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Cascading Ajax Dropdowns in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial you will learn several advanced techniques using Ajax with ASP.NET 2.0. First you'll learn
how to populate a dropdown control with database data asynchronously using Ajax. Second, you'll learn how to populate a second, associated dropdown list based on the selection made in the first dropdown, again dynamically through Ajax without page refreshes.

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Free - Online persuasion - 7 ways to persuade people to buy

How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? None, the light bulb has to want to change. So the joke goes. However, it's possible that the light bulb could be persuaded to change. Persuading people to buy online (from TVs to groceries, holidays to services) can be achieved with techniques that marketers and psychologists have known for years.

Persuasion isn't rocket science; it involves understanding aspects of human nature that are often automatic and work at a subconscious level. Here are 7 ethical ways to persuade people.

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Creating a Rating System with Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a questionnaire or survey style of customer feedback where the user can select a rating or ranking for certain questions by using graphical stars representing a score of 1-5, and then calculate an average from the user feedback. Both VB.NET and C# code samples are provided.

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Passing Arguments to Javascript from a GridView in ASP.NET

In this tutorial you'll learn how to pass variables from a database into a javascript function when
selecting rows in a GridView control using a Checkbox

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Customer Ticket System Part 4

In this, fourth part of the Customer Ticket System Sebastian Sulinski will show you how to create an Edit Customer page using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.

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Free - 5 Ways to Improve online Cross- & Up-Selling

We've all been cross- or up-sold to before. We reach for the magazines or sweets at the supermarket checkout counter. We purchase games the sales person suggests for our new game console. We gleefully pour over the options list for our new car.

Cross-selling is selling an additional product to existing customers, usually related to what they've already bought. Up-selling is selling a better (but usually more expensive) product to customers, after they've decided on a cheaper product.

Cross- and up-selling isn't difficult as you're selling to people who want to buy - probably the easiest job in the world next to selling petrol! The key however is to do it well. Here are a few tips on how to cross- and up-sell online more effectively.

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Building a Silverlight 2.0 Media Player: Part II Adding the MediaElement and Wiring up the Navigation

So now we have the cool navigation with slick animation.  This tutorial assumes you have a media file on your local hard drive (avi or wmv) and that you have read Part I of this series.  Now let’s start by adding the MediaElement:

  1. Open the project in Blend 2.5 June Preview
  2. Click the Asset Library button on the tool bar (is the last one on the bottom) and in the Search field start to type Media and when you see Media Element click it like I am doing in Figure 1.
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Building a Silverlight 2.0 Media Player: Part I Creating the Navigation

One of the major advantages to using Silverlight 2.0 over Flash is its very powerful MediaElement.  It is very easy to use and very easy to create custom controls that play, pause and stop the video among other things. 

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to use the MediaElement by creating a Silverlight 2.0 Video Player complete with a cool animated navigation.  In Part I we are going to create the Navigation with some very cool, slick animation using the Visual State Manager (VSM) and Blend 2.5’s new State panel.  The VSM allows us to easily add State Groups to which we can add States that contain transition animations.

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Creating Drop Shadows with Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we'll learn how you can apply drop shadows to your Panel controls in ASP.NET by using the DropShadowExtender
in the Ajax Control Toolkit. With this extender you can create visually asthetic Panel layouts.

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Building A Silverlight 2.0 Custom Button Control

There are some really cool new features to Silverlight 2.0, one of which is the ability to style up a cool looking series of Rectangles with various gradients and then group them into a Layout Control, such as a Grid or Canvas and then in Blend 2.5 turn it into a Silverlight 2.0 Button Control complete with the behaviours that are native to a Silverlight 2.0 Button (Click, MouseEnter, MouseLeave, etc.).  I am going to show you how to do just that.  After that I am going to show you how Silverlight 2.0 makes reusing assets and Controls a breeze by placing some content, along with out new stylish custom Button Control into a Layout Control and then turn that into a Silverlight 2.0 UserControl.  Finally, I will show you just how easy it is to reuse our newly created UserControl.  Without any further ado, let’s get to it!

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WPF: Using C# Interfaces to Create Polymorphic Classes

When a class is derived from another class, commonly known as a Base Class or Super Class it inherits all of its members (Methods, Events, Properties, etc.).  But say the derived class needs to modify what it has inherited?  There are two ways to accomplish this: The members can be replaced or the derived class can override its members (provided the base members are virtual...Don’t let this confuse you; I will explain in later).  If you replace a base class member you have to use the new keyword.  Personally, I don’t feel that this is best practice because I am of the opinion that if you have to replace a member of the base class there is a fundamental flaw in the design of the architecture but that is another article for another time; just take my word for it for now.  In this article I am going to explain to you how to:

  • Use Interfaces to declare methods;
  • Create a base class that declares and/or defines those methods;
  • Create classes that are derived from the base class;
  • Have the derived classes override the base class methods;
  • In the base class show you how to require that the derived child classes override the base class methods;
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Using Blend 2.5 Visual State Manager to Create a Silverlight 2.0 Image Viewer

Recently Microsoft released Blend 2.5 June Preview.  So, of course I started looking around to find what was new.  I was blown away by a new panel called the State panel.  This new panel allows you to create State Groups that you can then add states to (called a Visual State Manager (VSM)).  You can even specify the time (in seconds) it takes for a State to transition from one to the next.  So, I then started thinking about a practical application for this new feature.  Of course I could have made an application that had custom buttons (really just a series of grids and not actually a Button Control) and used the State panel to make MouseEnter and MouseLeave effects.  But, this seemed to me to not really show the power of this new feature.  So, then I came up with an idea to make an Image Viewer and use the VSM to handle the animation for me.  Here is how it works: when you roll over the thumbnail it grows to a larger size, when you roll off of it, it shrinks back down to the thumbnail size (see Figure 1-0).  Let’s get started now and build the StateImageViewer UserControl.

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