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Combining 3D ImageFlow Gallery and Advanced Tooltips

With this movie we will show you how easily you can display a description of 3D ImageFlow photos in a DMXzone Advanced Tooltips all thanks to the amazing DMXzone Behavior Connector that opens up many new possibilities when interconnecting extensions.

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Universal Data Exporter ASP Exports Ajax DataGrid

With this movie we will show you just how easy it is to export the content of a DMXzone Ajax Datagrid including images and weblinks with the Universal Data Exporter ASP.

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Using the DMXzone Behavior Connector Part1

This is part 1 of a series of movies that will be showing how easily you can manipulate elements in your web page using the DMXzone Behavior Connector.

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Create Stunning Galleries with Dynamic Flash Gallery PHP

With this movie, we will show you how easy it is to create stunning galleries for your site with Dynamic Flash Gallery PHP and be able to edit them within your favorite web browser by adding new images, editing current settings or even assigning a web link to an image.

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Copy Date From Calendar with the DMXzone Calendar

In this movie we will show you how easy it is to parse a selected date from DMXzone Calendar to an input field.

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Copy Date To Calendar with the Modal DMXzone Calendar

In this movie we will show you how you can use the Modal DMXzone Calendar to restrict your users from selecting anything else until a date is selected and how to use the Copy Date To Calendar tag behavior.

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Getting your website right - uses and misuses of web design patterns

The importance of a well designed website is absolutely crucial to future business, particularly when online is used as a channel for sales. With Internet penetration in the UK at over 65 per cent and over 86 per cent of these connections through broadband (source: Office for National Statistics), your website's often the first port of call for any prospective customers looking for information about your company.

This article looks at the pitfalls of website design patterns and how companies can use them successfully to aid website design, helping to ensure an online proposition that's as effective as possible.

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Building an Event Web Application with the DMXzone Calendar 3

This movie is a part of a series of movies.
The last video of the series shows how easy it is to use DMXzone Advanced Tooltips to present the events' data that you have inserted and edited into a database in the last two movies.

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Building an Event Web Application with the DMXzone Calendar 2

This movie is a part of a series of movies.
In the first movie we've shown you how to build a page for adding an event to a Dreamweaver Recordset. The second movie of the series shows how easy it is to use Advanced HTML Editor 2 to edit the information of the added event in DMXzone Calendar.


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Creating a Poll System with jQuery Part 2

In part 1 of this tutorial we created the initial page and the underlying mark-up of our poll widget. We also did all of the necessary JavaScript work to obtain the visitors selection and initiate an AJAX POST request to the server. We also styled the poll widget.

In this part of the tutorial we’re going to pick up right where we left off and add all of the server-side code that we in order to store the selection made by the visitor and send the updated results back to our poll widget. We’ll be using a combination of PHP and MySql to achieve this.

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Downloading the Ajax DataGrid data with Universal Data Exporter

In this movie we are going to show you an example contact list presented in DMXzone Ajax Datagrid that can be easily made to offer its data for download in various formats with the DMXzone Universal Data Exporter PHP.

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Make Dynamic Charts with DMXzone Google Charts

In this movie we will show you how easily you can make your DMXzone Google Charts generate dynamically from a database.


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