0

Welcome to Using Ajax Masked Edit Controls in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we'll explore two of the handy control extenders available in the Ajax Control Toolkit for
ASP.NET 2.0 called MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator, allowing you to filter user input right
on your web pages without server validation

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Free - Upload and Resize Multiple Files

In this video we'll show you how easy it is to resize multiple images using, Pure PHP Upload 2, Smart Image Processor PHP 2 and the Advanced Multiple Uploader extensions.

You can also use our ASP or ASP.NET extensions together with Advanced Multi Uploader to create a multiple upload in a similar way.



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Creating a Custom WPF ZStackPanel

Recently I found myself in a position whereby I had to create a WPF UserControl of an image viewer.  The design for the control looked as if you had taken a stack of images and dropped them down onto a surface.  That is, they were not perfectly lined up; some were rotated slightly, some were moved a little to the top, left, bottom or right.  

So, I thought about it and decided it would be a good idea to put all of the images into a ListBox Control; however, there was one slight problem: a ListBox Control uses a VirtualizingStackPanel  (VSP) to show it content (also known as Children) and a VSP arranges its Children just like a StackPanel; that is, it lines them up one after the other either vertically or horizontally. 

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