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Fresh Baked Goodness with the YUI Cookie Utility

Cookies provide an essential service to web developers, giving us a quick way of deciding whether someone has visited our site before and allowing us to tailor the site to them in some simple way if they have, by providing a welcome message, or by putting any moveable elements into a particular configuration for example. The only problem with cookies is not that they are particularly hard to work with, it's just that they're so cumbersome to code for, as anyone that's used them will know.

Thankfully, the YUI provides us with an easy way of setting and getting cookie data, which abstracts away the strict syntax and dramatically shortens our scripts which is a very good thing considering even the most basic functions for getting and setting cookie data are often in excess of 20 lines of plain-vanilla JavaScript, even without error checking that prevents an error being thrown if document.cookie is empty.

Throughout this tutorial I'm going to be assuming that you've worked with cookies before the old fashioned way and understand the principles behind their use. Even if you've never worked directly with cookies before however you should still be able to use the YUI Cookie utility without any difficulties. The examples in this tutorial have been tested on a variety of the most common web browsers in use today, but only on the Windows platform. You should note that these examples do not work seem to work in Google Chrome.

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Using Slider Controls in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial we will look at a creative and easy way to implement slider controls in your ASP.NET applications. This example will allow users to customize 2 controls on the page by setting a slider value, thus adjusting the page controls to their personal liking.

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Creating Pages with Persistent Page Updates in ASP.NET 2.0

This tutorial will teach you how to implement a very advanced pattern of how to automatically update areas of a web page without the user needing to perform any action or click anything whatsoever. The purpose is to deliver content to your users in real-time without the user having to request that data, it will automatically appear on the page without a refresh since Ajax is delivering the content.

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Customer Ticket System Part 5

In this, fifth part of the Customer Ticket System, Sebastian Sulinski will show you how to add a new customer page using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.

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Manipulate and Resize Images with Zip Processor 3.0

In this movie we will show you how easy it is to archive uploaded with Pure ASP Upload 3 files with Zip Processor 3.0 and resize them with Smart Image Processor.

This allows users to upload a whole archive which can be extracted and the images manipulated and resized.

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Intelligent YUI Resource Loading with YUI Loader

In my last article we looked at the YUI Get utility, something constructed for the sole purpose of dynamically adding additional script or CSS resources to a page after it has loaded. Following on from this we’re going to take a look at the YUI Loader, a very similar utility with a very similar purpose.

YUI Get will indiscriminately get the files you specify but the big difference with YUI loader is that it has been designed to specifically get YUI files. YUI Loader is an intelligent utility that saves you having to include or specify all of the necessary individual files and dependencies for any component; you simply tell it the component(s) you wish to use and it looks at what YUI content exists on the page, and then adds anything else need to make the component work.

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Zip Multiple Files With Zip Processor 3.0

In this movie we will show you how easy it is to archive and upload multiple images with Zip Processor 3.0 and Pure ASP Upload 3.

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Embedding Images in Emails in ASP.NET 2.0

In this tutorial you'll learn how you can accomplish 2 things. First you'll learn how you can embed images into an email using .NET's System.Net.Mail library, and second you'll learn how you can send 2 different versions of this email so that both text and html mail clients can receive the email in whichever format they support.

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Creating a User Re-Sortable List of Items in ASP.NET 2.0

During this tutorial we'll explore the functionality of a very cool Ajax control in ASP.NET which allows your users to take a list of items and re-order them any way they like.

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Binding Multiple Columns to DropDownControls in ASP.NET

In this tutorial we will explore a very common requirement in most web applications, and that is how to bind 2 or more columns to the DataTextField property of the DropDownList control. As you may already know, you can only bind a DropDownList to one column in a dataset. This video tutorial explores a solution which does not require altering your SQL statement

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Getting Resources with YUI Get

The YUI Get utility is a relatively recent addition to the growing suite of developer tools that come under the YUI family. Its only purpose is to allow us to dynamically add new CSS or script resources after a page has loaded. Why would we want to do this? There are many reasons, but the most prominent would probably include Progressive Enhancement,Lazy Loading, Cross Domain Data Resources.

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MS SQL Virtual Table

Imagine that you have two tables inside a MS SQL database and you want to have them combined and displayed as one table. This is possible with a view statement provided by the different database engines. In this movie we will show you how to make a virtual table from two MS SQL tables and present the result in a DMXzone Ajax DataGrid.




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