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Creating Independent Collapsible Panels with Ajax in ASP.NET

During this tutorial you will learn how you can create expandable/collapsible sections of content on a page. Unlike the Accordion control which only allows a single section of content to be displayed, the Collapsible Panel control allows you to independently expand/collapse different sections of the page without affecting the other sections.

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Ajax Datagrid Master Grid Movie

In this movie we're going to show you how to create a master/detail grid using Ajax DataGrid.



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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 3

We now reached part 3 of the jQuery plugin authoring tutorial; we’ve now added most of the functionality for our plugin, but there are still a number of loose ends that need to be tied up; namely, we still need to add the functions for showing the popup when the link element it is attached to is clicked, as well as add the code for the AJAX success handler.

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Creating an Always Visible Container in ASP.NET

During this tutorial you'll learn how you can add a Panel control to a web form and have its contents always visible regardless of the scroll position of the page. This technique is used all over the internet and can be quite tricky to implement, but you can learn how in this tutorial without writing any client-side javascript whatsoever.

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Creating Accordion Collapsible Panels in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use the Accordion Ajax control to display large amounts of data on a single page by allowing sections of the content to be expanded/collapsed

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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the jQuery plugin creation tutorial; in part one we created our protected-properties and configurable properties, as well as the object that will make up our plugin. We added the method that developers will call to create an instance of our widget.

In this part of the tutorial we’re going to continue adding the functionality that will enable our widget to work in the way that we want it to. All of the functions left to add are internal methods shielded from the developer that are required internally by the plugin. Let’s make a start.

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Online Travel Booking: What influences consumers?

For today's time poor consumers, booking a holiday can be a tough and time consuming process where the slightest assistance can help no end. The age old question always fired at a new band, 'What are your influences?' is just as important when it comes to online travel customers.

In today's environment of long working hours and growing economic challenges, there's much that can be done both to make life easier for consumers and boost your travel business.

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Creating a 3D Photo Wall in Dreamwaver

In this movie we will show you how easy is to transform your images into a 3D experience that will stun your users. Use the intuitive Dreamweaver Extension to configure the wall in minutes.



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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 1

Over the course of this tutorial we’ll be coding our very own jQuery plugin that will sit on top of the excellent foundation provided by jQuery and function like a jQuery UI widget. We’ll be making the most of the object-oriented features of both jQuery and of JavaScript itself and getting down to some quality coding using the latest best-practice techniques.

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Welcome to Detecting Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET 2.0

During this tutorial you will learn how you can programmatically detect various abilities of the browser being used to access your
application's web pages. This information can be critical in page design and debugging.

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Ajax Datagrid Movie Tutorial 2

This movie shows how easy you can create an interactive grid using Ajax Datagrid. With this movie we would like to present the different datasources, customizable details for your data grid and show you how to use the Behavior Connector!


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Welcome to Using the Ajax Tabbed Panel Control in ASP.NET

During this tutorial you will learn how you can add tabbed panels to your web applications that behave similar to windows tabbed interfaces. This allows you to use one page with multiple tabs or forms, saving screen space.

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